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===Topic: ''Growing in Your Relationship With Our Divine Father''===
===Group: [[Center for Christ Consciousness]]===
===Teacher: [[Michael]], [[Nebadonia]]===
===TR: [[Donna D'Ingillo]]===
PRAYER: Mother and Father, thank you for all of the ways you support us during this very important time of change on our world. We open ourselves to imprint upon you, and we thank you for all of the ways you are moving in us now, that we may grow and become more solidified in the personality energies that come from the Father and are here for us embody through our own individual efforts and experiences. We open ourselves to you now and we thank you that your WILL may be done in us and through us.
MICHAEL: Greetings, my beloved children. This is Michael. Drink deeply of the spiritual sustenance your Mother and I provide to you. This is your life’s blood, you might say, and we are here to help you acclimate to these spiritual frequencies that are now able to move into deeper dimensional levels of your systems of consciousness. We have long awaited this time upon Urantia wherein the children of this world would be able to drink of this eternal well of GOODNESS and TRUTH, and become more refined in who they are as our children.

You are among the forerunners of your brethren to come to this well and to drink deeply thereof. And today is no different than other times we have gathered in this forum. The only quality I would invite you focus upon during this infusion is the quality of my SOVEREIGNTY. What does this disclose into your beings? As the energies flow in and as you imprint upon them, you may appeal to the Father’s presence within to receive concepts or awareness of the significance of this quality of my being.

I will disclose more information in a few moments after this flow has had more time and space to move in you. So simply relax, and let the energies of THE SOVEREIGNTY OF CHRIST MICHAEL imprint upon you now, my beloved children. (Pause)

The power structure of Urantia is changing. This has repercussions at all levels of your planetary life, ranging from the spiritual power structure down to the very dense circuits of physical energy and how power is infused through these physical circuits. As you know, this is a major undertaking we are helping you accomplish as we collaborate with you in sessions such as these.

Today, I invite you to allow the POWER STRUCTURE within your own being align and conform under the pattern of my SOVEREIGNTY. It is safe and even desirable to seek this infusion of my SOVEREIGNTY for it will disclose a certain type of authoritative power in your being that is aligned in the Father’s WILL. Many of my children have sought to wield power in ways that destroy the intrinsic fabric of life. But when you come to me and align in my sovereign POWER, this will disclose into you a different quality of power that is safe and necessary for you to develop; that you may operate more in concert with the Father’s ways conducting universe affairs.

Many spiritual individuals have shied away from their own personal power because of the sense of power being misaligned and misappropriated in its use of the evolution of the planet’s consciousness. This is all changing now. It is my desire for my children to come into the rightful use of their power which I provide to you under the auspices of my SOVEREIGNTY. So as these words settle in, feel your need for this to move deeper into your beings and allow yourself to relax in the energies as your Mother provides you with more of Her personal SPACIOUSNESS in which to grow, and then apply these sovereign powers in my being in your personal life. This is my gift I share it with you, my children. (Pause)

Once more fully align and embody this quality I provide to you for you to develop your own personal power, you will be given instruction and support in wielding this in conjunction with the Spirit Within. It is especially important at this time to learn about your own personal sovereignty that takes origin in the Father, that you may stand in who you are and express that more to your own soul’s satisfaction and contribute to the overall developing mind of the planetary Supreme Being.

Over time you will come to understand through direct personal experience how to wield this most expertly, adding to your tool box of that which you learned on the road to self-mastery. You might say that this endowment is a part of the equipment of spirit you need for the development of your self-mastery. I am happy to share this you, my children, that you may learn how to apply this in your own life and develop it wisely in accordance with the Father’s plans for your evolutionary adventure, especially here upon Urantia during this time.

Your mind will grow in this endowment and you will come into a deeper comprehension of how to use what you are receiving now. So simply allow these energies to continue to move in you. Focus on your need and desire for this. Your Mother and I will continue in this imprinting dynamic for several more minutes. (Pause)

Your minds are being impressed with various energies contained within my SOVEREIGNTY attributes. Over time your indwelling Father fragments will apply this information into various parts of your consciousness that you may learn and grow in what this means. It will be your delight and your edification to explore this, and you can indeed explore and experiment to your heart’s delight as you continue to ask for the Father’s WILL to become the paramount driving force of your life.

