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===Topic: ''Imprinting Energies of the Magisterial Mission''===
===Group: [[Center for Christ Consciousness]]===
===Teacher: [[Monjoronson]]===
===TR: [[Donna D'Ingillo]]===
PRAYER: Mother and Father, we come before you today with great love and trust in our hearts to collaborate with our celestial brothers and sisters for the furtherance of the Magisterial Mission to materialize on earth. As you know, we long for a manifestation of the divine planetary authorities here on Urantia, and yet we await your perfect timing when this will occur. We come to you today to further our own participation in this important unfolding upon the planet, and we thank you for connecting us heart to heart, soul to soul, and spirit to spirit that we may function as one in your will to further the circuits for change to occur in our planet’s consciousness that will bring the Magisterial Mission here to earth when the time is right. We’re so grateful to participate with our celestial brothers and sisters, and we open ourselves to their ministrations. As always, we thank you for your will being done.
MONJORONSON: Greetings, my beloved brethren! This is Monjoronson, and I am pleased to join you in this forum today as we collaborate with you, helping you participate with us in the furtherance of the Magisterial Mission upon Urantia. Changing the evolutionary course of a planet long sustained by a rebellion mindset is a massive undertaking. I daresay some of you are becoming more familiar with what is involved in healing the fabric of consciousness upon this world that will bring more hearts and minds to the Father.

Over the course of several years you have trustingly opened yourselves to us, collaborated with us to build the circuits of LOYALTY TO THE FATHER’S WILL and other spiritual components most necessary for this change in consciousness to unfold. Besides this group there are others upon the world who are also participating with us. And now we have reached a point where more cross-fertilization is able to be achieved as you are connected collectively and individually to those who are participating with us in this massive time of change.

You have learned how to use your minds as a means of focalizing the Father’s WILL for yourselves and into the planet’s consciousness. And we encourage you to continue these efforts during your personal time of stillness communion. It is paramount that you maintain this practice ideally on a daily basis that you may continue to be nurtured by the energies of spirit that are so necessary for more change to occur. When you participate with us in a group setting such as this, we are able to filter through your consciousness that which is pure Fatherness, you might say—those energies that are directly in alignment with the Father’s WILL, and we are able to seed that into various places in your planet’s consciousness.

What we desire to achieve today continues to foster that change. And we invite you to focus on the words and energies of the MAGISTERIAL MISSION that we may connect you energetically to those other individuals and groups with whom we also collaborate to establish a wider network of spiritually progressed individuals with whom you can develop new associations and friendships. You will be guided to certain individuals with whom you can share this information and to receive their perspective on how they are collaborating with the higher realms. This will unfold for you over time. In today’s infusion we desire to establish a wider bandwidth of networking, as you call it, that the connections of spirit may spark new creative associations in your beings to draw you closer to your human associates who share similar ideals and ideas.

As we have encouraged you in the past, we invite you to focus on your hearts and the desire and intention to be more connected to the energies of the MAGISTERIAL MISSION, to stay out of the analyzing, reasoning portion of your intellectual curiosity and to maintain that trusting childlike faith in how you are being guided to focus that will render you more heart aligned with others who share similar desires for more love to permeate this world and to be its main driving force of creative association.

As these worlds reach down into your consciousness, let us minister to you now in these circuits of the Magisterial Mission. If it is helpful for you to receive and focus, let your gaze move to your heart center as the words MAGISTERIAL MISSION form in your mind’s eye. Focus your gaze upon those words. Feel your desire to become more tightly woven into the energies of this mission, to grow and reach new depths into the planet’s consciousness. We will begin now. (Pause)

The Magisterial Mission acts as a prelude to the era of Light and Life. There are many components of personal and social realignment that are now underway that will foster this era of Light and Life over the course of many years. You are in the very early stages of this mission. It has not yet fully materialized here on this world. The early stage of materialization is occurring through you. You are changing your lives. You are responding to the voice of Spirit Within. You are learning to let go of ideas and influences that no longer support the collective well-being of this world and all of its life forms.

I say this to you to encourage you to continue to desire this materialization and to help you to recognize the significance of what it is you are doing when you change your thoughts, when you monitor your feelings and you act in a more Father-like manner. We need those individuals who are more spiritually aligned and emotionally mature and intellectually advanced to collaborate with us in the furtherance of this mission. We have taken these years to prepare you. We give you ample time to receive what you need and then observe how you use these energies and information to carry forth the inner mandates of your hearts and spiritual inclinations.

Now that there are others of this world who are interested in spiritual development, more individuals are ready to act—participate—with the Magisterial Mission even though they may not have the orientation to it the way in which you do because of your understanding. But regardless of how an individual spiritually opens and aligns, there is momentum and potential for more of this mission to materialize through your lives. And when the time is right, we can be here amongst you and further the planet’s evolution toward the era of Light and Life.

