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Elyon (Mark TR): This is Elyon, I greet you at this time. I will, by way of example, change your circuit. As you may be aware, the circuit you have established and that was functioning prior to my intervention was of a different constitution than after I entered your circuit, flipped the switch, and encoded this new circuit with my personality. This was simply a redirection and, as you can all feel, there is a marked difference in the characteristics of this new circuit. This speaks to the encoding aspect of an individual circuit, the flavor, if you will, of an individual circuit. This example can provide you with an experience wherein you may easily conclude that we did not drop the nature of circuitry and reestablish a different circuitry. We simply changed the focus and the energy flowed in a different pattern than before but over the same circuitry. This is what you will come to understand happens, as all circuits have a common theme. They must often times traverse over the same tracks much as a train must switch its engines but share a common track.
Elyon (Mark TR): This is Elyon, I greet you at this time. I will, by way of example, [[change]] your [[circuit]]. As you may be aware, the circuit you have established and that was functioning prior to my [[intervention]] was of a different constitution than after I entered your circuit, flipped the switch, and encoded this new circuit with my [[personality]]. This was simply a redirection and, as you can all feel, there is a marked [[difference]] in the characteristics of this new circuit. This speaks to the encoding aspect of an individual circuit, the flavor, if you will, of an individual circuit. This example can provide you with an [[experience]] wherein you may easily conclude that we did not drop the nature of circuitry and reestablish a different circuitry. We simply changed the [[focus]] and the energy [[flowed]] in a different pattern than before but over the same circuitry. This is what you will come to [[understand]] happens, as all circuits have a common [[theme]]. They must often times traverse over the same tracks much as a train must switch its engines but [[share]] a common track.
Often circuits are not separate railroad lines, merely different engines functioning on the existing tracks. This may help you understand that building these circuits is a matter of building good trestles, burrowing good tunnels, and making a firm base on which to establish your tracks. Once having the hard work behind you of building easy access, you may interchange your directions and your focuses as you would switch engines from a passenger line to a freight line. As well, you will also seek to build side spur lines or offshoots, still connected to your main feed lines. But these circuits designed specifically to access heretofore unknown regions, the mechanism oftentimes of accessing these circuits and subsequently traversing them remains the same.
Often circuits are not separate railroad lines, merely [[different]] engines functioning on the existing tracks. This may help you [[understand]] that building these circuits is a matter of building good trestles, burrowing good tunnels, and making a firm base on which to establish your tracks. Once having the hard work behind you of building easy [[access]], you may interchange your [[directions]] and your foci as you would switch engines from a passenger line to a freight line. As well, you will also seek to build side spur lines or offshoots, still [[connected]] to your main feed lines. But these circuits designed specifically to access heretofore unknown regions, the [[mechanism]] oftentimes of accessing these circuits and subsequently traversing them remains the same.
The lines must be in place; they must be free of debris and in good order so that your next line can come in, your next freighter can make it across. You may change the characteristics of this freight car as it makes a stop at your station. You may add to it some of your own load. You may take from it some of the load that is there. You may change passengers, and then it moves on, completing its circuit and going beyond you but being changed by its interaction with your particular stop. One can consider that a train yard is the central hub where the switches are thrown and the engines and loads are dispatched. This would be the central hub of the Father, and you may find yourself located on a main line or on a side spur, but you are all connected via the network. Enough about trains, I sense that there are many eager to engage you, as you are a most exciting group to witness and indeed a privilege to engage. So, I make allowance for others but as always remain should you seek my correspondence. Thank you.
The lines must be in place; they must be free of debris and in good order so that your next line can come in, your next freighter can make it across. You may [[change]] the characteristics of this freight car as it makes a stop at your station. You may add to it some of your own load. You may take from it some of the load that is there. You may change passengers, and then it moves on, completing its [[circuit]] and going beyond you but being changed by its [[interaction]] with your particular stop. One can consider that a train yard is the central hub where the switches are thrown and the engines and loads are dispatched. This would be the central hub of [[the Father]], and you may find yourself located on a main line or on a side spur, but you are all connected via the network. Enough about trains, I sense that there are many eager to [[engage]] you, as you are a most exciting group to [[witness]] and indeed a [[privilege]] to engage. So, I make allowance for others but as always remain should you seek my [[correspondence]]. Thank you.
Jessona (Jonathan): Greetings to you all, this is Jessona. I see that you are doing well. I rejoice at your progress and delight in your ruminations. I wish to give some time to circuit enhancers which are beneficial to you in uplifting yourself, to make you engage-able in a circuit that is of a higher function or stronger intensity than you may have attained at this time. Of course you might expect I would mention stillness as the best method for circuit enhancement, or rather, preparing yourself for incircuitment. There are other means as well. Just as spirit engagement sooner or later yields spiritual fruit, the reverse holds true for circuit engagement, for it is these fruits of compassion, of patience, of loving kindness, that uplift mind and soul and create a sympathetic oscillation that synchronizes with circuits that are available about you at all times.