You see, my children, we are helping you reestablish that divine order in your beings that you may support and collaborate in the development of the Supreme Mind of the planet. Growing in this Supreme consciousness adds more light, space, life and love for your brothers and sisters to feed upon and grow. You are learning how your part contributes to the whole, and the repercussions of the actions of your part in how they contribute to the whole. This is one of the important components of mastering yourselves to appreciate how you individuality relates to the collective, and the Father within you will be happy to supply you with various ideas and ideals to consider as you move upon this path of self-mastery.

Your Mother and I provide you with what you need that you may achieve this, especially during this human lifetime when it is so important for your brothers and sisters to see living representations of Christ Consciousness walking upon the earth. You emulate me in my life human experience as Jesus when you do this. And I did not state when I was here as one of you that you could indeed achieve this? That you could do many great works? And so, here it is! It is all laid out before you. What you will you make of this? What will you do with what your Mother and I provide you? You give us much joy when we see you cooperating that which is within you of the Father.

I will stop here now that you may continue to imprint, and in a few moments I will address any questions you might have. Continue to receive as we continue to minister in you, my beloved children. (Pause)

You may come forward with your questions should you have any regarding this infusion or anything else upon your mind and heart. However, should you choose to stay in this meditative attitude, we will continue to support your integration into this endowment. It is your choice.
Student: I was wondering if the sovereignty is anything like as a person gets older and their place in society and they are more willing to stand by their feelings and expressions?

MICHAEL: There is a type of internal self assurance and confidence that grows through the recognition of who you are as a child of God. There are several different dimensions of this infusion of my SOVEREIGNTY that support this. One is that you have this distinct, unique, individual personality from the First Source and Center, and that you have personal power to express your God given gifts. The sovereignty energy is there to support your recognition of the fact of your personality expression that you may experience the value of that—to bring that forth through your own personal efforts and inclinations. So to answer your question in summary, the answer is yes! This will assist in that. Does that help, my son? (Yes, thank you.)

Student: My question is somewhat related to the one just asked. When we began the focus on SOVEREIGNTY OF CHRIST MICHAEL I was sensing for myself that within that SOVEREIGNTY is that which builds for us personal trust in our Sovereign and our Divine Parents and helps us develop a feeling of safety and confidence in taking action and speaking out within that context. So what I saw when we were focusing was that within that SOVEREIGNTY there is a certain safety, and something was approaching, what I take to be maybe a misaligned energy. As it approached that SOVEREIGNTY it just kind of bounced off like it was benignly moved away. [Student's note: I saw the SOVEREIGNTY as an infinitely large energy form being approached by a much smaller ball of energy.] I was wondering if you might expound on that for me please.

MICHAEL: This is one of the ways the SOVEREIGNTY energy functions in human consciousness. It is there to provide you with the sense that your personal power aligned with the Father is safe to use. My SOVEREIGNTY is larger than the planetary form of power that grew in the rebellion state of being. Recall that Lucifer and Caligastia desired to be sovereign in their own states of being and they would have achieved this had they not deviated from the divine plan. Therefore, in their greed to consolidate their power they developed a much more negative approach to wielding power that had a very harsh punitive attitude in which it was wielded.

The difficulty for humans in coming into their own sense of power is a state of fear because you begin to sense that misaligned appropriation of power from the rebellion and because you are a spiritually awakened individual, there is this recognition that this is an incorrectness of power. Because you feel that in your own being, there is a tendency to shy away from becoming a powerful person in your own sense of self that comes from the Father.

The interference of this rebellion energy is being outworked that all may come into their own personal sovereignty that I share with my children who desire to do the Father's WILL. This will be an enhancement that will grow in you over time as you continue to seek to serve, seek to grow, and seek to enhance the planetary culture in which you live. Does this answer your question to your satisfaction, my daughter?

Student: Yes, very much so. The light bulb finally came on that this is to help us to be able come into our own power which is our divine inheritance. That hadn't quite hit home with me, so thank you. I have to say that today it feels like you are sitting right before us speaking directly to us, Christ Michael, and I am really enjoying that. I have another question that is perhaps unrelated but on my mind. As a person working to develop myself as a healer I have a big question that comes to my mind when I read in the Urantia text about how you exhorted people not to tell others about instantaneous healings that you did and how so many people that were healed that way did not experience spiritual healing that was permanent.

