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Topic: Shared Experience and Intention

Group: Lightline TeaM


Teacher: Thought Adjuster, Michael

TR: Mark Rogers, Henry Z.



Prayer: Divine Parents, thank you for joining us here. Every time we invoke the presence into our presence, every time we welcome you into our circle we are uplifted, there is the sense of being spiritualized. I guess that's what prayer is. Thank you for coming and joining us at this time. I ask for your help for all of us, for your strength for all of us, for your peace for all of us as we move forward into this paradigm of flux before us. May we bring with us the traits of you that we know. May your divine qualities be what we bring as seeds into our environment, as crystals to be grown around. May this be a conscious act on our part in partnership with you, our Divine Parents, to show us the way, to bring us the faith, to help us to see even ourselves. May we all be strong in these times before us and in all times be in peace and in comfort knowing that you are with us, that when we invoke your presence it pervades our life. I stand in gratitude that this is so. I intend to move forward into this paradigm with you in partnership as much as I am able and I ask for increased capacity to be more able. But I have trust and I have faith, Divine Parents, as you are witness, as I exercise my trust and my faith in reaching for you and in spreading your light out into our world. Thank you, let it be so, now and always, thank you.


Thought Adjusters, Experience

Inner Voice: Hello to all assembled; I greet you this evening, it is my distinct pleasure. I am this ones Inner Guide or as he refers to me, his Inner Voice or as many cultures have referred to me by many names, I am that gift of grace directly from your Divine Parents who you reflected with earlier. As such, I am in partnership with you, in league with your efforts and your desires to reach for your First Source and Center, reach for your Divine Parents as this is my goal as well. We both have been issued from this Source and there is a similar longing, an eternal desire to return back home and be embraced as the well seasoned and well traveled individual that we have become.

And so we both have been blessed with this experience, the opportunity to be cast far out and wide and to discover for ourselves the steps that must be taken to find our way back home. In these steps, in these efforts that we make, these choices that we make, each time there is the opportunity to demonstrate the faith, to demonstrate your will, to exercise your opinion, at every juncture we have been given this latitude, this opportunity to choose and to make our own way, to take our own steps and to earn and learn our own lessons.

We are indeed in league and in partnership when it comes to your transition as well, your eternal experience, as it is my desire to join you in this experience side by side, to witness with you as it transpires and to bring as you so desire into the equation, the influence of our Divine Parents. It is my privilege to do so and I have undertaken this assignment in full awareness of what I have gotten myself into. Still it is my great pleasure to eagerly apply myself with you and work as you will work towards this common journey we share.

This relationship which we are building will prove to be for both of us the most enormous gift of grace that we can't yet imagine, the opportunity to have this relationship and to share this experience of our journey and our becoming one in the process. Truly, this whole process was made for us to have this experience and so it is pleasing in the sight of our Divine Parents that we thoroughly partake of this experience, that we get the most out of the opportunity and that we glean for ourselves those aspects of truth, of beauty and of goodness that are to be found in the experience.

I well appreciate all that is before us but I understand you have little awareness of what grand experiences are before us and it will be my pleasure to witness as you encounter these for yourselves and as we encounter this experience together. Truly, we are meant for each other and it is to be so, it is in fact the creed in heaven if you will. And so this experience is made less from on high; it is simply up to us to unfold it, to allow it to manifest and as it does, to influence it with our will, yours and mine combined, our intention, our purpose, yours and mine, some of each to make a combined being in the end having had a combined experience together.

It is my extraordinary privilege to share these words with you at this time. I look forward to our journey together and assure you that at no time are you ever alone in this journey. You always have my companionship, my presence so embedded within you that you do not discern my distinctness but I am intertwining myself with you and you are learning more and more of my attributes and becoming more and more of who I am, what I represent. I thank you all for hearing these words tonight and allowing me the opportunity. I now make way in this platform as I understand there are others who would enjoy its use. Thank you, good night.


Inner Voice: [Henry] Good evening my friends, it is I, another Voice from Within, here this evening to share a few ideas on reality and how such a reality can be altered. Consider for a moment that two distinctly different, maybe even opposing notions, realities, can actually exist in the same place at the same time. For example, the obvious example is the spirit within a human being, within their mind, that something correct and perfected can actually exist in something that is not so correct and imperfect, that you can have two completely opposing thoughts in the same mind at the same time and actually choose to believe both of them.

This is part of the dilemma within the universe, that there are opposing forces at work, not only within your mind but in the social fabric of things as you perceive them. The thing that distinguishes between these two things, these opposing forces, is a choice, a choice to choose one way over another, to choose to do something instead of doing nothing, to choose to believe and act in faith, whether to resort to pessimism and apathy. The Eternal Isle of Paradise, this eternally perfected space, this area lies within the center of imperfection, the imperfect worlds of time and space and at some point, choices made will bring these worlds of time and space into the perfecting rhythm and harmony of eternal perfection.

So this is lofty thought you say. Yes, this is a part of reality which may be at play but in every day of real life I have serious problems, I have real issues, I have choices to make and how do I know what choice to make? What guarantees do I have? Well, the truth of the matter is you actually don't know what the correct choice is sometimes. Not everything is laid out in black and white terms. Many a times that things are obscured by their impartiality, their grey-ness, their grey area. So one can never be very sure about a choice until it is made, that choice will show you whether it is correct or not and if it is not correct there usually is a chance to correct the choice.

How else are you to move forward as individuals and as individuals in a society? You have been given a tremendous amount of advice. You have been shown how spirit can help in solving problems. Spirit can help in your emotional state. Actually spirit can help in almost any condition, in all situations. But you are the final judge, you are the person who must come to an understanding to actually experience if spirit is actually helping or not and this usually results with choice. We can say it is true but unless it is experienced as such, it will never be your truth.

