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Topic: Standing Tall

Group: Costa Rica TeaM


Teacher: Alana, Arthur

TR: S. Butterfield



David : May we open to your beautiful energy, dear teachers. From the top of our heads to the bottoms of our feet, fill us with you love. Fill us with your shining light. Help us to be aware of our own light that shines within.

Alana : Yes. You are always learning. We do not speak intelectualisms. We speak the truth, with love; which is, that love is always the best remedy, the highest discipline, the greatest gift. Given voluntarily. Given because it has been received. Received because it has been given. Yes?

David : Yes. So wonderful to hear your voice, my dear.

Alana : Thank you. This is Alana, a member of your group, yes? Thank you for calling this gathering. It is welcome. Yes?

David & Nena : Yes. Welcome.

Alana : And we welcome change, yes?

D & N : Yes.

Alana : And you are changing, yes?

D & N : Yes, we are.

Alana : Good. To change is to spark the opportunity for joy. Yes?

D & N : Yes. Indeed, indeed.

Alana : And are you enjoying the lessons of joy that I promised?

David : Amazing. Amazing.

Nena : Yes.


Alana : And it is true, Legion says, “Keep your eyes open.” One day she shall know the experience to transmit with the eyes open. You practice this as you manage your emotions and keep your focus on love as you relate one to the other in your relationships of love. This is the discipline of love, which is the discipline of joy. We are pleased at how well you are learning the language of love and translating the language of love into the articulation of love wrapped around your tongue. Thank you. We are grateful for your lessons, and your learning.

Nena : Thank you Alana. It is so beautiful, what I am living, what I am feeling, how I am changing.

Alana : Yes. Irivina says that your progress is of the speed of lightening.

Nena : I think so.

Alana : Which she says is the requirement of the diamond jewel, the crystal gem, the prismatic understanding. (Interruption by telephone.)

Arthur : So, this is Arthur.

David : Hello! Welcome.

Arthur : And this is an opportunity for me to speak about the discipline of standing tall that you have been learning with the guidance of Legion. The imagery is this: as you stand tall before the mirror your eyes look directly into the eyes of your mirrored image of you as you see it. As you stand tall and experience the opportunity to look directly into the eyes of an equal, you reflected, you have the opportunity to say, “I love you.”

Nena : Beautiful.

Arthur : You will see, or you will experience the expansion that is love. You will notice, or you will see, or you will experience, any shrinkage due to fear, doubt, a lack of love (that is to see, belief in lack of love). As you practice this exercise in standing tall and looking directly into the eyes of the other, you reflected, you will carry this experience into your lives, into the standing before another looking into their eyes, equally loved, and you will observe the opportunity to learn to love once again. To see what you must know for the words “I love you” to be true, equal, real. It is an opportunity to increase your knowledge, understanding and experience that love is real, that love speaks the truth, and the truth is always accompanied by love. Seek love and you shall find it. Thank you.

David & Nena : Thank you.

David : Is it possible to speak again with Alana?

Alana : Yes.

David : You were interrupted, dear one. You were speaking a message from Irivina to Nazarina.

Alana : Yes, but we would convey a message from Legion, first, which is this: She, the transmitter must practice the tranquility of the stomach. And he, Mr. Practice, must practice the tranquillity of the heart. And you, my beloved Sir David, must practice the tranquility of the mind.

And Irivina says: Yes, she loves you, as you love her, with a light passing between you. The diamond in you is being honed by Irivina as you surrender your great love to Irivina to be molded and shaped by her. The t/r recognizes, even if she does not understand, that this fine-pointedness being crystalized within you has the light of the ice diamond, but the heat of the center of the heart fire that is within each one of you, expressed and experienced differently. Irivina’s message says to you that this heat is the wonderful creativity of God’s love within you, pouring out as you willingly give it away. Your life is to heal. Thank you. Thank you to Irivina. Thank you to each of you for making this speaking together in the communion of love possible.

David : Thank you for everything this morning. Is it possible to ask another question?

Alana : Yes.

David : We are experiencing this movement of energy in our bodies, particularly up our spines. You have said I should master it. Is this a good time to speak further about this?

Alana : All time is a good time. Of course, you are beginners, yes? (Yes.) And it is to be understood that beginners will tremble. Yes? (Yes.) Good. Trembling is good, it acknowledges, even if not recognized, that you are a beginner allowing love to enter to do God’s will, which is to love. You experience being loved as you allow God’s love to enter, and as you allow God’s will to be done, which is to receive God’s love, to know God’s love, and to give God’s love away, even trembling. Yes? (Yes.) And as you practice this discipline of love, which is the discipline of joy, you will know this trembling in many ways. The trembling of joy. The exquisite hold of the trembling into the highly refined vibration that is the pride of joy, visible as moments of extreme and extraordinary beauty. You will, as you practice the discipline of love in the mastery of the tongue and the emotions, you will have more often the experience of the transfer of joy from one, yourself, to another, or from another to one, yourself, and more often you will experience this transfer without a quiver of trembling and you will increasingly understand and know and discern the differences that allow, sometimes, the trembling to be not only appropriate but equally so the purest expression of the discipline of love, which is the discipline of joy. And discern this from when it is not only appropriate, but the lack of even the slightest tremor is the fullest expression of this joy in the transfer of love which is the discipline of love, which is the discipline of joy, which is the giving and receiving and the giving of God’s love. Is that sufficient for this time?

David : Wonderful.


Alana : Thank you. So, is there anything more?

David : As you know, we have been working, trying to clarify our minds, trying to open our hearts with our brother, Oliver. We have agreed together that we would go see him today to present him with our truth as lovingly as we can. I am wondering if you have any wuggestions, or guidance in this matter.

Al;ana : All in good time, yes? Both in guidance and action. All in good time, beloved. Continue to choose the path you have chosen, which is to seek love, to feel love, to be love, to give love, to receive love. Your idea is embraced by our love, and if it is God’s will, so it shall be. We are with you all the way always.

David : Thank you for that confirmation.

Alana : Do not fear. Do not fear. Do not doubt your intention to love. We will assist in the removal of shame and guilt. As you well understand now, we reach into those pockets and we take them by the seams and gently tug upon them and pull them up so as to empty them out, and one day your cloak of guilt and shame will look like a Christmas tree with all those marvelous little pockets of ornaments celebrating the lessons of love and joy. They will radiate and reflect the love of Michael’s love. No more dark pockets left, all opened to the light of beloved Father/Mother’s love, beloved Michael’s devotion to you. And your welcome devotion to turn ever and always in times of trouble toward me, toward love, toward God’s love for you. Thank you.