For much of my life I have desired to be able to heal the way that you did, but now I am questioning is it more appropriate to continue to be able to just heal people more slowly so they have the opportunity to participate more in their own healing, or is it still a worthy goal to want to be able to just with a touch or a few words help people find what they would think of as miraculous healing. That is so much what I desire because there are SO many people around us, we just don't have the time to work deliberately and "slowly" to help everyone.

MICHAEL: There are many dimensions and aspects to your concern and desire, my daughter. The first concept I would like to clarify for you is that healing comes from the Father in Paradise and you are His active conduit participating in the act of healing. The Father's WILL is the overarching energy that you are helping that individual perceive, and that perception happens at all dimensions and levels of that person's system of consciousness. You are an instrument, and as you attune yourself to being this instrument of the Father, it becomes less important in your own state of mind and heart to heal that person of that person's maladies at whatever level they are occurring multi-dimensionally in that person's consciousness. You begin to hold that desire and intention for Father's WILL to minister into that person perfectly.

It is up to the Father to determine at what level or levels this person is ready to come into alignment. Recall in the episode after my transfiguration and I returned to my apostles and they were attempting healing. It was difficult for them to understand wherein they failed. I encourage you to read that section over and ask for the Father within to supply you with insights that you may acquire more true wisdom into what you are desiring to do. The free will individual disposition of a person is unknown to you, but the Father within that individual is aware of what that person feels, desires, thinks, knows, comprehends. What you are doing is providing a space for the presence of the Father to be more active within that individual. The more you focus on your ability to be this clear instrument without agenda other than the focus to share love and be love, you will have more success in your desire to help this person heal.

Your healing abilities are simply the comprehension and application of yourself as an instrument of the Father as I was in my human life as Jesus. I did my best to apply my human mind to the healing circumstances which surrounded me of my children's desires to receive what I could provide to them. You are growing in your ability to align in your own internal divine powers. But I caution you to step back a bit and simply feel the desire to be more of that instrument of the Father that you may receive more of the direct communication from your indwelling Mystery Monitor to help you conduct the flow of LOVE from your heart, from your soul that another person may benefit greatly from this. Does this help my daughter?

Student: Yes it does, thank you.

MICHAEL: Continue to strive and practice, and over time you will gain mastery in being this clear instrument of the Father's LOVE and it will bring great joy to your heart to know that you are living up to a great potential within.

Student: I have a question about free will and this power. Now it’s power over ourselves to be more sure of ourselves and how does that relate to others and their free will?

MICHAEL: When you are in this place of true power that is aligned in the Father, there is a signal that is sent from your energy being into another. It can cause a catalyzing action in that person to spark spiritual energies to be more active within that person’s consciousness. It will be that person’s free will choice whether or not to respond to that particular signal they perceive within.

I encourage you to explore more of my human life experience from a experiential exploration of situations I encountered with your human brothers and sisters during my lifetime here on Urantia. My energy system was developed to the point that I was emitting that signal of LOVE to your brothers and sisters that could catalyze that action of Spirit within them that they recognized as something good and desirable. Some people responded mightily to this internal call within. And others because of their prejudices and self-seeking deceptions rejected this LOVE spark.

So it is up to the individual whether or not to respond to what you are emitting from your heart of LOVE, of COMPASSION, of UNDERSTANDING, and MERCY. And so the desire for those of who you are spiritually awakened to develop your own personal power through this infusion of Spirit so that you may actually emit that signal all around you whether you are conscious you or not. The more conscious you are in this state of LOVE, then it will be your delight to share with your brothers and sisters and it will be up to them and their own indwelling Father fragments what to make use of and apply it in their own lives. Does this help, my son? (That was great. Thank you.) You are most welcome!
My beloved children, let us conclude today’s time together in this manner. But truly we are never apart, and when you come to me especially in your times of stillness and ask for my SOVEREIGNTY to move in you, you will gain that sense of your personal power and the Father within you will be able to teach you how to use this in ways that will truly surprise and delight you. But you must do the inner work and desire to become more Father-like and let nothing stand in your way to prevent you from doing this, knowing that each experience before you is there to teach you, support you, and help you achieve this state of self-mastery wherein your personal power will be at such heights of alignment in the Father’s WILL that you will do great works in His NAME. I will leave this for your consideration and encourage you to open up to the true meaning and value of this for your lives. Good day, my beautiful and precious children.

[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: Center for Christ Consciousness]]
[[Category: Michael]]
[[Category: Nebadonia]]
[[Category: Donna D'Ingillo]]
[[Category: 2016]]

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