2006-06-17-Gift of Thought Adjusters, 12 parts

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Topic: Your Thought Adjusters Are A Gift

Group: 11:11 Progress Group


Teachers: Christ Michael, Thought Adjuster

TR: Jennifer

12 Sessions


Michael: "You ask where your thoughts come from; are they self generated, or are they sent to you? My dear, you are a thought machine. You are constantly creating thought and this cannot be stopped; thinking is your creativity, your gift. The gift is to you, and from you. When the gift is aligned with your Creator, it is co-created and divine. I do not give you thoughts, for you are a free-will creature, and your thoughts are your own. I am here to guide those thoughts, to bless them, and ordain them as worthy to be brought before your Creator as a true gift, worthy of being divine.

"You see, you are capable of creating all sorts of thoughts, loving and unloving. Unloving thoughts never rise above the level of consciousness, but loving thoughts rise and reach the cosmos. When you and I are in tune with one another, we vibrate and create overtones, which reach even higher and wider into the cosmos, touching all. Mother’s Spirit will assist in bringing it to all of her children, both far and wide.

"It is in this fashion that our energy literally feeds the hungry souls and spirits of your brothers and sisters everywhere. Rejoice then in creating harmony with your thoughts. Keep them light and loving, cheerful and full of grace. Allow me to pattern them in the fashion of song, hold hands with your Father and sing and be glad that you will always be able to create."

Thought Adjuster:

"Let not the thoughts of your mind be bleak

And give care to the words that you speak.

Be sure that they are the gift of grace that God has blessed;

Only allow that, which I have ordained to escape and be expressed.

Whether in writing or voice, you are your Father’s instrument,

Teach only what you are learning by His consent.

Take great care of your thoughts for they are a gift."

Topic: Negative Habits

Group: 11:11 Progress Group


Teacher: Michael

TR: Joyce Brenton

Session 2


Michael: "Yes, My brothers and sisters, you can learn to control your emotions.

"First, you must learn that negative emotions are counter-productive. I have told you this before. You can simply change your thoughts from negative to positive by a concentrated act of your will. However, you tend to accustom yourself to negative thinking.

"So often you find it difficult to adjust your thinking away from feeling sorry for yourself. These may seem like harsh words this morning, My beloveds, but they are truth. You enjoy an occasional down day. This is a learned habit from your childhood, when you enjoyed the attention resulting from your negative actions.

"You must take a little time today to consider the possibility that you use your negative thinking and speech to draw attention to yourselves. It has become a control factor that you use to gain attention, just as it was when you were a child.

"And I will have you look around you and discern how so many of your brothers and sisters use negative thinking to control one another. Once you recognize the habit as derogatory, you can learn to put it aside.

"Negative thinking always wastes our precious time. I will tell you this often. You need to be reminded, so that you will set your thinking on the correction of this little habit that is simply a residual from a childish thought life."


June 19, 2006

Topic: "The Kingdom Within"

Group: 11:11 Progress Group


Teacher: Christ Michael

TR: Joyce Brenton

Session 3


Michael: "It is not easy, My Brothers and Sisters, to lay aside the unpleasant attitudes, and replace them with a choice for happiness. This will take effort, but the effort will bring amazing results.

"You are still skeptical about being in control of your emotions. For far too long you have believed that your emotions simply happened to you; and indeed, that you were the victim of your feelings.

"Feelings come and go in an instant, and you can take control over any emotion. I have proved this to you on an earlier occasion, and now I wish to return your focus to the practice of happiness.

"In the setting of any goal, you know you need to take certain steps to reach that goal. A happy life is a worthy goal, and happiness, constant happiness, takes concentrated effort. It has been said that happiness is a choice. This is a great truth.

"The inner kingdom is a little kingdom ruled completely by self-will. I have told you that our Father’s Desire is for His children’s happiness. Knowing this truth should set your path straightaway towards the realization of His Desire. Those who seek our Father’s Will on earth, seek happiness for both themselves and all their brothers and sisters. It is a worthy goal, and it is our daily goal together.

