2002-01-06-Relationship is Growing

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Topic: Relationship is Growing

Group: Costa Rica TeaM


Teacher: Alana, Legion

TR: S. Butterfield



Group stillness practice.

Alana : This is Alana. We are here today to celebrate change. Yes? To learn how to turn a corner with faith in the outcome, with love, with trust, open to the guidance within. Some changes appear to be frightening because they do not reflect what you have imagined, what you have imagined would keep you secure. This is a human fear. As always the challenge with fear is to embrace the unknown with love. All change will lead to growth and is part of growth, but with each step of change you must learn to embrace each step and consequence with love, to allow love to be the construction of “the new journey,” as you might put it.

So, I have taken flight. Yes? (chuckles)

Sandy : Not far enough, Alana.

Alana : Are you each clear that each of you is going through change, now?

David : Constantly. Constantly.

Alana : Yes.

David : Is there a vacation ahead on the road any place you see? (group laughter)

Alana : God bless you! (more group laughter) She laughs so, I can not speak. And we join with you in the laughter. For I have said, have I not, laughter is good medicine.

Sandy : Yes.

David : Do we also have permission to laugh at one another?

Alana : Certainly. It does save you, does it not?

David : Yes it does serve me.


Alana : And serve you, too. To understand that when laughter comes from love, it is one of the truest medicines available to the human being. It comes close to an experience of communion with that love that rests within you and is the source of our being and yours, joined together in what we have called the teaching mission; God’s love pouring down into you, filling your hearts, resting with you in learning to love yourself and love others, and pouring out of you toward others, as well as lifting you into the communion with others, and that love in the form of what you call “a good laugh.”

I have said before, and will repeat it, know that this man, Sir David, has love in his heart toward each one of you. And so, I say, blessings upon him when he, in the same joy, chides with me. Your laughter, his laughter, the transmitter’s laughter, joins with that stream of love that is my joy, your joy, and God’s joy in you.

Now, where were we? (laughter)

Sandy : Change.

Alana : Change. You have change to speak of, beloved?

Sandy : Yes. The anxiety produced by change.

Alana : Ah, yes. Is this new?

Sandy : Hunh! No, it is a very old habit, Alana. I’m sorry. I keep trying to remember your lessons.

Alana : Well, my beloved. First, to me you owe no apology. If you feel some distress with yourself, forgive yourself. Yes? As I forgive you. Secondly, remembering. Yes, that beloved, is exactly what you need to do. Remember I love you. Remember you are loved. Your anxiety is an expression of the fear of lack of love, not the fear of change. Yes? For is it true, you choose this change about which you express anxiety?

Sandy : Yes, it is.

Alana : Yes, and is it true you choose this change with joy in your heart? (laughter) Yes, so…you are loved, yes? And you will love yourself through this change, yes?

Sandy : Yes. And thank you for the reminder.

Alana : Lady Kim.

Kim : I thought I might get pointed out this time.

Alana : I wish to welcome you once again.

Kim : Thank you.

Alana : Your beloved partner expressed some inquiry about the heart room. I would give you what I would give to him, that is, the experience. I invite you now to step into the center of my heart room and the center of my love. As you do this, I would have you know that I embrace you with my love as a mother holds her child. As you rest within my arms, I would have each member of this heart room blow love upon you. As I blow my love upon you now. (long stillness and silence) You are experiencing change now.

Kim : Yes. And fear of the change.

Alana : Change is not new to you. You are a being of change. Not only by conditions, but by your, shall we say, active and inquiring nature. What you fear is lack of love. You fear that you lack the love for yourself to change. You fear that you lack love for your beloved partner in change. You fear seeing what you fear. Beloved, as I hold you in the embrace of my love, I will tell you this: you are beautiful, you are loving, you are kind, you are compassionate, and sometimes you fail in all of these things. You are human. Forgive yourself. Forgive your others. And allow me, now, to step with you in my embrace into the pool of love and forgiveness. (long stillness and silence) Our love will be with you as you take your tiny baby steps in change. We will give you every opportunity to receive our love and be strengthened in faith, in love, and in your ability to live life well and with love.

Kim : Thank you.

Alana : Thank you. Yes, is there another who would speak with me?

David : Yes, I would speak with you. This is another version of my original song. Would you turn the heat down a little bit, please? I feel there is a tremendous pressure that has been coming for weeks and weeks and months now. We’ve had joy in the midst of this, but I would like to have a week of pure joy. Is that a possibility?

Sandy : Are you talking about too many lessons, D?

David : Yes. We’ve been going through a lot of stuff. I can’t believe it. You’ve got to be crazy to sign up for this course. (laughter)

Sandy : Well I would say, and I hope Alana agrees with me, the lessons arrive with our capacity to deal with them.

David : Yes, that is so. You always come up with very wise and considerate judgement on things. I agree with you. Thank you, my dear teacher, Alana. Thank you for every bit of guidance, for every bit of love that I have received from you. It is an incredible pleasure to be in your presence today. I want you to know that.