As we continue to minister in you now, feel your desire to be connected to more individuals with whom you can share the messages of love, healing, transformation. Let your hearts shine. The Father’s LOVE and GLORY pulsing and radiating inside you, letting those emanations speak from your hearts into others who likewise are resonating at that higher frequency. (Pause)

Focused intention will bring you more individuals with whom you can share spiritual ideals seeded within your hearts. We encourage you to use the power of your mental and emotional currents in a focused manner that draws spiritual energy to you and those individuals who are operating within that certain bandwidth, you might call it, of resonance. While your energy beings are upstepped it is also important to remain in that heart-felt place of desire to be more Father-conscious that acts as that drawing magnet of love to bring people into your sphere of influence.

As you allow these energies of the Magisterial Mission to gain deeper presence within your energy beings you will over time notice that you are more receptive to other persons who come your way, and you find yourselves engaging with them in a more spiritually open and progressive manner. Is this not after all what your hearts desire and what your souls crave—this level of association with your brethren? So allow us to continue to minister to you for a few more moments. And then as usual, we will invite you to focus outwardly upon the planet to build the circuits in a collective manner. Continue to receive. (Pause)

I invite you now to shift focus, and in your mind’s eye spiral the energies of the MAGISTERIAL MISSION around the globe in a counter-clockwise rotation, focusing this from your hearts with that very heightened desire to see more of these energies move through the circuits of consciousness, move through the endowments we have co-created together and taking deeper root into the planet as a whole. (Pause)

Planetary adjudication is underway. The inhabitants of this world are being spiritually awakened and opened to the TRUTH and LOVE of the Father’s presence within. The MERCY ministry of this mission is designed for each individual to open to this inner presence of the Father and to make the choice to choose the Father and His ways. This occurs at all levels of a person’s consciousness. Some individuals do not yet understand to what they are responding—how they perceive and intuit the spiritual pressure being applied on their consciousness.

But what is more important is to see intentions, motivations, and actions of change irrespective of a person’s awareness that there is a mission underway upon this world. In time they will understand what is occurring. What we seek this change of heart and the opening to love and compassion, forgiveness, tolerance, nonjudgment. When we see individuals responding in these ways, we can be assured that they are feeling and allowing the spiritual pressure to illuminate them in new ways. (Pause)

We encourage you to perceive your brothers and sisters with the eyes of the heart instead of the eyes of the intellect. When you find yourselves judging others, turn within and ask to see this individual before you from the eyes of the Father. We cannot underscore this enough for you. You may continue to grow in what it means to participate in this Magisterial Mission and how your perception continues to move in the direction of LOVE. As your heart energy develops, moving toward maturity, know that as this occurs you will be more responsive members of the Magisterial Mission, and able to collaborate with us more cooperatively and to your heart’s delight. (Pause)

As we have encouraged you in the past to place your gaze upon those geographic areas, circumstances, situations, and relationships where the spiritual energy may produce good, I invite you to focus on the energies and words NETWORK OF THE MAGISTERIAL MISSION. Where do you wish to apply these energies? Take your time to place your focus around the globe or in closer relationships to you as we follow your gaze. Feel your desire for this NETWORK OF THE MAGISTERIAL MISSION to grow and connect you to others who are similarly stimulated in spirit. (Pause)

It is time to lift the circuits of this call and the planet’s consciousness up to the Father and to His Coordinate Deities. Father, we thank you for the ministrations of Spirit shining from your Paradise GLORY down upon this world. May your children’s hearts be open in the JOY and LOVE of LIFE. May your creative plan of evolution strengthen within each individual and help them to choose you and your ways. Our brothers and sisters with whom we collaborate on this call are with us today as we lift this world up to you, thanking you for your presence moving in them now. It is your WILL that is done. (Pause)

Take a few moments to draw down your focus into Urantian consciousness. You may if you desire plant the words NETWORK OF THE MAGISTERIAL MISSION into the ground, asking for these energies to take root in this deeper soil of the constructs of our consciousness for others to be nurtured and seeded with new information. As you do this, feel that love from your hearts pouring into the earth, activating and catalyzing certain seeds within the framework of the mission to nurture and sustain your brothers and sisters. (Pause)

Divine dispensation is upon you, my brethren, and you will grow in its meaning and value to your lives over time. As these energies filter into your consciousness, create new pathways within your being for comprehension and embodiment of what this means for your lives. Be patient with yourselves as you allow this to occur. Let yourselves ferret out insecurity, fear, uncertainty, anxiety, for these represent the influences of the rebellion and are not worthy of retention by a noble son and daughter of the Paradise Father. Remember who you are, and grow increasingly in the stature of what it means to be a part of the Divine Dispensation growing upon this world.
I leave this for your consideration and know that you will be guided along this path that you may take your rightful place in bringing about more of the correction for this world, conceived in the HEART and MIND of Michael and being implemented by the WILL of your loving Mother. Thank you for your trust and your participation, and enjoy this day wherever you and the Father sojourn together. Good day!

[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: Center for Christ Consciousness]]
[[Category: Monjoronson]]
[[Category: Donna D'Ingillo]]
[[Category: 2015]]