"Yes, there are obstacles to that goal, but none that cannot be met and removed. Our daily task is to wholeheartedly embrace our Father’s business. Step by step and hand in hand we go. Welcome the gift of today, and do all you can to bring the Kingdom within into alignment with the Kingdom principles.

"You will learn to follow the path in peace and love and joy. You will learn all the secrets of a happy, peaceful life on earth, full of good will towards all mankind."


Arizona, USA

Topic: More Than Words

Group: 11:11 Progress Group


Teacher: Christ Michael

TR: Donna D'Ingillo

Session 4

Opening Prayer

Divine Father: "Come into the sacredness of your heart, my child. Here is where you will find me. I am Michael, and I am your Creator-Father. This space has not always felt safe to you, yet here is where I live inside of your being, where I share myself with you. It is very safe to meet me here. By your desire to find me here will you allow me to open your heart to more spiritual energy that heals all of your pain.


"Yes, it has been challenging to open your heart. Will you allow me to show you something different, something new that you have yet to experience? Are you ready to melt into love? Are you willing to allow yourself to open fully to me? These questions can easily be answered in your head with a sincere ‘Yes’, but will you allow your body and heart to be exposed and vulnerable, so more love can enter into it? Here is where you will feel resistance. Here is where you will need to let go into something greater than what you have previously experienced.

"My presence in you is more than words, and more than feeling. It is an undeniable reality that no one can adequately express to another person. I do not ask you to tell people how it feels to have me inside of you, only to beam that which you feel into another person. The flow of energy from me to you to another creates that fluidity of movement allowing your heart to melt into the river of life—Love itself. Here is where you have the largest expansion as you both receive and give love, completing the cycle of creation, of which you are a part.

"My child, come to me when you are in the presence of another person, and ask for my presence to enter into them. Here is where I can have a most profound effect, for you will feel my vitality enlivening you. And when you share this with others by beaming my essence into them with your thoughts, you will feel a fullness in your heart, and the sanctity and safety therein. I am in your heart, and when you are fully in me, you are home."


July 2, 2006 Oakland, CA, United States

Topic: Happiness is a Choice

Group: Group: 11:11 Progress Group


Teacher: Christ Michael

TR: Joyce Brenton

Session 5


Christ Michael: "Father’s Will, My beloveds, is always for your happiness. And if happiness is a choice, and you choose happiness, then His will is a choice, the only choice worthy of your expression.

"This is simplicity. You are walking in our Father’s Will when you embrace the gift of every day with happy thoughts. This does not mean that there will be days without difficulties. But, every difficulty has its season, its beginning and its end.

"Choose to accept the sunshine of life always with its potential for some rainy days. Ah, a parable, and why not? We are gardeners in this paradise of your choosing, so simply accept the rainy days as necessary for the growing seasons.

"Plant well, these mental gardens that we daily cultivate, My brothers and sisters. Weed carefully. Diligently remove all the mental weeds of negative thinking.

"Choose a happy day today. Choose to walk in our Father’s Will, wholeheartedly, and in His Will alone."


Arizona, United States

Topic: "Only His Will"

Group: 11:11 Progress Group


Teacher: Christ Michael

TR: Joyce Brenton

Session 6


Michael: "These words bear repeating, My beloveds; ‘Choose to walk wholeheartedly in our Father’s Will and only His Will.’

"His Will is for your happiness, My brothers and sisters. We talk of the mental gardens that need constant vigilance; your diligence in the weeding of all negative thinking. Please take note of the word all, for every negative thought is a weed that spoils the gift of each day.

"You have a choice in the design of your gardens, because your will to choose happiness aligns with Father’s Will, and the beauty of your gardens becomes a witness of your success in the weeding process.

"Your diligence to our curriculum has brought you remarkable success thus far. Let Me encourage you today to simply continue onward. No looking back and no thoughts of ever giving up.

"The ‘giving up thoughts’, in themselves, are very negative, and these must be abandoned, for without a doubt, they are weeds. Onward, ever onward! The path of great success is always yours by the simple choice of Father’s Will in every day, with your diligent focus on His curriculum of truth."