Alana : Yes. And I say the same to you. I have been with you, as you know, as you have trudged through your lessons like a blizzard of snow. (laughter)

David : You’ve got that right.

Alana : And I well understand that you do not like the cold.

David : You’ve got that right.

Alana : It is a special privilege for me to enjoy your gratitude. A gratitude dredged up, you might say, from the deep icy cold. A gratitude not always remembered in the confusion of the flurries of snow, but a gratitude that you have always in your heart, always within you, remembered and freely given away. We have attended to your concern that your love and gratitude for the teachers and the teaching mission, our lessons to you, be expressed. And your concern that it may not be expressed often enough. And your idea that there could be some form of, dare we say, ritual that would satisfy this concern that love and gratitude be returned. Of course, you recognize the difficulties in ritualizing remembrance. So, we might agree that each of you take turns remembering to express the love you have received and wish to return with gratitude in various ways at each group meeting. This could be, as you have suggested, with moments of music, or, as we have used, the sounding of the bell, or simply each in turn taking a moment to say thank you. Quite a digression, yes?

David : An interesting digression. Yes, I’ve been interested in this. I’ll be responsible for it next week, and then we will take turns. Thank you for giving us a boost in that direction. Particularly since one of the teachers, I’m not sure which one of you it was, said “the path to God is paved with thanksgiving.” All this love pouring down from the divine dimension and some of us forgetting to give any of it back, and this caught my attention. I find that the spirit of thanksgiving is a gift whenever I express it, and I think we should encourage each other to express it. Thank you Alana.

Alana : And we shall use this experiment as an opportunity to explore giving and receiving love, giving and receiving gratitude, and how gratitude is related to the humility of respect for love. Thank you.

David : It appears that some of our darling little students are a bit shy today, Alana. Will you be patient with them? Do you have any questions Oliver, or Nena?

Nena : Please help me, Alana, to open my mind and my heart.

Alana : She (t/r) recognizes Irivina’s presence and what she (t/r) is seeing is that Irivina is above your head and is working with you to open your mind and heart, and so, she (t/r) did not know if she was hearing Irivina speak, or if it was me. I will say, this is Alana. I most certainly continue to work with you to open your mind and your heart. I am glad for this opportunity to reassure you that I embrace your desire for growth. It is no criticism when I remind you to spend time allowing Irivina to place her love and her guidance upon your lips that you may feel her presence. Continue to focus upon allowing her diamond/crystal energy/light to enter into your body and expand your capacity and reinforce your willingness to dedicate your life to healing. I take this opportunity with gratitude, and I assure you that you have been choosing well. Thank you.

Nena : Thank you, Alana. I feel myself guided. I feel myself not alone. It is so difficult to explain what I am experiencing in words. I feel so strong, this change. Now with many colors pleasing my mind. For the first time in my life I am a good student. I want to be a good student. Because I understand, not by my mind, but inside.

Alana : And this feeling of guidance, as you call it, is strengthened understanding of the reality that you are loved and that you are living in accordance with this love. I wish to reassure you that Irivina comprehends your Italianate construction, you might say. (laughter)

Nena : My Latin self.

Alana : And she will speak to you even in Latin if you so choose. (laughter) She gives you this message, which is, to enjoy those colors with her, for they are part of her efforts to communicate with you. Thank you.

Now, I will step aside for there is one who has been waiting to speak.

Legion : This is Legion.

S, D, N : Welcome Legion.

Legion : Thank you. We have an increased understanding in this group of how I, Legion, work with you. I come to you, as now, to work with each of you in the group setting, male and female. I assist Alana directly in the relationship between the transmitter and her beloved partner. I work directly with Sir D to increase his understanding and his ability to articulate learning. I have assigned to him a specific task, not unlike my own, to bring comfort to men. Now, the transmitter tells me, I have been visiting Mr. Practice. Yes? This is so? (long silence) Yes, this is so.(long silence) She (t/r) has understood that my efforts have been rewarded. I would say this, too, is so. (long silence)

I say unto each of you, do not fear. We, that is Alana and I, will continue to work with all of you, in msny ways you have yet to imagine.

So, is there anyone who would speak to me?

Sandy : Legion, I remember, oh a long time ago, you spoke briefly about your marriage. (chuckles) I know I sound like I have a one track mind, but I’m not the only one contemplating this step, and I think what you might say can be helpful to all of us. (more chuckles)

Legion : The first thing to understand is that marriages are not made in heaven. (laughter)

David : Everyone at this table knows that.

Sandy : Yes, we understand that.

Legion : It is true you have guidance, and it may be true you are following your guidance when you “hook up” with one or another of your favorite human beings in the form of marriage. But, yes, we are all agreed, this ain’t necessarily so. So that takes you to step number two, which is: learn how to love, learn how to forgive, learn how to accept, and learn how to express joy. There are, of course, many reasons why human beings marry. But I do not think that is what you wish me to address.

Sandy : No, only the best reasons.