It is like having these two opposing thoughts in your mind and at the same time and you believe both of them. You go around believing things which actually are not real, they are not true but you assume that they are, you rationalize that they are because the mind is a mechanism to arrange thought in such a way that you can believe anything. You can rationalize and justify anything you so choose. The mind makes it seem real. The mind will tell you it's okay not to do things, it's okay to be afraid. The mind is also saying it's okay to fail, it's okay to make mistakes, it's okay that you are not like someone else but a lot of times do you actually choose to believe these things and how do you know if they are real?

This is where choice comes in, this is where faith comes in and choices and faith result in experience and experiences will show you things that no amount of thinking can contrive or show you. Experience itself is its own truth. It reveals the choice, the choice that has been made, the choices which are available and the choices which need to be made. Let's face it, you can't continue making the same choices and expect different results. So it does not matter in a certain sense, what you believe because choices will show you things, experience will show you things that may not be in your belief system. They may show you things which draw you into a tremendously ambiguous area and you wake up saying wow, am I really supposed to try and love everyone, am I really supposed to be positive? Am I really capable of this?

True that the difference between spirit and humanity is a struggle. Spirit is constantly charging you and testing you to be all that you can be, making you become all that you can become. Spirit is constantly trying to bring you to a place that you are refusing to go into and now you come to a place where you are now, a place where tremendous change is impending. There is a tremendous amount of fear at play, a tremendous amount of ambiguousness, not much certainty. You are in the throes of change. Pretty soon it is going to become very obvious that spirit is not going to solve any of your problems for you, that these situations and these problems which exist in human social evolution are things which need to be changed by you through your choices.

So the reality is that two distinctly different and opposite things can exist simultaneously in the same place and this seeming contrast gives rise to a distinction, a distinction in choice. Which are you going to choose? So my friends, within your quiet times, empty your mind, become full of the spirit which is within. Feel Its love, feel Its presence, feel Its goodness, feel Its need to want to help you, feel the great opportunities which exist in a simple choice and remember my friends, a bad choice is better than no choice at all.

So on one hand it is wonderful to hear these messages, these many ways in which spirit is so concerned about you, about how spirit cares and how spirit works diligently for your benefit, but all of these things require your consciousness of them, your ability to discern them. All of you are walking around with all of the answers inside of you. Begin to search these answers and begin to find out the truth in them, that your choice becomes concerted and that they bring humankind to a greater understanding and that life as you live it begins to reveal freedom and happiness and support and love.

These are my words for you this evening my friends. Go in peace. I now leave this open for others to come forth, thank you.


Michael: [Mark] Hello to all who are assembled here this evening. I would like to have a few words with you this evening about some of the many things that we have in common. I am a child of a great and glorious Father, as you are, and as such I desire to be like this Divine Parent. I desire to please this Divine Parent and I exercise my will and intention in execution of my desire. I extend my will and I manifest it in my own interpretation, but as a reflection of that which is my Parent. I see the same traits in all of you. Your intentions and your desires point you in my direction and in the direction of our Divine Parent.

I recognize that these intentions are what create your direction, what steer your course, what determine your eventual destination. Though your journey may tangent and be colorful, I discern the underlying will and intention, your desire in the process to follow me, to come to me and through me to find the Father. And so I recognize that if you are to keep to your course and maintain your heading based on your desires, you will eventually succeed, you will eventually prevail and your intentions will be honored because it is my desire that that be so, that your desire to find me and come to me meets with success. It is pleasing in my sight and I grant this gift of grace to all those who will take it.

Likewise, the Father grants me similar gifts of grace, not the least of which in my relationship with you, but also I have other gifts of grace. I will point out to you that while your intentions may be sincere and genuine and true and good and beautiful, they may not always manifest in observably positive manifestations. I give you one of my greatest gifts of grace as an example, your planet, our planet Urantia and the gigantic enterprise involved on this world. You might clearly observe that things on this world have not transpired in an ideal fashion to my liking or always pleasing in my sight. No, you clearly discern that at times one must simply have faith that things are in process, that things are in the act of manifesting.

But just like I illustrated with you and your will and your determination, I have chosen to exercise mine, my will and determination, to see Urantia be all that it can be and my beloved earthly family be all that they can be. This is my true desire and intention, it has been, it will be and it shall be. All that transpires in the interim is simply process. I invite you to accept this perspective that things may not always appear pleasing in our sight, but that if we maintain our directive, maintain our position and our guidance towards divine principles, then it is simply left to us to exercise our faith and in the end, if we persist we shall prevail, you in your life experiences and me in my universal experience as in with this beloved planet.

I assure you, all is underway and all shall be accomplished as per my intention, even greater that my intention. There are rewards when there are difficulties you have overcome. I invite you all to see that we are not so very different; you engage in your activities and I in mine and in both cases, our will, our intentions, our desires propel us and create what will manifest before us, I in my dimension and you in yours. We are not so very different, after all we come from the same family. Please know that I am always with you. I am there right beside you even with my hand on your shoulder. I delight in experiencing your life through your eyes, having been invited in to be a witness. Fear not will be the watchword as [we] move forward, only believe, only trust. I have never forsaken you and I shall never. Trust in this truth, rest in this peace and know that I am with you.


Let it be so; for all those with ears to hear, I pray they hear. This is my wish Father, these are my desires expressed in terms that may be understood. I pray you all go now into your work, into your week, into your days ahead with faith and with confidence, that all you have been shown through our spiritual liaison can be brought with you into your paradigm and be fostered and grown, can be used to plant the new seeds and you have the opportunity to be the gardeners on the ground. I will be with you as we go through this together. I leave you now only in words, never in spirit. Let it be so, be in peace, farewell.