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[Jo Ann led with a meditation that was not recorded.]
[Jo Ann led with a [[meditation]] that was not recorded.]
GERAHDT: Imagine this peace, the peace that passes all understanding pervading your life and giving you the assurance that all is well at all times. This is Gerahdt and I thank you for being here today. (You are welcome.) This small group has come a long way in a short period of time; as a group you have done well; as individuals, you have grown. We see within you those tendrils of growth that are reaching out, grasping your morontial image to be. Your declarations for your life are earnest and sincere and peaceful. You are finding a centeredness in your spirituality that aids your practical daily life. You are discovering that this is not there and here is not apart from that, but that this moment—here, now, today—what you are experiencing in this group is also a part of your everyday, where you are at work or at play, at home, whether you are busy or at rest. You are discovering the continuity of life, of spiritual life, and it is peaceful. A religious life, a spiritual life that does not also bring you peace and understanding in your daily life is apart from your life, it is an "applied coat of paint;" whereas the true light of being wells up from inside yourself and shines out upon your world from you and is in turn reflected back to you from the circumstances of living.
GERAHDT: [[Imagine]] this [[peace]], the peace that passes all [[understanding]] pervading your life and giving you the [[assurance]] that all is well at all times. This is Gerahdt and I thank you for being here today. (You are welcome.) This small group has come a long way in a short period of time; as a group you have done well; as [[individuals]], you have grown. We see within you those tendrils of growth that are reaching out, grasping your [[morontial]] image to be. Your declarations for your life are [[earnest]] and [[sincere]] and peaceful. You are finding a centeredness in your [[spirituality]] that aids your [[practical]] daily life. You are [[discovering]] that this is not there and here is not apart from that, but that this moment—here, now, today—what you are experiencing in this group is also a part of your everyday, where you are at [[work]] or at [[play]], at [[home]], whether you are [[busy]] or at [[rest]]. You are discovering the continuity of life, of [[spiritual life]], and it is peaceful. A religious life, a spiritual life that does not also bring you peace and understanding in your daily life is apart from your life, it is an "applied coat of paint;" whereas the true light of being wells up from inside yourself and shines out upon your world from you and is in turn [[reflected]] back to you from the circumstances of living.
This is how we see metaphysics from our perspective. It is the trueness of being, shined out upon the outside to yourself in return, and soon you find harmony of living that feels comfortable, feels joyous. Some have questioned the wisdom of a spiritual life as it seems that their lives are still in turmoil and tumult, and that is simply because there is such a backlog of issues that have yet to be resolved! Just because you are in tune with Michael and with Nebadonia does not mean that the problems in your life, in your relationships and your material life, disappear overnight; and they won’t. But through this new life of living in peace, you will make new decisions that reflect this peace; that in turn gives you joy and fulfillment, and your old problems will be dissipated and hopefully will be resolved in time, due to your new nature.
This is how we see [[metaphysics]] from our [[perspective]]. It is the trueness of being, shined out upon the outside to yourself in return, and soon you find [[harmony]] of living that feels comfortable, feels [[joyous]]. Some have questioned the [[wisdom]] of a [[spiritual life]] as it seems that their lives are still in [[turmoil]] and tumult, and that is simply because there is such a backlog of issues that have yet to be resolved! Just because you are in [[tune]] with [[Michael]] and with [[Nebadonia]] does not mean that the [[problems]] in your life, in your relationships and your [[material life]], disappear overnight; and they won’t. But through this new life of living in [[peace]], you will make new [[decisions]] that reflect this peace; that in turn gives you joy and fulfillment, and your old problems will be [[dissipated]] and hopefully will be resolved in time, due to your new nature.
You recall sometimes in your life where you have had those trying, difficult moments that strike deep within your body and your mind and your soul, and you walk away and scream "Arruggghh!" And now in your new state, you come apart, step aside from those moments and in a quiet moment in a closed closet or outside, you look heavenward and open your arms, palms up and say, "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh," [Ed.-as in toning] and you join in the oneness of the universe and ask the universe, ask God, your guardian angel, [or] Nebadonia to fill you with harmony of "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" Oneness. Oneness, where there is no discord, where there is no scream of angst, but the open-ended "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" of joy, knowing that these moments of difficulty will pass and are even now passing.
You recall sometimes in your life where you have had those trying, [[difficult]] moments that strike deep within your body and your [[mind]] and [[your soul]], and you walk away and scream "Arruggghh!" And now in your new state, you come apart, step aside from those [[moments]] and in a quiet moment in a closed closet or outside, you look heavenward and open your arms, palms up and say, "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh," [Ed.-as in toning] and you join in the oneness of [[the universe]] and ask the universe, ask God, your [[guardian angel]], [or] [[Nebadonia]] to fill you with harmony of "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" Oneness. Oneness, where there is no discord, where there is no scream of [[angst]], but the open-ended "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" of joy, knowing that these moments of difficulty will pass and are even now passing.
