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Riberao Preto, São Paulo, Brazil

Session of 20 July 2005

Message XVIII – Your Heart is the Only Compass

Teacher: Group Teacher

T/R: Marcelo Cróssio

Here we are for one more instruction of support and help. Signs appear with growing definition, there is no way to deny events. The nucleus of your civilization will suffer some energetic changes that will have repercussions in the physical plan. These energy waves will play the role of awakening the mental plan of innumerable human beings, freeing them from extremely crystallized mental patterns.

Remember that pain is proportional to resistance. You must walk, the whole must move, so extreme measures will be adopted. Bear in mind your balance, have your minds steady in their purposes. Much has been revealed in the global scope and much more will be, that will shake deep-rooted thought-structures. This will be an awakening for many creatures, but for yourselves a mere confirmation. Always nurture the flame of love in your hearts, it will keep you clean. Remember that your heart is the only compass.

Think about the present and look ahead. The past is gone, do not dwell in it. It is only a part of your history. Concentrate your energies in the new. The masters and the beings who came from the center of Creation are extremely dedicated to this mission. The permission they were granted, to annoint you with the immense love they feel, warrants our success. Do not think, however, that everything will be easy and without hurdles. There is much opposition, which must be overcome with the Father’s love. Pass the message ahead according to the guidelines; do not permit its profanation.

Be discerning and attentive. There will be questionings, for this reason you must study and get prepared to reply to your own questionings and to those coming from others. We are with you today, now and forever. May the love of the One who walked among you be always stronger.

Group Teacher

Translated by Frederico Galvão in Brasília, 23 July 2005



Session of 20 July 2005

Riberao Preto, S o Paulo, Brazil

Message XIX – Trust and Have Faith

Teacher: "M"

T/R: Marcelo Cróssio

The angelic hosts salute you. We are warriors and soldiers of light. We work for the great creation of the Celestial Father spreading truth, faith and light on all worlds. We are here to support and protect you. We work with fire, on this planet. We ask you to always have a white candle burning in your homes. Through fire and with fire we can work on the subtle energies of your bodies and of your homes.

We are invisible beings, but we are very close to you. Our legions are widespread. Our anchor is fire, fire in its multiple manifestations and in all of its dimensions. This activating element is very powerful. Work with it, employ the energy of fire in your lives, to build and to get protected. Our guardians are with you, vibrating love, harmony and divine protection. Trust and have faith.


Translated by Frederico Galvão in Brasília, 23 July 2005



Riberao Preto, São Paulo, Brazil

Session of 20 July 2005

Message XX – Have Your Minds Free and Loving

Teacher: Kron

T/R: Silvana de Almeida

You, dear children, must not underestimate or aggrandize yourselves. Among children, all are just children. Before the universe we are all generated by Light and generators of light, more or less awakened. You valiant and faithful warriors, bear in your hearts our love and admiration, as followers of the same path. The moment now approaching is familiar to your hearts.

Be light and smooth. Do not carry useless emotional weights with you. Be impartial in your choices. Be honest in your desires. Have your minds free and loving, bathed in the blessing of the right to live in peace and happiness. Guide your quick or slow steps according to the motivation of your hearts.

We are all creatures and explorers of the mists enveloping the universe of our Greater Father.


Translated from Portuguese by Frederico Galvão in Brasília, 23 July 2005



Riberao Preto, São Paulo, Brazil

Session of 20 July 2005

Message XXI – Follow the Light of Your Hearts

Teacher: I AM

T/R: Silvana de Almeida

It is like assembling a puzzle. Only the union of all pieces shapes the whole. Do not dissociate. Do not suffer from the diseases of preoccupation or hurriedness, even less from judging a whole that is not even glimpsed yet. Be transparent and faithful to yourselves. Be like children enthusiastic about the divine plan coming to correct and illuminate. Follow the light of your hearts. Follow Me.


Translated from Portuguese by Frederico Galvão in Brasília, 23 July 2005