2011-04-20-Ways of the Spirit

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Topic: Ways of the Spirit

Group: At Large


Teacher: Michael

TR: Paul Conklin



Preface from the Transmitter: Dear Friends, Just yesterday I asked Michael for a revelation from the spirit. The answer that I received was beautiful and profound. The greatest teacher of all is teaching us to just be. When we learn to just be we are sharing the attributes of the Eternal One. I am filled with joy and gratefulness that Michael has shared these things with me and so I share this message with you as well.



My dear child this is your Father Michael. The ways of the spirit are not the ways of the flesh. Spirit is like a wind that moves through your heart and through your soul. When spirit makes that first contact with you it is unmistakable. You feel an inexpressible joy move through you. All of your life you have been asleep, in a dream world, until that day when spirit finds you. When you are born of the spirit you are indeed born again. You no longer have a finite outlook. You have an eternal outlook. The day that spirit finds you it is like eternity has entered your heart. When you are born of the spirit you are awakened to your precious heritage. You are another child of God that has found the One. There is no looking back now. For here on in the ways of the spirit increasingly raises your vibrations.

By way of illustration my child suppose that you are in a field of tall grasses on a hot summer’s day. You feel the hot sun on your face. You see corn rows stretch endlessly over the horizon. You stand there and hear the beautiful sounds of nature at its finest. There are no human voices nor the sounds of traffic. Here there is only peace. There is nothing but peace. You take a deep breath and you inhale the scenery around you. You begin to wonder if you are indeed part of the scenery. There seems to be no demarcation. You feel like a blend. You feel like you are the tall green grasses swaying in the wind.

My dear child the ways of the spirit are just like that. The ways of the spirit are like a quiet whisper to your soul. The ways of the spirit are like a field of tall grasses that stretch endlessly over the horizon. You are unable to see the beginning and you are unable to see the end. What I am attempting to explain to you child is that you simply need to be. The tall grasses that sway in the open field have no consciousness of the morrow. Yet despite that unconsciousness there is a beauty there that cannot be captured. If you try to paint that beauty on a canvass you are unable to capture it because it simply is. That beauty exists in the moment.


The ways of the spirit are trying to teach you that sublime truth. You can only simply be. You cannot be anything other than what you are. The Eternal One simply is. You simply are. You exist. You have being. It is when you exude that being-ness is when you are learning the ways of the spirit. That is when you relax my child. When you stop fighting who and what you are and simply be and simply exist is when you start to progress. Simply be like the tall grasses swaying in the wind and you will simply be. You will simply exist.

The ways of the spirit are a way of being. This spirit will not coerce you nor force you to do anything against your will. Its urgings are like the gentle rains that fall on the pavement during late summer. Even now this spirit flows through you like a river of life. Each day this flow becomes stronger in you. Each day this spirit speaks gently to you. It says hush child, be quiet, there are no worries. Don’t fret and be filled with anguish. It says weep not because all is well. The ways of the spirit are simple. I know that such a concept is hard for you to swallow my child. The ways of the spirit simple? But yes my child, the ways of the spirit are simple. You dear children make things more complicated than they need be. You don’t understand how spirit can do the things that spirit does. I assure you child that spirit can do things that you do not understand, but I repeat, the ways of the spirit are simple.

You will find out as much when you die and go to the mansion worlds. It will all become clear then. You of necessity must be cut off from such knowledge and understanding now. You see child the spirit is teaching you to be. Just be child. Just exist. Let that life force flow through you in such a way that you can express it in this life.

The ways of the spirit are like the morning dawn that arises over a mountain peak. When its rays peak above the horizon there is a surety that today, this day, will be a good day. Do you think that the sun arising over the face of the mountain frets over what is in the offing for today? It simply puts out its beams freely as each of its charges revolve around it. These planets dance in procession around its father. Around and around they go on an endless journey through the endless cosmos. There they are in constant and unabated motion around their parent. As these planets plunge through space their father plunges through space with them. There are no pressing appointments. There is no need to be anywhere at any time. These planets and their father dance and spin and circulate like artistry in motion.

Let go my children, let go. Be like the planets revolving around their parent, their star. Feel the wind in your face as you run through a beautiful park like setting. There is no place to be, nowhere to go. There are no pressing assignments that you must attend to. You laugh and you smile. You dance and you sing. You are a free spirit exuding the joy of life. You no longer struggle to be what you are not. You simply except what you are. That is when it hits you. I simply am. I simply exist. I are you may say using incorrect grammar. Yes you are my child. You are. You are the sun that arises each day. You are a lush and beautiful field of green sporting colorful dandelions glistening in the sun. You are learning to be. When you learn to be you are discovering what this journey is all about. Because when you learn to be you are be-coming what your Father is.

You see my child your Father does not wince and pace and wring His hands. He is. He simply is. You can say that He is life and that He has given what He is to so many countless beings that it would make your head spin. There never was a time when this Is was not. This Is has always been. This Is will continue to exist eternally. But as the cosmos breathes in and out this Is, this One is the lungs, if you will. For as this One breathes, inhales and exhales, we find life through that One.