Your faith, your life in spirit is not an antiquarian idealism, but a way of enjoining your daily life consciously, in peace. It is an ideal that can be lived out, a "oneness" that can act through your life and all that you touch, all that comes into your being, and as those moments of angst come your way again, you will have a new inner-strength to remain in oneness in yourself, and pass on that oneness into the moment, to the other who may be in front of you. Some will see this and some will not. The importance is that you can apply this oneness to your life. That is living out an ideal; striving for a higher standard.
Your [[faith]], your life in spirit is not an [[antiquarian]] [[idealism]], but a way of enjoining your daily life [[consciously]], in peace. It is an ideal that can be lived out, a "oneness" that can act through your life and all that you [[touch]], all that comes into your [[being]], and as those moments of angst come your way again, you will have a new inner-[[strength]] to remain in oneness in yourself, and pass on that oneness into the moment, to the other who may be in front of you. Some will see this and some will not. The importance is that you can apply this oneness to your life. That is living out an ideal; striving for a higher standard.
You, each of you, have seen this occur in your lives in the last few weeks, and each of you has felt an inner strength welling up within yourself giving you confidence, a hope that you can do this when it occurs again. Some of you have progressed to the point where you feel confident that you can meet these times, these challenges with the one "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" of stillness, of poise, of oneness. And you are not alone. You are surely not alone. It is our hope for you that you have seen and actually have heard with your own eyes [and ears], from others around you that you are not alone, that the presence is with you as it has never been before. I am here; I am your teacher; I am with you. Yet even our Master, Christ Michael, is closer to you than I am. And Nebadonia’s pervasive, energetic presence even now fills your whole being—your spiritual being, your emotional being, your body. There is no place in this local universe where she is not, except in those situations, those places where individuals have chosen to exclude themselves from her presence and the presence of Christ Michael.
You, each of you, have seen this occur in your lives in the last few weeks, and each of you has felt an inner [[strength]] welling up within yourself giving you [[confidence]], a hope that you can do this when it occurs again. Some of you have progressed to the point where you feel [[confident]] that you can meet these times, these challenges with the one "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" of [[stillness]], of [[poise]], of oneness. And you are not [[alone]]. You are surely not alone. It is our [[hope]] for you that you have seen and actually have heard with your own eyes [and ears], from others around you that you are not alone, that the [[presence]] is with you as it has never been before. I am here; I am your teacher; I am with you. Yet even our Master, [[Christ Michael]], is closer to you than I am. And [[Nebadonia]]’s pervasive, energetic presence even now fills your whole [[being]]—your spiritual being, your emotional being, your body. There is no place in this [[local universe]] where she is not, except in those situations, those places where [[individuals]] have chosen to exclude themselves from her presence and the presence of Christ Michael.
Our friend here was telling us about a man, George Washington Carver, who spoke to the little flower in his lapel from which he received insights and guidance. He was a very deeply spiritual person, and had he known that this was Christ Michael or Nebadonia, the Melchizedeks—it surely would not have surprised him. You too can look toward your shoulder and speak to your guardian angel, or to Christ Michael—at any moment! You may be sitting at a desk or standing at a counter and need a second or a moment to contact with the Source, and you just may on purpose, or accidentally drop something, reach down to pick it up and say, "Christ Michael, I know you are here with me—help me in this moment." Do not be surprised if you receive an answer, hear an answer, and see an answer in moments in the near future. And this is not magical thinking; this is not saying words over and over and over again to make the happenstance, the development that you want to see come into being, for that is so child-like and you are far past that.
Our friend here was telling us about a man, [ George Washington Carver], who spoke to the little flower in his lapel from which he received [[insights]] and [[guidance]]. He was a very deeply spiritual person, and had he known that this was Christ Michael or Nebadonia, the [[Melchizedeks]]—it surely would not have [[surprised]] him. You too can look toward your shoulder and speak to your [[guardian angel]], or to [[Christ Michael]]—at any moment! You may be sitting at a desk or standing at a counter and need a second or a moment to contact with [[the Source]], and you just may on [[purpose]], or accidentally drop something, reach down to pick it up and say, "Christ Michael, I know you are here with me—help me in this moment." Do not be [[surprised]] if you receive an answer, hear an answer, and see an answer in moments in the near [[future]]. And this is not [[magical thinking]]; this is not saying words over and over and over again to make the happenstance, the [[development]] that you want to see come into being, for that is so child-like and you are far past that.
We are speaking of the conscious relationship with an ever-present God, Christ Michael—ongoing conversations with God, spirit in your presence, guidance ever present, ever available to you. Many of you speak during the day to yourselves idly, "Oh, I wish this would happen," or "that would happen" or "I wish so-and-so wouldn’t do that," or "if this would come to pass," and it only takes a small change of pronouns, the application of first person to those statements, to live consciously and dialog with your Creator, to speak and dialog with your guardian angel or to Nebadonia. The change of pronoun to first person raises your awareness to the conscious level of having a conscious conversation then, with your Maker, with your guardian angel, with conscious spirit presence, anticipating that there is an answer and will be an answer for you.
