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1) In writing this paper, I also wish to pay tribute to Machiventa Melchizedek as a true administrator of the Most Highs. It is the Most highs who rule in the affairs and nations of men and their various organizational attributes like a State Department and the CIA. And like those intelligence departments here and abroad do when they need to know, we wish to make a true finding of what the spiritual intelligence committees in charge of Urantia under Machiventa are supplying to Urantia with the help of the Trinity.
1) In writing this paper, I also wish to pay tribute to Machiventa Melchizedek as a true administrator of the Most Highs. It is the Most highs who rule in the affairs and nations of men and their various organizational attributes like a State Department and the CIA. And like those intelligence departments here and abroad do when they need to know, we wish to make a true finding of what the spiritual intelligence committees in charge of Urantia under Machiventa are supplying to Urantia with the help of the Trinity.
'''Dave Tenney wrote June 18, 2013 at 11:08 PM'''
Thank you Rob, for your attentiveness to these concerns. If I understand you correctly, there is a flag of some type on the document itself--so readers can be aware of potentially problematic / conflictual docs, and a warning in the discussion pages as well. Is there a brief clear indication of what a flag means both at the beginning of the collection of papers themselves and / or on the page that each flag appears--so the reader who may have just gone directly to the ABC's for example, would know to check the discussion page, etc. or to read the document with perhaps a more alert spirit of discernment to more ably separate the chaff from the wheat?
That would seem like a fair and appropriate editorial communication, especially for the most glaring examples--such as this one.
Just one Board member's opinion,
'''Rob wrote: June 18, 2013 at 11:17 PM'''
Hello Dave-
Yes, there are flags on the 1) "Category of ABC Summaries" where all documents are listed and 2) on the individual documents themselves. The "WARNING" word is reserved only for the 3) discussion pages of each. See below. Let me know if other options come to mind.
1) Category of ABC Summaries (see blue rectangle)
2) Same "Flag" for each document
3) WARNING word added on discussion pages
'''Marty wrote: June 19, 2013 at 7:45 AM'''
Are you saying that this T/R is describing the governmental branches of the US gov as being a manifestation of the planetary spiritual gov? I do not understand what you are saying " conflate our planetary administration with elements of the - U - S - of A - government that are beginning to be exposed as criminal organizations."
Rick wrote: June 19, 2013 at 10:16 AM'''
Rob, in order to make sense of your request here, it seems I would need to go back and read doc. N which I choose not to do.
To be honest, I prefer not to read any of Ron’s writings anymore. I find them to be an unnecessary distraction.
Take care,
'''Rob wrote:  June 19, 2013 at 11:30 AM'''
Hello Marty-
Yes, if you read the enclosed excerpt, you will see what I mean. Such inferences have been made by this Tr before, but only tacitly. Now it is explicit.
'''Rob wrote:  June 19, 2013 at 11:30 AM'''
Hello Rick,
If you read the enclosed excerpt and Part I from which it is drawn, let me know what you think.