Legion : Well, let me put it this way, human beings have created a culture in which marriage unto death is considered to be the goal, or shall we say, the ideal which is held up to those who marry for them to achieve. I do not think it has been articulated that this should be achieved with joy. So, when you ask for the “best” reasons to marry, you are speaking to that competitive ideal, this desire for the perfect marriage that will last forever and ever. Bring joy to your marriage and enjoy every reason you have chosen to marry. She (the t/r) is having difficulty grasping the words, but she will tell you that I wish to strengthen your confidence and certainty and remove the fences, or the defenses, with my love and I wish to invite myself, as well as Alana, to your celebration.

Sandy : Legion, I extended the invitation to you by way of Alana.

Legion : Yes.

Sandy : I think I wanted to learn more about marriage, not at the imperfect level.

David : You think there is something better, S? (laughter)

Sandy : Well, you had spoken, Legion, about your marriage and I guess I was looking for more inspiration.

Legion : Yes, and it is true that even now I continue in the dedication toward love and growth toward God that I share with my beloved, she who was my wife on another planet at another time. It is the ability to love another without doubt and fear that you seek.

Sandy : I think we all seek that, whether or not it is marriage.

Legion : And it is this kind of understanding and ability that you bring to what you call imperfect marriages on an imperfect world. It might be considered special when you speak of the love that I shared with my wife, but truly, as you have each begun to understand, what we hope to achieve with each of you is furthering your walk along a path that will bring the ability to love one another to everyone, regardless of relationship, either through bloodlines or legal and contractual means, even accidental proximities, and that your relationships will be as special as you consider mine. Thank you.

Oliver : Legion, I thank you for acknowledging that we are in contact. That was a very helpful gesture, because of the level of doubt that I maintain and hold on to. Do you have any suggestions for me as to how to improve our relationship in general, and my receiving your teachings in particular.

Legion : Yes. Our relationship improves by growth. I believe you would agree, our relationship is growing.

Oliver : Yes, I am amazed about it.

Legion : Your growth contributes to the growth of our relationship. Yes? Continue as you have been doing, opening yourself, releasing your doubts and fears, and allow me, if you will, to answer specific questions that relate to your growth. It is not important, at this time, to examine, or reexamine your commitment, for that is real, solid and true, as you say. It is not important, at this time, to concern yourself with your audience, so to speak, or being of service so as to reach all those out there who hunger, but rather, now, to reveal yourself as openly as possible to me and to your group so as to put your feet on the ground, so to speak. I will continue to work with you to keep you focused and to turn your attention in the “right’ direction, as you call it. Doing this work with you, as you say, “privately.” I will continue to work with you in this group. I wish you for you to know the confidence building that comes from trusting the love, of myself and Alana and your fellow group members, Do not be in a hurry to serve in your fullest capacity, for that, I am sure you understand, is yet to be achieved and to be achieved step by step, which you may, at times, consider too slow…correction…which is often seen as moving too slowly by human beings.

Oliver : Yes, we see this potential, Legion…or I see this potential of growth, and immediately I want to be there, to achieve that. It is one of the habits of being brought up on this planet and maybe our parental and educational background. So I have to learn patience with myself. Is that what I am hearing?

Legion : Well, it is in addition an effect of the ability of the mind and the heart, when in the stillness, to experience what you might call the collapse of time into what most of you experience as an explosion of love and joy. In this collapse of time, as a human being who has entered into the stillness and surrendered to the experience of God’s love, you “see,” or “know,” past, present and future as one. And, it is this that you must practice with patience to learn the balance of that extraordinary state and the daily rate of growth. To learn the balance that allows growth to occur in the fullness of humility and respect for love. No step is more special than another. No step can be ignored. The path may embrace all steps, the path may embrace mis-steps, but every step must be taken.


Oliver : Yes, I have taken many times in my life, two steps at a time, and I have noticed how I often have to take a step back.

Legion : Thank you. So, she (t/r) is asking me to inquire, since she is in a state of collapsible time, is it time for your meeting to come to an end, or is it time for your habitual habit break.

Oliver : I am gratefully satisfied.

Sandy : And me too, Legion. I think that some of what you were saying to O is helpful to all of us. We have to learn patience and take one step at a time.

Legion : Yes, you will discover as it becomes more accepted and familiar to you that to hear me is only one small step along the way.

Oliver : There is so much more to come, yes?

Legion : Yes. Thank you.

Devina : This is Devina.

Sandy : Ah! I knew you were here. I just thought of you. Since you are here, let me invite you too.

Devina : Yes, she (t/r) has been noticing that a gathering has already begun. I will be there with all my wonderful silver strings in my hands.

Sandy : Thank you. I will be listening for your message.

D : How many invisible bridesmaids are you planning for your wedding, S? (laughter)

Sandy : As many as may come. (laughter)

Devina : So, as I tug upon your heart strings I ask you to surrender your fears and troubles, your doubts, to me. I leave you with the joy of my smiles. Thank you.

Sandy : What a blessing.