Jessona (Jonathan): Greetings to you all, this is Jessona. I see that you are doing well. I rejoice at your [[progress]] and delight in your ruminations. I wish to give some time to circuit enhancers which are beneficial to you in uplifting yourself, to make you engage-able in a circuit that is of a higher [[function]] or stronger [[intensity]] than you may have [[attained]] at this time. Of course you might expect I would mention [[stillness]] as the best method for circuit enhancement, or rather, [[preparing]] yourself for incircuitment. There are other means as well. Just as spirit [[engagement]] sooner or later yields spiritual fruit, the reverse holds true for circuit engagement, for it is these fruits of [[compassion]], of [[patience]], of loving [[kindness]], that uplift [[mind]] and [[soul]] and create a sympathetic [[oscillation]] that [[synchronizes]] with circuits that are available about you at all times.
On the topic of healing, the force that brings healing is always present, and you function as a healer when you engage yourself in the circuit. Those enhancements that allow you to hook into that energy current may be described with the words of hope and faith and trust for the submission of the humble human desire to the divine creative will. Your asking, your wish, conveyed to this creative force creates the need wherein the energy flows. You can prepare yourself for higher levels of circuitry in two ways: one, through acquirement as in the development of love and many -- and all, for that matter -- fruits of the spirit; second, through the establishment of vacuum, of want, the asking realm.
On the topic of [[healing]], the force that brings healing is always present, and you [[function]] as a healer when you engage yourself in [[the circuit]]. Those enhancements that allow you to hook into that energy current may be described with the words of [[hope]] and [[faith]] and [[trust]] for the submission of the humble human desire to the [[divine]] [[creative]] will. Your asking, your wish, conveyed to this creative force creates the need wherein the energy [[flows]]. You can [[prepare]] yourself for higher levels of circuitry in two ways: one, through acquirement as in the development of love and many -- and all, for that matter -- [[fruits of the spirit]]; second, through the establishment of [[vacuum]], of want, the asking realm.
This realm is where hope resides. Jesus spoke of the lost sheep, of how he would leave the many who were incircuited and seek the one who had become disconnected from the circuit. In your ministry you can develop this keenness and observe when a soul is disconnected from the circuits that benefit that individual at their point in spiritual progress. You may not leave with them a specific message, but you may impact upon them the sense of an existing circuit that benefits them. It will flow to them as you reveal it in your actions, in the energies you exude, in your demeanor. A circuit cannot be recognized by being named. It must be felt. So, you may never disclose your understanding of what is taking place when in another's company that they find beneficial, but their sensing of that energy will bring repeated response and recognition as they encounter that same force flowing from another to them at a later date. To borrow Elyon's train lines, circuit enhancements are those things which put water in the tank and coal in the stove so that when the divine engineer ignites the fire, you are off and running; you are dynamically engaged in the circuit.
This realm is where hope resides. Jesus spoke of the lost sheep, of how he would leave the many who were incircuited and seek the one who had become disconnected from the circuit. In your ministry you can develop this keenness and observe when a soul is disconnected from the circuits that benefit that individual at their point in spiritual progress. You may not leave with them a specific message, but you may impact upon them the sense of an existing circuit that benefits them. It will flow to them as you reveal it in your actions, in the energies you exude, in your demeanor. A circuit cannot be recognized by being named. It must be felt. So, you may never disclose your understanding of what is taking place when in another's company that they find beneficial, but their sensing of that energy will bring repeated response and recognition as they encounter that same force flowing from another to them at a later date. To borrow Elyon's train lines, circuit enhancements are those things which put water in the tank and coal in the stove so that when the divine engineer ignites the fire, you are off and running; you are dynamically engaged in the circuit.
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Thank you for receiving my words. I always enjoy attending our meetings.
Thank you for receiving my words. I always enjoy attending our meetings.
Elyon (Mark): So, you have established your train stop; you have filled your coal cribs; you have topped off your water tanks, and you, through your stillness and through your practice, have developed an environment conducive to your stage stop. You are beginning to understand that with the train comes an unlimited potential. It may contain the sick and needy. It may contain the healers and physicians. It may contain spiritual representatives. It may contain the darker elements of life. These all traverse the same circuit and are all coming through your train stop.
Elyon (Mark): So, you have established your train stop; you have filled your coal cribs; you have topped off your water tanks, and you, through your stillness and through your practice, have developed an environment conducive to your stage stop. You are beginning to understand that with the train comes an unlimited potential. It may contain the sick and needy. It may contain the healers and physicians. It may contain spiritual [[representatives]]. It may contain the darker elements of life. These all traverse the same circuit and are all coming through your train stop.
