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Aaron(Bill): Greetings dear friends, I am Aaron. I must say you have greatly impressed your teachers, your older brothers and sisters, with your [[maturity]] and straightforwardness this evening. We do not [[feel]] that this group is lagging in [[spiritual growth]], but is experiencing differential levels which are particular to each [[individual]]. In a way it is impossible to delineate a group average that has any [[meaning]], and yet, there is a sense of [[the whole]] that is greater than the summation of the parts.
Aaron(Bill): Greetings dear friends, I am Aaron. I must say you have greatly impressed your teachers, your older brothers and sisters, with your [[maturity]] and straightforwardness this evening. We do not [[feel]] that this group is lagging in [[spiritual growth]], but is experiencing differential levels which are particular to each [[individual]]. In a way it is impossible to delineate a group average that has any [[meaning]], and yet, there is a sense of [[the whole]] that is greater than the summation of the parts.
This [[dichotomy]] of [[individual]] and [[group]], of part and whole, of the [[individual]] within the [[system]], is an understanding that you are gaining directly from your own personal [[experience]] from within and from the interactional aspects of your [[environment]]. Indeed it has been already [[transmitted]] that we are going to shift the [[focus]] now from [[the whole]] back to the parts, but in this digression from the whole, do not be [[confused]] that in our new emphasis on individuality that we are losing sight of the larger [[perspective]]. No, we will not retrogress, but progress with an emphasis change.
This [[dichotomy]] of [[individual]] and [[group]], of part and whole, of the [[individual]] within the [[system]], is an understanding that you are gaining directly from your own personal [[experience]] from within and from the interactional aspects of your [[environment]]. Indeed it has been already [[transmitted]] that we are going to shift the [[focus]] now from [[the whole]] back to the parts, but in this digression from the whole, do not be [[confused]] that in our new emphasis on individuality that we are losing sight of the larger [[perspective]]. No, we will not retrogress, but progress with an emphasis change.
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I am tempted, but will not succumb, to continue [[lecturing]] you. I have said sufficient. We are all up to the challenge, my friends, and I welcome you to this next phase. That is all.
I am tempted, but will not succumb, to continue [[lecturing]] you. I have said sufficient. We are all up to the challenge, my friends, and I welcome you to this next phase. That is all.
Minearisa(Cathy): This is Minearisa. You have all done well at your self [[forgiveness]] [[exercise]] and now it is time to begin an exercise which involves forgiveness of others. My exercise for you this evening, and I will release this t/r to [[participate]], is to visualize a person with whom you have unfinished business. I would like you to visualize them in the center of the room where the microphone stands. Look at the details of that person, their hair, their clothing, etc., to firmly plant in your [[mind]] resemblances of that person. At that point I would like for you to look at this image you have created and to [[express]] [[honest]] [[feelings]] toward them, be it something they have done to hurt you or something you have done to hurt them. We are not asking for complete [[resolution]] at this time. This will follow in further lessons. The point here is to identify something which is unresolved between you. This person does not have to be living at this time. It can be someone from your [[past]] who has graduated. I [[encourage]] each to participate, but remember there is no [[disappointment]] on our side if you choose to remain an [[observer]]. Please begin.
Minearisa(Cathy): This is Minearisa. You have all done well at your self [[forgiveness]] [[exercise]] and now it is time to begin an exercise which involves forgiveness of others. My exercise for you this evening, and I will release this t/r to [[participate]], is to visualize a person with whom you have unfinished business. I would like you to visualize them in the center of the room where the microphone stands. Look at the details of that person, their hair, their clothing, etc., to firmly plant in your [[mind]] resemblances of that person. At that point I would like for you to look at this image you have created and to [[express]] [[honest]] [[feelings]] toward them, be it something they have done to hurt you or something you have done to hurt them. We are not asking for complete [[resolution]] at this time. This will follow in further lessons. The point here is to identify something which is unresolved between you. This person does not have to be living at this time. It can be someone from your [[past]] who has graduated. I [[encourage]] each to participate, but remember there is no [[disappointment]] on our side if you choose to remain an [[observer]]. Please begin.