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===Topic: ''Movement''===
===Topic: ''Your Personal Spirit''===
===Group: [[Spokane TeaM]]===
===Group: [[Marin TeaM]]===
===Teacher: [[Paulo]]===
===Teacher: [[Nebadonia]]===
===TR: [[Gerdean]]===
===TR: [[JL]]===
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I enjoy these seemingly suspended moments myself.  Michael and I have a greater ability of living in the moment and, if you want to think of us visually, think of a fountain bubbling up into the air, and think of that bouncing, very tippy-top of water.  It’s definitely there-instantaneously; and it does persist, although it’s never the same water.  That’s what Michael and I feel we’re resting on, and that fountain is our Father.  You’re suspended upon His fountain of creativity as well.  So think of this from time to time, my children, when these moments happen to you.  Imagine/feel yourself sitting on top of a fountain of pure awareness/energy, and feel yourself bouncing around on something that is definitely there, yet cannot be grasped with anything but insight and intuition.
I enjoy these seemingly suspended moments myself.  Michael and I have a greater ability of living in the moment and, if you want to think of us visually, think of a fountain bubbling up into the air, and think of that bouncing, very tippy-top of water.  It’s definitely there-instantaneously; and it does persist, although it’s never the same water.  That’s what Michael and I feel we’re resting on, and that fountain is our Father.  You’re suspended upon His fountain of creativity as well.  So think of this from time to time, my children, when these moments happen to you.  Imagine/feel yourself sitting on top of a fountain of pure awareness/energy, and feel yourself bouncing around on something that is definitely there, yet cannot be grasped with anything but insight and intuition.
This is what your essence is to yourselves.  You are that bouncing, living, ungraspable peak being constantly projected into the universe by God.  And this is eternity--not only that it will keep happening, because of its Source, but that this bubbling, bouncing essence is eternal in the infinity of spontaneity, every moment that ever was, is, or will be.  This is also the essence of our love for you.  This is how I can say, be in my love.  Good evening.
This is what your essence is to yourselves.  You are that bouncing, living, ungraspable peak being constantly projected into the universe by God.  And this is eternity--not only that it will keep happening, because of its Source, but that this bubbling, bouncing essence is eternal in the infinity of spontaneity, every moment that ever was, is, or will be.  This is also the essence of our love for you.  This is how I can say, be in my love.  Good evening.
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