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*[ 1797]
*1: averse to the [[society]] of others : unsociable
*2: hostile or harmful to [[organized]] society; especially : being or marked by [[behavior]] deviating sharply from the social [[norm]]
'''Anti-social behavior''' (with or without hyphen) is [[behaviour]] that lacks [[consideration]] for others and may cause [[damage]] to the [[society]], whether [[intentionally]] or through negligence. This is opposed to pro-social behaviour, which is behaviour that helps or benefits the society. Criminal and civil [[laws]] in various countries offer remedies for anti-social behaviour. Antisocial behavior is labeled as such when it is deemed contrary to prevailing [[norms]] for social conduct. This [[encompasses]] a large [[spectrum]] of actions. [[Murder]], [[rape]], use of illegal substances, and a wide variety of activities are deemed anti-social behaviours. In addition to actions that oppose established [[law]], anti-social actions also include activities that members of [[society]] find objectionable even if they are legal, such as drunkenness and sexual [[promiscuity]]. In [[psychiatry]], particularly in the [ Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders], [[persistent]] anti-social behaviour is part of a diagnosis of [ antisocial personality disorder]. The ICD-10 defines a conceptually similar dissocial personality disorder.

[[Intent]] and [[discrimination]] may determine both pro- and anti-social behaviour. [[Infants]] may act in seemingly anti-social ways and yet be generally [[accepted]] as too young to know the difference before the age of 4 or 5. In preschool, children who have an increase in [[aggression]] is normal. Lack of aggression may lead to [[depression]] and [[anxiety]] later in [[life]]; however, continued aggression can indicate [[problems]]. Persistent anti-social behaviour may lead to [ antisocial personality disorder]. [[Parents]] should teach their children that "[[emotions]] need to be regulated, not [[repressed]]".

Many of the [[studies]] regarding the [[media]]'s [[influence]] on anti-social behavior have been deemed inconclusive. The [[violence]], [[racism]], [ sexism], and other antisocial acts are attributed to things such as [[genetic]] predisposition and violence in the [[home]]. Some reviews have found strong correlations between aggression and the viewing of violent [[media]] while others find little [[evidence]] to support their case. The only [[unanimously]] accepted [[truth]] regarding antisocial behavior is that [[parental]] [[guidance]] carries an undoubtedly strong [[influence]]; Providing children with brief [[negative]] [[evaluations]] of violent characters helps to reduce violent [[effects]] in the [[individual]].
Main article: Anti-Social Behaviour Order

The Crime and Disorder Act 1998 defines anti-social behaviour as acting in a manner that has "caused or was likely to cause harassment, alarm or distress to one or more persons not of the same household" as the perpetrator. There has been debate concerning the vagueness of this definition.[5] The Act introduced the Anti-Social Behaviour Order ("ASBO"), a civil order that can result in a jail sentence of up to five years if the terms are breached. Anti-Social Behaviour Orders are civil sanctions, effective for a minimum of two years and classed as criminal proceedings for funding purposes due to restrictions they place on individual liberty. An Anti-Social Behaviour Order does not give the offender a criminal record, but sets conditions prohibiting the offender from specific anti-social acts or entering into defined areas. Breach of an Anti-Social Behaviour Order is, however, a criminal offence.[]

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