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===Topic: ''The Benefactor of Your Soul''===

===Group: [[11:11 Progress Group]]===
===Teacher: [[Ophelius|Teacher Ophelius]]===
===TR: [[Chris|Chris Maurus]]===
Ophelius: “To live is to [[change]]. [[Everything]] about [[life]] is a [[process]] of change and [[transformation]], for if you are standing still or resisting change, you are not really living life according to your life plan. Just think about these words: “life plan.” It is a living [[blueprint]]; a series of [[goals]] and destinations; a dynamic [[strategy]] for [[soul progress]] and completion; and it is a guided outline for you to follow as you uniquely gather your [[eternal]] treasure — those survival value [[experiences]] that go with you into [[eternity]]. Change, my friend, is a [[good]] thing and you are wise to [[embrace]] it.

“There are two ways to experience change: with [[fear]] and dread closing down every [[opportunity]]; or with [[curiosity]], [[trust]], and [[hope]] — with an inner knowing that you will grow and benefit from the “[[shift]]” in [[direction]]. [[Imagine]] living on a [[river]] and spending a great deal of time learning how to build a [[canoe]]. You’ve learned from the greatest canoe builders and [[teachers]]; selected the best building materials, and now as you near the completion of the task, you bring your canoe to the edge of the water. The [[weather]] is near perfect for a [[journey]], yet you have never been down the river and you do not know what is around the bend or in the lands beyond your [[home]]. You have a [[decision]] to make: to go boldly into the river and [[explore]] the world beyond, or do you stay where you are and polish your canoe again as you have a hundred times before?

“Yes, you have heard [[stories]] of others who have traveled down the river — some have nearly [[drowned]] in the rapids and others have made it through to [[discover]] the placid [[lakes]] and sandy [[beaches]]. Many twists and turns there are and many [[beautiful]] vistas for you to behold, yet until you actually move into the water, you will never know. Are you not curious of what the river of life holds for you? Eternal life, and [[godlike]] [[perfection]] is ahead, but to get there, you must be willing to change and [[grow]], [[wonder]], and explore all there is in [[the Father]]’s house. It is the [[Creator]]’s Will that you venture out and explore the lands beyond and take the [[path]] less travelled — be the first to discover the hidden [[valleys]] and experience the bounty of an undiscovered country.

“You, my friend, are the [[explorer]], the sensor, and [[risk]] taker. You are the hands, feet, eyes, mouth, and [[heart]] of the Creator in the realms of [[time]] — you are the vessel and the navigator for the [[Indwelling Spirit]] of the Creator who rides with you. He goes where you go; He sees what you see; He feels what you [[feel]]; and He [[harvests]] the experience of life that you [[choose]] to have and keeps it safe for you like a priceless treasure — safe within [[your soul]]. Go therefore boldly into the water and trust that your [[Heavenly Father]] will see you through the journey. Will you go with fear and dread, or with wonder, trust, and [[faith]]? [[The Universes]] were created for your journey [[home]] and I can [[assure]] you that the path is one of sublime [[beauty]] and astonishment. [[Love]] is the current that moves your canoe down the river and when you stay in the [[flow]] of love, only [[Truth, Beauty, and Goodness]] shall grace your voyage.
“What are you waiting for? Take your shoes off, step into the brisk water, pull the canoe from the shore and get in — you are in for the ride of your [[life]]!”

“[[Peace]] to you,

“The Circle of Seven.”

[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: 11:11 Progress Group]]
[[Category: Ophelius]]
[[Category: Chris]]
[[Category: Exploration]]
[[Category: 2015]]

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