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Topic: Calibrating to Mother's Personality

Group: Center for Christ Consciousness


Teacher: Machiventa

TR: Donna D'Ingillo



PRAYER: Mother and Father, we thank you for helping us grow in Spirit in the ways you provide to us. Encircuit us now as one in your love that we may focus on where we are guided to support the spiritual progress being made in our circuits of consciousness to the end that one day we will have a materialization of the Magisterial Mission on Urantia. We are here to support its efforts and we thank you for your WILL being done through this call today so that goal may come ever closer. Thank you.


MACHIVENTA: My dear brethren, welcome today’s Magisterial Mission conference call! This is Machiventa. Over the past several sessions we have been helping you open to the circuits of your Universe Mother and the Planetary Supreme Mind. There is a relationship between the evolving Supreme Planetary Mind and your Mother Spirit, and one of the ways in which this dynamic relationship is forged and continues to evolve is through the amplification of new circuits of Spirit into your energy systems to help you exude that spiritual fragrance which grows the Planetary Supreme Mind.

In today’s infusion we invite you to once again focus on your Mother Spirit and simply allow Her movement in you to expand and help you to become more illuminated within. It is as if we wish to increase the intensity of the light that emanates from your souls that you would shine more brightly in your energy fields out into the world to support the evolving growth of the Planetary Supreme Mind.

To that end we invite you to simply relax. Focus on your Mother. If it is helpful, focus on Her name NEBADONIA as we draw close to you and help you perceive your Mother as She radiates Her LOVE into you. Let us begin. (Pause)

The presence and action of your Mother in your beings is designed to foster your spiritual development and soul expression. You only have to look at your brother Jesus to see Her action present in His life: how He conducted Himself, how he spoke to individuals with whom He communicated his outlook on life. This was all predicated on a very intimate relationship He had with His Universe Mother. Like you, He evolved His mind in Her to the point where He was conscious of the presence of His Indwelling Father at all times.

You have this potential, and one of the cornerstones of the Magisterial Mission is to develop more men and women along these lines as Jesus to support His mission when the time is right. Think about your own human life—the struggles, challenges, and triumphs that you have thus far encountered. How much further can you go and grow in your spiritual development to help during this time wherein we are building the circuitry for the Magisterial Mission to materialize?

It is in coming to your Mother wherein you will receive more of that spiritual upliftment you need to outwork the past that you may enjoy more space within your internal beings to perceive the leadings of your own Indwelling Father Spirits. As I say these words to you please consider your commitment to grow in this manner as your brother Jesus demonstrated, and ask your Mother to help you become more filled with Her GRACE and LOVE, Her CHARM, and Her JOY. (Pause)

Though many individuals of this world have attempted to reach a certain level of cosmic consciousness, few individuals have actually attained this state. One of the greatest factors is that the individuals have neglected to avail themselves of the energies of their Holy Mother to support them. There is a type of energy that comes directly from Her when you appeal to Her as your Mother that She provides to you to support your internal development through the agency of the Adjutant Mind Circuits. You are all being gifted with a certain degree of Her energies now to support your expansion into the Adjutants wherein some of the lower frequencies impacting your minds are now being outworked to attract enhanced circuits of light that the Father Within you may infuse more truth for your consideration.

This is one of the ways that we are outworking the legacy of the rebellion. This is a massive undertaking and we invite each individual to take up the reins of your own personal responsibility to grow your potential and to release the past influences that have constrained or curtailed your spiritual development. When you come to your Mother in this way She is able to impart and support the outworking of these influences in your being and help you grow more lovely and harmonized in divine WILL. (Pause)

Expand your inner vision now to encompass the planet as a whole. As we continue to help you pereceive your Mother through this infusion, let your bodies relax as you allow Her energies to flow from your heart to the planet before you in your mind’s eye. If you wish to use that visualization of weaving and wrapping the word NEBADONIA around the planet counter-clockwise north to south poles, that would be helpful. But what is most desired is for you to feel your need for your Mother’s presence to break new ground in these circuits of consciousness, to flood the planet with Her essence of SELF, to grow new Spirit fibers in these circuits of consciousness that more may drink deeply of Her nature and also of the circuits of your Father Michael and His personality essence. (Pause)

Where would you wish to see Her action become more operative? Direct that through this internal gaze upon those circumstances, geographic regions, relationships, wherever it is that you wish your Mother’s LOVE to pervade. Focus it there as we will follow your gaze and apply what we can into these circuits. (Pause)

You cannot change the past. However, you are all free and capable to ask your Mother’s presence to move into those places where there is fear, illness, poverty, injustice, inequality, war, animosity. You see, my brethren, when you appeal to Her directly She moves in you and through you, and Her LOVE is applied into those areas wherein you apply your focus. It may seem that you are not accomplishing much because you may not be able to perceive Her action through your request. But She is there, and your angelic sisters are all laboring on your behalf to dispel these energies of the rebellion as they have influenced the development of human consciousness of this world. And so, You might call this a great dismantling process to liberate the human heart and mind from these energies of the past. And so it is that more and more hearts are awakened to the presence of the Spirit Within and it will continue to be so for a time to come.

But do not underestimate your attempts of coming to your Mother and asking for Her presence to move in and through you, to uplift and upstep you that you may be a vital member of this family acting as a change agent on behalf of the Magisterial Mission and the Correcting Time. How do you wish to use your currents of mind—of thought, and feeling? Appeal to your Mother to support you in the rightful use of your mind that you may be in a state of RIGHT MINDEDNESS and LOYAL TO THE FATHER’S WILL. Take a few moments to appreciate your Mother and how She functions in you, letting yourself relax as She touches you in those places where you have need of love and validation. And as She opens you, let your need for love and validation be gratified and send that out into the world that others can know their Mother and Her immense LOVE for them. (Pause)

You have all been gifted with LIFE and you are connected to this gift through your Mother. Join with us now as we elevate our gaze to Paradise. Thank the Father for the gift of the Infinite Spirit and your Mother whose origin is in the Infinite Spirit. Thank the Father for having a loving Mother. Let your heart be full of gratitude for Her and how She is in you—every breath and every moment. And as you thank the Father, relax in that appreciation. (Pause)


Let us descend from the heights of Paradise GLORY back to Urantia. Focus on the name NEBADONIA. And as you have done in the past with the visualization of planting with great love and devotion in your hearts, see yourselves planting Her name containing many seeds of spiritual potential into the planet’s earth. Just as your Mother is the soil of your consciousness, the earth represents a certain environment or soil for your personality expressions. Use the imagery of the earth’s soil to seed Her name into this level. It is more of a figurative level than it is a literal one, albeit it is helpful for you to use material images to help you collaborate with us in the insertion of these circuits into the earth’s consciousness.

Feel your desire for your Mother’s presence to take deeper root in the soil of the earth’s consciousness and to be spread far and wide. Then stand firmly upon the earth, allowing the energies of Her name to draw up from the core of the earth into your feet, letting yourselves be more rooted in Her through your Adjutant Mind Circuits. Drink deeply in Her and of Her nature. (Pause)

On behalf of the celestial corps I thank you for joining with us today to continue to build these circuits for a new Urantia to emerge victorious from the past, fully embarked upon Her path to Light and Life. Your efforts, great and small, are valued and appreciated, and we continue to encourage you to spend time focusing on your Mother as Her presence pervades Urantia and heals this world. Let the healing continue and do your part each day to make this world a more beautiful and bright place. Good day!