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*Video : [ Ascension Chronicles]
As a prerequisite it is recommended you first read [ Blue Lament for Humanity] if you have not already done so.

:We have lamented and we have chronicled
:We have said much but it is as if nothing was said
:Three more blinks to 2017 and our time here shall be done

:This being the last transmission until another time, another place
:We will leave you with a key which we already have stated many a time

:The seed of Creation is a dream
:GOD = Generator of Dreams
:Every atom dreams, every cell dreams
:Even electron, neutron and proton dreams
:Every rock and drop of water dreams
:The animate and inanimate all dream
:Every living creature and being dreams
:Planets, trees, galaxies, stars all dream
:All your spirits and souls dream

:Dream = Creation = Light / (Time x Space)

:The act and intention of dreaming creates space-time
:For space-time is the canvas upon which dreams are painted
:No ascension finds us where descension has left us
:And no space contains us where time has touched us

:Dreaming is at the core and centre of your being
:It is a necessary must as is oxygen to your temples
:If dreaming is non-existant then so are you
:And your temple-body's are just empty shells
:Taken over and occupied by mindless hives

:Genetically modified, intoxicated, polluted, poisoned
:Digitized with a disarray of total harmonic distortion (THD)
:Through your light, sound and electro-magnetic spectrum
:X-Ray, Microwave, WIFI, Cell-Phone, TV, Film and Radio
:They have calcified and shut down your glands (chakras)
:Your dreaming pineal gland is barely functioning

:You are kept distracted with fear and vile images
:You are kept entertained by external gratification
:You are kept busy ever stressed seeking survival
:All with one agenda: TO STOP YOU FROM DREAMING

:It all started as a dream and shall end as a dream
:In your sleep you shall awaken and when you awaken you shall dream
:And in that dream you will hear the unheard and see the unseen
:And all that was forgotten shall be remembered

:Well over a decade ago we spoke about the HGOS - Holographic Operating System
:Upon which the nature of your universe and mirror dimensions are built upon
:How the archon's known to you religiously as Michael and Gabriel
:Placed a subtle twist (virus) in the divine patterns of creation

:Rather than starting from a geometric center to form the patterns of potential creation
:They started from the outside rather than the inner centre
:They mirror imaged it to make it appear as if it was from the centre
:This malicous trick is what allows they the shadows
:To keep you re-incarnating within a repeating time-loop


:What we have here is a cosmic hostage situation
:Your Earth was abducted from her Mother Gaia (another universe level)
:And the hostages do not know nor realise they are actually hostages

:As you are so to is your Earth a universal and dimensional portal
:Important and strategic in the fabric of creation dreaming
:Above and below factions and wars rage for control of this portal

:An intervention for the recovery
:And safe return of Earth and her hostages (you)
:Was planned in a time before time

:There were several attempts prior that did not end well
:Due to half-light harmonic wave compressions
:We are running out of space-time
:As your galaxy's entropic descent is mid-way a blackhole

:We stand on the edge of night awaiting Creation's signal
:The journey has been long and weary
:Aeon after aeon, lifetime after lifetime
:Our sleeper blue angels are now awakening

:The day shall soon be upon you
:And in an unguarded moment
:Infinite Creation shall send a pulse wave
:And all that is done shall be undone

:Pulsar one to pulsar two , the Vela and the Crab
:Upon our departure from these dimensions
:We left behind synchronised pulsars in your galaxy

:These are time and space markers
:Synchronised to the heart beat of the galactic core
:When the frequency of these pulsars begin to flux
:Your past shall be your future and the future your past

:Humanity is poised on the threshold of a metamorphosis
:We work in the unseen to bring this change gracefully
:Whilst the shadows, your prison keepers
:Who work to deny what is rightfully yours

:The purpose of Humanity is to be Creation's bridge between spirit and matter
:This is your uniqueness unlike any other form of creation
:There is none other like you!