What a profound mystery life is my child. Do you think that your Creator Father has it all figured out? That is a good one you may say. I laugh when you think that I know it all. And I say that I do not have it all figured out. But there is One that has it all figured out you could say. This One is a superlative teacher. He has been practicing for eternity. If you could look back into the endless past there He would be. There He would simply exist. He was and always has been the eternal Is. There never has been a beginning my child, but you could look at the Eternal One in a poetic way that may help you to understand a little better.

Imagine that you are at the dawn of eternity when infinity began to rise. Infinity arose as the sun arises each day. As its rays peaked above the horizon it shined a spotlight on eternity. Better yet picture an endless circle. You are all a part of that endless circle. Do you think that the Father had to do anything or to be anywhere? Did He have any pressing assignments that caused Him anguish. You see child when infinity arose you could not separate the Infinite One from infinity. For He is infinity. He is eternity. He is everything. He is the all in all.


It was an inevitability. The all in all, the Eternal One by His very nature exerted His being-ness, His eternal-ness, His infinite ness in such a way that creatures of all sorts burst forth. The ways of the spirit are like that my child. When you simply be amazing and profound things begin to happen. The ways of the spirit are profoundly simple my child. What, you say again? The ways of the spirit simple? Impossible! But I tell you my child that the ways of the spirit are very simple. For when the ways of the spirit hits you on your insides you finally learn just to be. When you finally learn just to be you can begin to give life just as the Eternal One has given life. It was his simple being-ness that began to give life. Oh, and did He give life and did He give life in abundance. Wow! That is one expression that you use. There are no superlatives that can adequately express the amazement. Yes, it certainly was an inevitability. This being, this person that is life personified, was giving life at a prodigious and remarkable rate. There is no end to His creativity. There is no end to His being-ness.

You may say, yes father, but where do I fit in to all of this? My son, my dear child, you are learning to be just as the Eternal One simply Is and will be the great Is throughout eternity. You are all like a small piece of that Is that inhabits eternity. Round and round you go encircling your Father. You are all like little planets that follow the Eternal Star as He plunges through open and endless space. As you follow the Father in His endless course through space you are learning to be. You are learning to be creative. Ah, do you see child? You are learning to be creative. You are learning to be like your Eternal Father. What amazing things await you I cannot even say with any certainty. You are becoming the great mystery that is our eternal Father.

Do you see now my child, do you see? It is like you have always existed. What? Come again? It is like you have always existed. It makes sense when you think of it child. For you were ever a thought in the Infinite Ones mind. You were all infinite potential. When this infinite potential became actual the thought of infinity became a reality. You could say that you have always shared an existence because you had origin in the Eternal One. Wow, and double wow you say! Yes you all have had a beginning. But you have always existed as a thought in the Eternal One. You have always existed. You have always existed because the thought cannot be separated from the One that is thinking those thoughts.

When the One that Is and that has always been dug deep into the potentials of eternity He pulled all of you out. You became another expression of his eternity, another expression of His being-ness. The One that simply Is continued to be the Is, the One that has always been. Ah yes my child, the ways of the spirit are so mind numbingly simple and beautiful. For as you live and as you thrive and as you become you give that gift to others. You see my child your Father has done the same and He is teaching you all to do likewise. Now do you see? Now do you see? You are eternity because you are the infinite thought of the Eternal One. You are the product of that Infinite potential that the Father has at the ready always. That One will continue to use that infinite potential on into the eternal future. He is infinitely deep my child. There is nothing that is impossible for Him.

My child my child, simply be. Simply be. Learn from the greatest master of all. This One that has never had a beginning is willingly teaching you all to be. When you learn this lesson you will learn this lesson well. For the ways of the spirit are profoundly beautiful. The ways of the spirit are life and joy and compassion and love. The ways of the spirit are joy and thanksgiving and peace. The ways of the spirit move through you even now. Oh how its beauty is endless. Oh how it lives inside all of you. Oh how simple it all is. For when you cast aside all of your fears and all of your anxieties and just let go you will all learn to be. And just as the Eternal One exudes that being-ness you all will also exude that being ness.

When you learn to exude that being-ness you become an actual part of that One. You become a part of that One that has always viewed you as eternal. The Infinite One views you as eternal because you have always existed in His thoughts as potential that would one day become an actual. Let the ways of the spirit teach you my children. The ways of the spirit shall teach you everlastingly if that is your desire. You will be the rising sun shining your rays on a grateful population below. You will be the wind flowing through the trees. You will be the tall grasses swaying in the heat of the late summer sun. You will be. You will be. You will be. You are. You are. You are. You are the potential thought that became an actual from eternity. Let the Eternal One live through you and with you. Let the ways of the spirit flow through you like a never ending river. Just be. Just be. Just be.


My dear and precious children you that are an eternal potential and became an actual be always and forever in my peace.