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Topic: The Nature of Reality and Free Will

Group: Center for Christ Consciousness


Teacher: Michael, Nebadonia

TR: Donna D'Ingillo



PRAYER: Mother and Father, we open ourselves to you as your children. Thank you for infusing us with more of those spiritual energies necessary for our development. We come before you now with love and appreciation that we may imprint upon your personalities and grow in who we are as your children. May your WILL be done now. Thank you.


MICHAEL: Greetings, my beloved children! This is Michael. All through your lives I have been with you. I have watched you grow and I have seen your progress. It is thrilling for me as your Parent to follow your lives as I see how you develop yourselves in the Father’s WILL.

As you know, this is the goal of human life—to become aware of your innate nature as an evolutionary free will personality who starts out here on the material world. You are given great gifts to support you on this journey of coming into the realization of who you are and the reality in which you live. The challenges of the human life upon Urantia have been much more formidable than those faced by other mortals living on more developed worlds. But there are certain compensations that you have access to that others do not.

You are aware that you have this status as agondonters—those who profess great faith without having physical proof of Deity. This faith is a fortification within your beings to render you more receptive to the divine leadings of the Father Within. We have been encouraging you on your paths of spiritual development and self-mastery, and what we provide to you serves to stimulate and expand that faith fortification that you may continue to progress in your status as agondonters.

Over the last sessions we have been helping you attune to the true NATURE OF REALITY—that which you might perceive as the real world and not the illusion of creation that has been part of your planet’s history. As we continue to support you bringing in new circuits to connect into your energy systems to foster your relationship to the true NATURE OF REALITY, we invite you to consider your role in that as creative children learning how to navigate this realm through the gifts of your free will.

The gift of free will is another divine endowment to foster your ability to make decisions, to choose the higher path, the way of TRUTH, GOODNESS and RIGHTEOUSNESS. There is a synergy between the NATURE OF REALITY and how you use your free will to make decisions about how to live your lives.

Today, we invite you to again allow us to move in you, helping you to, not only imprint upon the NATURE OF REALITY, but to also come into that deeper desire for your free will choices—your free will decision making abilities—to be more infused with the NATURE OF REALITY that you may perceive more from the Father’s perspective and use your gifts wisely with respect, reverence and love.

As you set this intention today, feel your desire for your free will decision making ability to align more with the Father Within as we provide you with more of the NATURE OF REALITY to support these important components of your beings. Receive us now, my dear children, and grow in what we are providing to you now. (Pause)

Many individuals living on this world are lost and disempowered. You are coming into a deeper relationship with your true natures, my children, and the power that you have in Spirit. You are being groomed in this arena of LIFE to make powerful choices—choices to choose the higher ways of life of loving, sharing, forgiving, and of trusting in the NATURE OF REALITY. As you know, there are many cultural influences that color your abilities to make decisions aligned in the Father’s WILL. But do not let that deter you!

As you continue to make efforts to go within, seek guidance that you may grow in abilities to make choices, grow in your intellectual understanding of the NATURE OF REALITY as well as embodying those principles and values that are a part of it. This is the rugged arena of your growth, and it is the arena in which you will continue to grow and make choices for a time to come. The more you relax into this process, the more you seek to see the NATURE OF REALITY from the Father’s perspectives, the greater your capacity for TRUTH recognition exists to support your decision making processes.

Slowly but surely self-mastery gains strength and stature. Slowly but surely, you gain wisdom and insight, and every day you demonstrate more of the fruits of the spirit. The Father Within is able and capable to illuminate your way. However, your Mother and I understand the deficits under which you have been struggling for many years, and we are here to support your efforts at Father recognition by helping to illuminate those circuits within your beings that retain error that you may see the truth, embrace it, strive to live it more each day. It is at these times when you come to us that you will be able to perceive more of the NATURE OF REALITY and the ways in which we have structured it for your growth and help you learn to love life and live life with a certain gusto and relish for your enhancement.

Continue to receive as these words settle in, as you continue to allow the NATURE OF REALITY to illuminate new places within you that you may choose the Father more and more in your decision making times of the day. (Pause)

TRUTH is your greatest ally, my children. LOVE is your greatest asset. As these divine qualities evolve in you, you yield to your brothers and sisters more of the GOODNESS they need to witness coming from their human brethren. While many people may shun what is real and true in the cosmic sense, the human heart needs to perceive GOODNESS—the goodness that comes from within, the goodness that is devoted to honesty, forthrightness, compassion, patience, peace, and understanding.

As you demonstrate the GOODNESS that is the Father, more and more you demonstrate that you have mastered the lower parts of your beings and the deeper truer sense of who you are shines forth. Strive to exhibit these qualities of GOODNESS more and more each day. It resonates recognition in your brothers and sisters with something they need. It develops strong loving relationships and the Correcting Time is ripe with these opportunities for you to grow and develop these loving relationships with your brothers and sisters. (Pause)

While the words we speak to you are not necessarily new ideas, these words and the energies contained within are designed to support the outworking of the distorted perception of reality that you may grow in the true nature of it and live more dynamically from that place.

