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===Topic: ''Active Participation in Your Ascension''===
===Group: [[11:11 Progress Group]]===
===Teacher: [[Ophelius]]===
===TR: [[Chris]]===
Teacher Ophelius: “Dear [[Students]] on the [[path]], I would like to speak to you today about the single most effective way to [[attune]] and connect with your [[Ta|Divine Indwelling]], your ‘Higher-self.’ Certainly, all the previous messages that have been given on the subject of [[stillness]] and connecting to the Father Fragments is forthright and helpful, but there is one sure tried and true way that is most effective, and that is to simply go out into the world and engage others with a ‘Fatherly Love.’ This Fatherly Love I speak of is not the [[love]] of a human [[father]], but of The Divine Father — the [[Creator]] of all things. This is the love that [[Jesus]] spoke of to his Apostles that transcended the [[Golden Rule]] — to do unto your neighbor as you would have them do unto you.

“This Fatherly Love rises to the highest levels of your [[humanity]] and approaches the [[divinity]] of the [[Indwelling Spirit]] as it is engaged by you with others in your [[relationships]]. How does the Creator Father see you, my dear students? Does he judge you and create all manner of hardships because of your [[imperfections]]? Is he really a [[jealous]] and wrathful God? Does he keep a list of all your misdeeds and shortcomings? No, He does none of these things. He is a loving Father who sees in you all the [[potentials]] that are possible and can even see in a moment what you have [[become]] over eons of time.

“He sees in you the [[beauty]] and [[innocence]] of a little child just starting out on life. He knows that your life shall [[transcend]] this nursery world and continue on into the hereafter — world after world, realm, after realm in the Father’s house. He sees how [[magnificent]] you shall be and all the astonishing things you shall [[experience]] and learn. This far-seeing view of your life and [[soul]] in [[eternity]] — who you really are and what you are becoming, is something to be cherished, celebrated, and loved unconditionally.

“To [[love]] others this way, my dear students, is to see beyond [[this world]] and see what [[the Father]] sees. When I say ‘see’ I mean to see with the [[heart]]. You may not always agree with the [[actions]] of others and how they think under the veil of separation — limited by the [[selfishness]] of the [[ego]], but you can use this far-seeing view of what they may become, and by that, remove your own judgments and [[perceptions]] of them. In this way you do stay unattached to the [[behavior]] and may approach your fellows with [[mercy]] and [[understanding]] as did the Master during [[Part 4|His sojourn on your world]]. [[Honor]] and acknowledge the divinity that lives in every man, woman, and child of age.

“To love this way (Fatherly Love), brings you into [[dialog]] with your [[Thought Adjuster]] where you may be [[guided]] to engage others with the mind of Christ (Christ Consciousness). It is this developing dialog as you consciously invite the Indwelling Spirit into your engagements that brings about [[attunement]]. This, my friends, is active [[participation]] in your [[training]] as [[Ascending Sons|ascending sons and daughters]]. This is what you bring into [[stillness]] — the experiences of your engagements — soul treasures. This life and realm you are in on the [[material worlds]] is one of the richest environments for your [[ascension career]] and when you awaken to the [[fact]] of your Divine Indwelling, and then cultivate that relationship, do you excel in the [[fruits of the spirit]] and the fulfillment of [[Jesus]]’ edict to ‘Love with a Fatherly Love — as I have loved you.’
“There are many ‘[[tools]]’ and many [[paths]] that may [[prepare]] you for ‘engagement,’ but until you step into active participation in your [[ascension career]], you may grow little in attunement with your [[Thought Adjuster]] (TA) on this world. [[Love]] is the [[vibration]] of the Father/TA. To Live, to Act, to Be always striving to understand love in all its forms is to be reaching for Divine [[Unity]]. The [[journey]] toward this unification IS the attunement [[process]].

“Peace to you,

“The Circle of Seven.”

[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: 11:11 Progress Group]]
[[Category: Ophelius]]
[[Category: Chris]]
[[Category: Attunement]]
[[Category: 2017]]

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