Now, let us enlarge the scope and speak not only of trains but of planes and automobiles. While you are becoming aware and well versed at your train station, you are also now becoming aware that other circuits, other avenues of access, become open to you. Each one of these, whether by automobile or by airplane, brings with it a new circuit, a new point of access which all have these same innate capabilities of a variety of passengers. You may seek at once healing from your road travelers and at another time from your train passengers. At one time you may seek spiritual aid and comfort from your air passengers and as well receive it from your road passengers. They are separate avenues of access available to you, but each one carries the same potential of circuitry, of bringing to you well nigh limitless possibilities from outside your range. It is then simply to discern how to redirect these energies, how to off load some of them for yourselves, how to channel them toward areas you establish as areas of need, and to otherwise act as a switch man, throwing back and forth the switch as you see appropriate to guide the many sources of input before you. Indeed you are burdened with circuitry if you could see yourselves as a stop on all these potential lines. You have input which can become available on any one or all of these circuits, and these are only the ones easy of your identification. That's enough to think of for today, that these many and varied accesses are available to you much as the familiar routes you travel and the wide diversity of passengers who travel these routes with you.
Now, let us enlarge the [[scope]] and speak not only of trains but of planes and automobiles. While you are [[becoming]] aware and well versed at your train station, you are also now becoming aware that other circuits, other avenues of [[access]], become open to you. Each one of these, whether by automobile or by airplane, brings with it a new circuit, a new point of access which all have these same innate capabilities of a variety of passengers. You may seek at once [[healing]] from your road travelers and at another time from your train passengers. At one time you may seek spiritual aid and [[comfort]] from your air passengers and as well receive it from your road passengers. They are [[separate]] avenues of access available to you, but each one carries the same potential of circuitry, of bringing to you well nigh limitless possibilities from outside your range. It is then simply to [[discern]] how to redirect these energies, how to off load some of them for yourselves, how to [[channel]] them toward areas you establish as areas of need, and to otherwise act as a switch man, throwing back and forth the switch as you see appropriate to [[guide]] the many sources of input before you. Indeed you are burdened with [[circuitry]] if you could see yourselves as a stop on all these potential lines. You have input which can [[become]] available on any one or all of these circuits, and these are only the ones easy of your identification. That's enough to [[think]] of for today, that these many and varied accesses are available to you much as the familiar routes you travel and the wide [[diversity]] of passengers who travel these routes with you.
Jonathan: We read in The Urantia Book of the grand universe circuits of mind, personality, spirit, and physical gravity. Maybe those four circuits are like the planes, trains and automobiles, differing forms of transport. Would the local and super universe level circuits in a sense be like the Burlington Northern or Santa Fe line, within the realm of the grand universe circuitry but manifesting in a more specified way?
Jonathan: We read in The [[Urantia Book]] of the [[grand universe]] circuits of mind, personality, spirit, and physical gravity. Maybe those four circuits are like the planes, trains and automobiles, differing forms of transport. Would the [[the Circuits|local]] and [[15:9|superuniverse level circuits]] in a sense be like the Burlington Northern or Santa Fe line, within the realm of the [[grand universe]] circuitry but manifesting in a more specified way?
Elyon: In any discussion of circuitry it is a property of circuitry itself that all are interconnected. In some manner or fashion all aspects of circuitry combine at some level. Just as in the neural network involved in your human vehicle, you have main lines which feed nerves which run out to establish the furthest points of your bodies. All these work in unison, and all are connected as is evident by the pinprick on the finger and the instant response of the brain. It requires a main feed line, your Burlington Northern main shoot, as well as many offshoots to connect these remote regions of even your physical body. It is very similar with circuitry in that all circuitry share common characteristics which enable this linkup. Many times it is all there in place; the only thing needed to activate and join these circuits is the willful throwing of the switch, the action of connecting this circuitry then brings it to life and extends the influence of the circuit to the very end. In the case of spiritual circuitry, ever and always will it require your individual, willful choice to throw the switch and establish the circuit. Never will you find yourself swept up into a circuit unwillingly. You must always engage to be a part of the process.
Elyon: In any [[discussion]] of circuitry it is a property of [[circuitry]] itself that all are interconnected. In some [[manner]] or fashion all aspects of circuitry combine at some level. Just as in the [[neural network]] involved in your human vehicle, you have main lines which feed nerves which run out to establish the furthest points of your [[bodies]]. All these work in unison, and all are connected as is evident by the pinprick on the finger and the instant response of the [[brain]]. It requires a main feed line, your Burlington Northern main shoot, as well as many offshoots to connect these remote regions of even your physical body. It is very similar with circuitry in that all circuitry share common characteristics which enable this linkup. Many times it is all there in place; the only thing needed to activate and join these circuits is the willful throwing of the switch, the [[action]] of [[connecting]] this circuitry then brings it to [[life]] and extends the [[influence]] of the circuit to the very end. In the case of spiritual circuitry, ever and always will it require your [[individual]], willful choice to throw the switch and establish [[the circuit]]. Never will you find yourself swept up into a circuit unwillingly. You must always [[engage]] to be a part of the [[process]].
Jonathan: Thank you.
Jonathan: Thank you.