We are speaking of the [[conscious]] [[relationship]] with an ever-present God, Christ Michael—ongoing [[conversations]] with God, spirit in your presence, [[guidance]] ever present, ever available to you. Many of you speak during the day to yourselves idly, "Oh, I wish this would happen," or "that would happen" or "I wish so-and-so wouldn’t do that," or "if this would come to pass," and it only takes a small [[change]] of pronouns, the application of first person to those statements, to live consciously and [[dialog]] with your Creator, to speak and dialog with your guardian angel or to Nebadonia. The change of pronoun to first person raises your awareness to the conscious level of having a conscious [[conversation]] then, with your Maker, with your guardian angel, with conscious spirit [[presence]], anticipating that there is an answer and will be an answer for you.
Today, I wish to speak with you about some of the foundations of faith, from the foundations essential for your spiritual growth, for your partnership in the universe, to become an eventual Citizen Of The Universe, that status which is recognized universe-wide, and that is, humility, as opposed to arrogance, as opposed to egoism, or in the extreme in narcissism. Even faith-filled, believing individuals struggle with this all the time. It may not be the egoism of "I am best," "This is for me, and if it is not for me, then it is not for anybody," but it may be the simple egoism of either/or—God is out there, I am here. For in the universe, my friends, there is no separation.
Today, I wish to speak with you about some of the [[foundations]] of [[faith]], from the foundations essential for your [[spiritual growth]], for your [[partnership]] in [[the universe]], to become an eventual [[Citizen Of The Universe]], that status which is recognized universe-wide, and that is, [[humility]], as opposed to [[arrogance]], as opposed to [[egoism]], or in the extreme in [[narcissism]]. Even faith-filled, believing individuals struggle with this all the time. It may not be the egoism of "I am best," "This is for me, and if it is not for me, then it is not for anybody," but it may be the simple egoism of either/or—God is out there, I am here. For in [[the universe]], my friends, there is no [[separation]].
Acceptance of that state of existence is "God in me," "God through me," "God with me." It is a very subtle and thin separation between those. We are not talking about simply being humble, for you can see humble beings all around you. That is a state of existence, but humility — humility is a state of being. Humble is a state of doing. Humility is a state of being. It is the capacity to know that you are a welcome guest in a friendly universe, and that all is available to you, and you are grateful — openly, verbally grateful! You do not try to bully your way through your life against others — and just as the universe is friendly, hospitable, and generous, so too are you.
[[Acceptance]] of that state of [[existence]] is "God in me," "God through me," "God with me." It is a very [[subtle]] and thin [[separation]] between those. We are not talking about simply being humble, for you can see humble beings all around you. That is a state of existence, but humility — humility is a state of being. Humble is a state of doing. Humility is a state of being. It is the capacity to know that you are a welcome guest in a friendly universe, and that all is available to you, and you are [[grateful]] — openly, verbally grateful! You do not try to [[bully]] your way through your life against others — and just as the universe is friendly, [[hospitable]], and generous, so too are you.
And in those instances when you may be misunderstood by others, you are open enough, humble enough to express the humility and say, "Did I offend you?" "May I help you with this?" "How may I be of assistance to you?" whether that person is the manager or owner of the place where you work, or the new stock clerk who is on the job for the first day. Humility is the active acting out of being humble, knowing that you are on the job for the first day in the universe, that you are learning your way through this lifetime of material existence and that you do not have all the answers, and sometimes, you don’t even have a clue to the answers but are willing to ask, knowing that you are in partnership and needed in your universe with a higher authority, and that you are humbly grateful for that participation to guide you.
And in those instances when you may be misunderstood by others, you are open enough, [[humble]] enough to express the [[humility]] and say, "Did I [[offend]] you?" "May I help you with this?" "How may I be of [[assistance]] to you?" whether that person is the manager or owner of the place where you work, or the new stock clerk who is on the job for the first day. [[Humility]] is the active acting out of being humble, knowing that you are on the job for the first day in the universe, that you are learning your way through this lifetime of material existence and that you do not have all the answers, and sometimes, you don’t even have a clue to the answers but are willing to ask, knowing that you are in partnership and needed in your universe with a higher authority, and that you are humbly grateful for that participation to guide you.
Humility gives you the opportunity to be open to receive and to learn. Humility offers you the opportunity to learn from others who are less humble, less able to express their humility or who resist it altogether. Yet we are not talking about that passive, inactive, incapable individual, for that is not active humility. Where you can see and can witness truly empowered individuals in your culture, who may own many corporations, who may be the head of many organizations, with thousands of people working for them, yet who is one of the most deeply humble individuals, able and capable of expressing humility with anyone.
Humility gives you the opportunity to be open to receive and to learn. Humility offers you the opportunity to learn from others who are less humble, less able to express their humility or who resist it altogether. Yet we are not talking about that passive, inactive, incapable individual, for that is not active humility. Where you can see and can witness truly empowered individuals in your culture, who may own many corporations, who may be the head of many organizations, with thousands of people working for them, yet who is one of the most deeply humble individuals, able and capable of expressing humility with anyone.
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