Arizona, United States

Topic: "Conditional Love Is an Oxymoron"

Group: 11:11 Progress Group


Teacher: Christ Michael

TR:Joyce Brenton

Session 7


Christ Michel: "Forgiveness and unconditional love are the curriculum’s lessons, My beloveds. Forgive all your brothers and sisters and forgive them quickly. Allow the weeds of un-forgiveness no place in the design of your mental gardens. Forgiveness is the choice that always aligns with Father’s Will on earth.

"Bear no grudges, none whatsoever. Allow your minds the total freedom of unconditional love for one another, always. You can do this. While it is not always easy to love unconditionally, accept this learning process as possible and then this lesson is easily learned. Its ‘impossibility’ is merely an incorrect thought process.

"You have learned conditional love as children. Your parents placed conditions on their love for you. Their love was conditioned on your behavior. You learned the same kind of love to be the only love you know. Thus, a habit was formed at an early age. Now it is a habit to be unlearned, and in just that understanding, the old habit becomes easy to lay aside.

"Father loves without conditions to His Perfect Love. Conditional love is not love at all, it is an oxymoron. It is not love nor could it ever be. Learn to love as Father would have you love and the curriculum’s lessons will cease to be."


July 11, 2006 Arizona, United States

Topic: "The Love Of God Is In Endless Supply"

Group: 11:11 Progress Group


Teacher: Christ Michael

TR: Joyce Brenton

Session 8


Christ Michael: "To give and to receive are one and the same, My brothers and sisters. It has been said in the scriptures that you should give and you will receive. You need not consider the return on your giving. Simply give.

"Would you not tithe a little love today? Merely ten percent? I think not. Give all your love away today, and you will find that your supply never ceases. You have an endless supply. Do you think that kindness has an end of supply? Never! And what of your smiles and gentle tender touches? Will there ever be an end to that supply? Of course not!

"So we go forth today prepared to share the love of God in endless supply. And you will find the endless supply of love returned in countless ways. Love is to give and to receive. Give from all your abundance and the return is forever yours.

"Expect to be surprised each day by the generosity of our Father’s abundant giving. Open your eyes and see with His eyes. See all the places for your giving, and be prepared to receive without ceasing from the generosity of His unlimited and truly boundless Love."


July 12, 2006 Arizona, United States

Topic: "Kindness Is an Insignia of Love"

Group: 11:11 Progress Group


Teacher: Christ Michael

TR: [[Joyce Brenton]

Session 9


Christ Michael: "Kindness is an insignia of love, My beloveds. Be kind to one another, and do all you can to make the path easier to tread for the brothers and sisters who accompany you.

"Is there a kindness you can perform today to help someone? Can you lighten someone’s burden by your loving assistance? Even a gentle kind word can do so much to make another’s burden less burdensome. Learn to spread the love of God abroad.

"I have told you to smile often, and, you are learning to give freely as you have freely received. Understand that to give and to receive are one and the same.

"Our Father’s children are recognized easily; by the spirit of their kind and gentle attitudes. Continue to bless your world with happiness by your happy attitudes.

"Yes, again I say to you, give your love away today. Give to all with the same abundant measure as you have abundantly received."


July 14, 2006 Arizona, United States

Topic: "Maintain Your Spiritual Existence"

Group: Group: 11:11 Progress Group


Teacher: Christ Michael

TR: Donna D'Ingillo

Session 10

Opening Prayer

Divine Father: "Beloved children, this is your Father. I am Michael. What you do with your day is up to you. You all have work to do in this world to maintain your material existence. What do you do each day to maintain your spiritual existence? This is up to you as well. Equally important as your material needs are your spiritual needs—how much love do you need each day, how much peace, how much patience, how much tolerance, how much understanding of others? These are your spiritual needs, My children, and I ask you to look at these more carefully during these days so you become familiar with allowing your spiritual needs to be met.


"What will you do each day to maintain your spiritual needs to your satisfaction? The attempts you make to still your mind and to spend quiet moments in reflection, prayer and meditation, asking for your spirit to be replenished are what will satisfy your spiritual longings. Remember that this is a vital part of your life, and for you to always spend some time coming to your Mother and Me for Our support as We fill you with what you need.

