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Dear Marty,
Dear Marty,
Thank you for inviting the thoughts of others regarding this lesson TR'd by Chris from Ophelius. As usual, when there is discussion of such lessons, I like to add a flag directing the reader to the discussion page for "questions raised by this document". If any has reservations about their name appearing with their comments, let me know, and I will remove them accordingly, but the comments themselves are as valuable as the lesson and should be available to the many anonymous readers of these lessons.
Thank you for inviting the thoughts of others regarding this lesson TR'd by Chris from Ophelius. As usual, when there is discussion of such lessons, I like to flag the lesson directing the reader to the discussion page for "questions raised by this document". If any has reservations about their name appearing with their comments, let me know, and I will remove them accordingly, but the comments themselves are as valuable as the lesson and should be available to the many anonymous readers of these lessons.
Rob Davis
Rob Davis

Revision as of 18:12, 14 March 2014

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Marty Risacher wrote to 20 persons: Fri, Mar 14, 2014 at 11:15 AM

I suspect that many of you probably already got this but I wanted to share it with you in the event that you did not.

Another "wow" lesson!!! If any of you try this, please let me know the results.

Deborah Goaldman Obershaw wrote: Fri, Mar 14, 2014 at 11:52AM

Dear Marty,

Thanks for sharing this transmission—helping others heal is an important new ministry for me. Would you ask Ophelius to expound more on the taking on of another’s affliction? While reading about this, I had a strong negative response based on a past experience of mine. In that experience I asked to be given the pain that a dear person of mine was suffering. I focused on this intently and fervently. This person did experience the subsidence of pain after our session was done. I felt fine but in less than a week I began suffering from a mysterious ailment which did not respond to the doctor’s medication—it had been misdiagnosed. The problem rectified itself in a surprising way so I turned out fine. But, this taught me that it is best to help others by not absorbing their affliction. Ophelius is telling us to absorb their affliction. Although I do understand the reason (deepen compassion) and I see that it includes another step—receiving energetic healing for self that is then transmitted to the other person. I didn’t do that important step. However, I still think it is safer to hold the focus of healing energy directly flowing into the person. I also ask that the energy flow into me and be channeled through me to the other person, but I do not deliberately take on their stuff anymore. The final step is also important: visualize the recipient healed, vital, and joyful and feeling the happiness inside myself.

Another question for Ophelius: Sometimes I get asked to pray for the healing of someone who is nearing death and I feel conflicted because what if death is part of the healing. I don’t know what is most needed for that person. I do know that their loved ones need help with the grieving process so I include them in my prayers. I would like to know what Ophelius has to say about this or what anyone reading this has to say.

Thanks, deborah

Donna D'Ingillo wrote: Fri, Mar 14, 2014 at 1:11PM

Hi All: I saw this message today as I subscribe to George’s email list. This message surprises me as it speaks about taking on other’s afflictions in order to heal them.

From my personal experience, I believe that this practice of taking on another’s afflictions is very dangerous and should NOT be used as a focus for healing. An inexperienced healer would be very susceptible to taking on more than one is consciously and subconsciously able to handle in their body and not able to diminish the energies of the affliction easily. While from a more idealistic perspective and a purity of heart and mind, this could work as described in the message, most people are not capable to handling another person’s energies and could likely be settling themselves up for some difficulty in releasing the diseased energy. I have experienced this myself in the earlier days of my healing career, so it mystifies me why this teacher would promote this.

Instead, another focus would be to feel compassion for that person and to ask for Father’s WILL to move in that individual. Ask for your Adjuster to liaise with the afflicted person’s Adjuster. A focus could be to visualize the words, “ABC’s Adjuster” and simply ask for Father to build His LOVE into that person. Holding that focus and intention is enough to bring in the flow of healing energy into that person. Think of the focus as using a direct current of LOVE from Father (in electric terms a D/C), while what the message speaks of is an alternate current (or A/C). Which one would seem more effective? It’s always best to ask for Father’s WILL to prevail in another individual as we don’t know in what manner Father would like to bring this person into wholeness and wellness.

As with any message, it’s always prudent to take that into stillness and ask for clarification so that no undue stress is placed upon the psyche. Hope this provides some clarification.

In loving service, Donna

Bonnie Klatt wrote: Fri, Mar 14, 2014 at 3:20PM

Hi everyone: I did take this into stillness with my Adjuster and received an "NO - do not try this." -- blessings, Bonnie

Rob Davis wrote: Fri, Mar 14, 2014 at 4:54PM

Dear Marty,

Thank you for inviting the thoughts of others regarding this lesson TR'd by Chris from Ophelius. As usual, when there is discussion of such lessons, I like to flag the lesson directing the reader to the discussion page for "questions raised by this document". If any has reservations about their name appearing with their comments, let me know, and I will remove them accordingly, but the comments themselves are as valuable as the lesson and should be available to the many anonymous readers of these lessons.


Rob Davis