In a few moments when your Mother addresses you, She will continue to expand you in Her being that your systems of consciousness will receive more of what you need to support those efforts at self-mastery that come from making those decisions aligned in the Father’s WILL. For the next few moments, continue to receive from us. Let our LOVE support you in the deeper places of your beings. (Pause)

I take my leave of your now, my children, in this manner. My Spirit of Truth is alive in you. Our connection is never severed, but you are the ones who open the connection by coming to me when you are in need, asking for my Fatherly essence to support your lives in the ways in which you are developing and growing in your decision making abilities in alignment with the Father’s WILL. Enjoy your growth processes, my children. They are beautiful and they are important. My PEACE is upon you, and my LOVE within you. Savor our relationship, my children, and be nourished in it every day. Good day.

NEBADONIA: My precious children! This is your Mother Nebadonia who speaks! As your Father and I continue to support your efforts and growth in the Father’s WILL, let us move into those deeper places in your beings where you may still feel some inner resistance, where the light of TRUTH has not yet penetrated into the shadows of your own psyches.

There is much beauty to behold in you. Each one of you has a soul of exquisite light and value. And we encourage you to cherish that part of yourselves that you may begin to reach new levels of self-understanding that will support your decision making processes as you continue to live life each day. This is where you are the most powerful, my children. This is where you have more control over your own lives as you yield your decisions up to the Father that you may perceive the higher path of righteousness and wisdom. (Pause)

As the circuits enter into your energy systems, let these sparks of TRUTH-LIGHT move into those memories of the past—memories of your lives. Let these memories be perceived with the TRUTH-LIGHT to disclose a higher perspective that you may perceive these memories more through the NATURE OF REALITY. Cosmic insight is a gift we provide to you to support your growth. You have been thoroughly conditioned to perceive your lives from such a narrow viewpoint that when you open to more truth, it takes you a while to adjust to the new information. But the more you desire this, the greater gains you can make within your self-understanding and the NATURE OF REALITY and outwork the legacy of sin and rebellion that has been such a large part of your planetary construct of consciousness.

The past is behind you, and yet you see from the past new truths that can spring forth from those memory patterns to supplement your decision making processes as you move forward. You can see more clearly the stumbling blocks that have deterred your growth and make those commitments to yourselves to not repeat certain judgments—errors—and grow in righteous decision making that leads to the demonstration of the goodness through your actions.

What we invite you to do is to simply receive that the LIGHT OF TRUTH may expand you and liberate you of what has caused you discouragement, doubt, and fear from this rebellion legacy. Simply ask me to continue to infuse you in these larger circuits of MIND that your energy systems may receive more of what you need to sponsor your growth. (Pause)

Integrating these circuits over time renders you more naturally receptive to the leadings of the Father Within. The nature of Spirit within you will help you perceive the NATURE OF REALITY from this higher perspective. There is so much to perceive, my children, so much of the NATURE OF REALITY for you to comprehend. Trust the Father Within you to guide to those insights that you need right here and now in each moment. Here is where you make a powerful decision of aligning your will to the Father’s. It is in that moment to moment decision with the Father to be with you and to perceive what your Spirit wishes to share with you of cosmic illumination. Sometimes you will have great insights and sometimes it will simply be a feeling.

Continue what you are doing and be supported in great LOVE. In this way you are gaining greater self-control that leads to the mastery of your human life experience. So it is all here before you, my children. The path is laid out for you. All you must do is walk it faithfully, each step moment by moment. (Pause)

If you need help staying in the moment, simply feel your desire and need to develop the awareness to live in that space of what you call the moment of “NOW.” Appeal to the Father Within you and ask for help. Allow me to support the encircuitment of this intention that your energy systems may perceive this in a broader and deeper way. (Pause)


Now is the time to live! Now is the moment of growth! As this energy continues to move in you, allow the Father to help you perceive those lessons of what it means to stay in control in this moment where you can make decisions aligned in the Spirit. The NATURE OF REALITY is all around you and it continues to support your development. More and more you will find these moments of your lives expanding into a greater UNITY in the Father’s WILL and deepen your ability to stay centered in His GRACE and be at peace. These are the inner conditions that foster your faith development and give you more of that inner encouragement to live as an agondonters and to master your human lives.

Enjoy how you are growing, my children! For truly it is beautiful to behold. Your Father and I wish for you to relish this time of your growth and to see the beauty in the process and in the development that you continue to make each day.

I will leave you now in this manner, my children, but I am always in you, supporting you, sustaining you, expanding you in the action of LOVE that pulses at the very core of your beings, enlivening each cell and your own abilities to choose the Father’s WAY. Grow in the way and thrive in His WILL. My blessings are upon you, my children. Good day.