2006-12-31-Message for the Heart

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Topic: Message for the Heart

Group: Center for Christ Consciousness


Teacher: Michael

TR: Donna D'Ingillo



Greetings for a most happy and joyous New Year, my children! This is your Father Michael, and I offer you my heartiest wishes for a year of growth and change as you progress in Spirit.

Let this year be a time of wonderment—wonderment in the little joys of life, wonderment in the numerous changes you are experiencing each day, wonderment in the creation that abounds around you in beauty and creativity, and wonderment in the awareness that you are my dearly beloved child.

Wonderment is a quality that leads you into exploration: of self, of life, of the creative process, and of the acts of Spirit. As you read these words, ask for the quality of wonderment to be woven into your being and for each thought-impression within you to be embraced with this most delightful energy.

Relax and breathe into your Mother who sews this into you. Relax and enjoy the wonderment of it all, and make this your happiest year ever!