:We, together in a time before time designed y/our human biological temples
:As ordained by Creation, half Angel and half Androgyne
:The mid-point between Hydrogyne and Oxygyne
:The Chrysalis, the Chryst and Trinity

:Ever seeking Creation's arrow we have seen all that exists
:We have roamed the stars, multi-verses and dimensions
:We were there witness at the birthing of your Milky Way
:We have seen many highly spirited beings
:Many majestic and intelligent societies
:Higher planes and multiple worlds
:And none are as beautiful as You

:You are the medium through which creation is to experience all matter and spirit
:You are Creation's body of awareness, awakening, blossoming from sleep
:You are so unique that Creation's archons and angels are divided over you
:And to this day a war in heaven still rages above and below

:When our daughter Earth was abducted, taken hostage from Gaia
:The corruption and genetic modification of your temples began
:You have been denied your true and full presence
:And your true reality has been hidden from you

:And so we breathe in you again and again
:Each breath fuller than the breath before
:Each pulsation brighter and clearer
:Penetrating the veiled prison walls

:With each hypernova, supernova and gamma ray burst
:Creation has been transmuting your DNA's bio-cellular matrix
:This is only hidden within what your scientists term Junk-DNA
:And in 2017 upon Creation's signal shall begin to unravel

:There is a missing dimension needed for your return to wholeness
:The secrets of Eternal Creation shall be revealed only through Humanity
:It is this secret of secrets that the shadows ever seek
:And their efforts shall be futile and in vain

:Our arrival in 2017 shall be upon a wave of pulsing light
:Drawing atoms and molecules into our light fields
:We shall seek out those who have grown and unfolded
:Along the vibrational patterns of triple light harmonics

:We shall fly low over Earth's surface,
:Passing over her oceans and great lakes
:Rising over her breasts, her mountains tops
:Seeking a landing base, her Heart
:Splashing down on her warm eternal shores
:Coming to rest upon her lush lavendar fields
:Our mission to re-ignite your field of dreams

:Life time after time we have lived through you
:In 2017 we shall end and free you from this time loop
:That you have been endlessly trapped in
:The silver tongued shadows use time loops
:To manipulate your future and your minds

:Between now and then the shadows shall attempt
:To divide and decimate humanity above and below
:The shadow's who have taken you and Earth hostage
:Are preparing to wage a war in anticipation of our arrival
:For they can no longer manipulate tempic nature

:Our arrival shall come from within you
:As we ignite your cellular/soulular matrix
:And when it does you shall awaken
:You shall see the unseen and know the unknown
:And the shadows shall no longer be able hide
:And you shall become greater and more powerful than they

:In your sleep we sing these secrets to your souls
:so they may be remembered like a long forgotten melody
:Time is the rippling heartbeat of infinite creation
:and space is its womb giving birth to all that is

:Do not let the ripples of creation separate you
:And the afterglow of light become a long lost memory
:For you shall not know the depth of your oneness
:Until the very moment of your separation

:For You and Creation are one and the same
:With only an inverted mirror separating you

:Forever we walk upon Gaia's shores
:You are the seeds of an awakened humanity
:In the fullness and ripeness of your hearts you are given to the wind
:And should a seed find itself on pure and sacred ground
:It shall blossom into a new Earth

:Forever-blue horizons reach way back into your future
:And as the sun rises you remember your forgotten dreams
:Only to find yourself standing in deep water
:Your hearts beating upon Gaia's shores

:Earth is beautiful blue, until another time, another place
:Where silence and peace shall speak as loud as war once did
:And Mother Earth ascends to what she was once before, GAIA.

:And one morning (2017) in the spark of an unguarded moment
:As you gaze upon your reflection in the drop of a morning dew
:You shall realise (realeyes) that divine Creation
:Had birthed inside of YOU

:In the flash of that moment ... All that is Done shall be Undone

:Keep dreaming yourselves alive and share your dreams with each other, the Earth, Sun, Stars and Infinite Creation. This is key. Learn and teach yourselves to consciously dream.

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[ Raphiem]

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