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===Topic: ''Of Barter, Money, and Currency''===
===Group: [[11:11 Progress Group]]===
===Teacher: [[Samuel|Teacher Samuel of Panoptia]], [[Aaron|Teacher Aaron of Urantia]]===
===TR: [[George Barnard]]===
*Edited by Linda Abell
Teacher Samuel: “Greetings to all. This is Samuel of [[Panoptia]] and Teacher Aaron is with me right here on [[Mansonia Seven]]. Panoptia is not a place on [[your planet]], but an [[inhabited world]], famous for its entire population having separated itself from the [[perverted]] teachings of its rebellious [[Planetary Prince]]. Teacher Aaron, on the other hand, is from your planet and he is indeed the brother of [ Moses] with whose endeavors you are rather likely to be more familiar.
“We have agreed to [[devote]] a little time to the subjects of barter trade, real [[money]] and mere currency. These are important matters on all [[evolutionary planets]]. Beyond total distrust and [[aggression]], even consumption of one’s [[enemy]] or [[neighbour]], there almost certainly develops a thriving [[barter]] trade. Let us say that two lambs for one large milking goat would be a fair trade.

“However, whereas the two lambs will have a difficult time making it over yon rocky ridge, the goat will make [[play]] of the difficult [[journey]]. Better to bring the owner of the goat a small basket of 100 rare sea-shells to exchange for the goat. Can you see how the precious shells almost represent real [[money]], although still of undetermined [[value]]? It’s a wonderful [[progression]] to coins of gold, silver and copper that widely have and always retain a considerable value.

“The next forward move in lively trade is when the coins are replaced by lightweight certificates of equal [[value]] to the coins. Finally, there is credit — have it now and pay later.

“Now here I want to say that when we talk about critical times to come, we are discussing the [[Machiventa]]-organized [[Teachers Corps]], the spiritual values it tries to instill in you ‘pointy-eared’ students and the valued records you will leave behind. We are not at all talking about [[war]] and [[economic]] circumstances — not until this brief meeting, at least.

“Your persistent questioning of this receiver is now answered by us, only in-so-far as we are permitted to delve into worldly matters, of course. Are there [[dangerous]] times coming? Perhaps. We may well [[experience]] a lessening of [[hubris]], arrogance and lies from our world leaders. They might decide to ‘parler’ about the common [[good]] for the common people. Armies might well mobilize in the case of an earthquake, volcanic eruption, flood or drought and fight wars no more.

“Still, just in case I’m a little over-[[enthusiastic]] about your men and women at the top, the [[peace]] and goodwill towards all in their [[minds]], do have some cans of beans, a sack of rice and some coins of the noble metals. You’ll sleep well.
“This is Samuel the Panoptian. Aaron and I wish you a fine and productive day.”

[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: 11:11 Progress Group]]
[[Category: Samuel]]
[[Category: Aaron]]
[[Category: George Barnard]]
[[Category: 2015]]

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