"You have so many choices to make during the day about how you fill your mental space. Fully cultivate a higher standard of spiritual living by focusing on the wonderful qualities of SPIRIT that are available to you at any moment’s notice by focusing inwardly and asking for them. You can still go about your daily tasks in your outer life, yet your inner life can be pointed in Our direction with your conscious thoughts about what you need in any moment to give you that enduring stability that will center you in the present moment.

"We are in you always, children, yet you become aware of Us by turning your thoughts over to Us through your desire—your conscious choice. Will you give Us greater permission to bring you all of the good things of Spirit that you desire by asking more for them throughout your day? Pose this question to yourself over and over, and see what results you get!"


July 16, 2006 Oakland, California, United States

Topic: "A Useful Question to Ask"

Group: 11:11 Progress Group


Teacher: Christ Michael

TR: George Barnard

Session 11


Michael: "I have great love for each and every one of you, for you are my children, all. You are also mere beginners on the spiritual journey, and I am aware of how you tend to scurry through life day after day, as if your very lives depended on it. I would like to see you all with more trust and faith in your futures, as you are cared for by ever so many Celestial Brothers and Sisters.

"I am Michael. I am the Father Creator of this local universe and yet, I am an older sibling to you all. It is difficult for you, at this stage in your life, to imagine the great love We all feel for you. Should you know and begin to realize and, yes, fully comprehend how great this affection for you is, you would be more relaxed in your lives.

"An always useful question to ask you is: What was it during last year at this time that concerned you so greatly. Should you not know what it was that troubled you so, then why so concern yourself with the ‘unlikelies’ of today or tomorrow? And should you remember just precisely what it was one year ago that had you so worried, then I say to you that it is time for you to re-assess the fixations, your mindal concerns, and long-lasting worries about the future.


"Try ever so much as you can to live in the Now, to show a happy face with the budding realization, the awakening knowledge, and a growing at-all-times awareness that all is well. This is Michael. I send my love to you my children, all."

George: "Thank you, Michael."


July 17, 2006 Illawarra District, Australia

Topic: "Seek Balance"

Group: 11:11 Progress Group


Teacher: Christ Michael

TR: Joyce Brenton

Session 12


Michael: "I have a message today, My sister, about feelings. Your emotions rule your day, and it would be wise for you to spend a little time examining your feelings.

"You are quick to misjudge your feelings, and their supposed causes. So many times you judge yourself as depressed when feeling ‘blue or down’, as you sometimes categorize a mood. And you are too quick to wrongly judge these unhappy moods as other-directed. Yes, it may seem that others are the cause, but that is rarely the case.

"Most moods are a result of a life lived without balance, and My Words, while directed at you, do fit the life situations of many, many of your brothers and sisters. Too much work, and over-much play brings the results of lives unbalanced, when few give the necessary attention to rest and relaxation.

"Life is not to be lived as if you were the victims of your moods, and unhappiness has many guises other than ‘I’m depressed.’

"For the most part when you do not maintain your normal sunny disposition, you are simply suffering from a state of unbalance. And I have told you previously that rest represents one of the most important ingredients to a well-balanced life experience.

"Recently you had the occasion to see a drastic mood change manifest from simply staying up too late for three nights in a row. And the resulting mood swing was nothing more than your being too tired.

I call you, My beloved brothers and sisters, to a self-examined life. You all live in a culture among countless depressives, who consume quantities of drugs beyond measure. And if the truth be known, so many have simply fallen victims to an unexamined life. Again I say, do not be so quick to judge every mood swing away from your happiness as depression.

This is not a message of condemnation, My sister, for Our Father’s greatest joy is His children’s happiness, and continual happiness depends on balance.

"Take the time to seek balance, see the places that require self-examination, and correct those places that are not in alignment with your greater good. It isn’t a big job. When you are out of balance, you do know that the way back to self-responsibility is always the answer. And happiness always remains your choice.

"I am Michael, your Brother and your Friend, desiring your happiness, always."


July 20, 2006 Arizona, United States