2008-08-24-Power of the Human Heart

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Topic: Power of the Human Heart

Group: Center for Christ Consciousness


Teacher: Nebadonia

TR: Donna D'Ingillo



Beloved children, this is your Mother Nebadonia.


The human heart contains a mighty power that has been largely left dormant on your world. However, now is the time to allow that spiritual presence of strength, courage, compassion, and love to open your heart to the beauty and wonder of life all around you. It is time to move beyond the current thought forms of lies and poverty, the deceptive environment in which many of my children of this earth think and feel.

In accepting the current status of affairs on your world, you open the door for another way of understanding to enter. The truth is something that will set you free in your thinking and feeling processes, yet a closed heart is not able to receive it. By accepting your world as it is now, you create a space for more information to enter into your mind, allowing it to swell and grow to replace the current conditioning that you have been influenced by for many millennia.

Love is the power of acceptance, my children. Love is the power within your heart. Love all, accept all, and you will be well on your way to a deeper understanding of the meaning of life, and find the true libration you seek. The ways of heaven can only be implemented on earth through the loving heart. Open to the magic and mysteries contained therein and your Father and I will reveal a mighty picture of the universe to you!