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===Topic: ''Opening to the Personality Circuit''===
===Group: [[Center for Christ Consciousness]]===
===Teacher: [[Michael]], [[Nebadonia]]===
===TR: [[Donna D'Ingillo]]===
PRAYER: Mother and Father, thank you so much for this opportunity to receive you in mind and body. You know our needs and you know how to fulfill them perfectly. We open ourselves to you now to receive your words and your energies of personality that we may continue to grow in you and become more like you in thought, word and deed. We are ready to receive you now as we focus in our hearts, and we thank you for your will being done within us.
MICHAEL: Greetings, my beloved children! This is Michael. Throughout your eternal careers you will spend time cultivating this deeper inner awareness of the power of the Father within you, His presence, His will, His actual beingness. The Father, as you know, is personally resident on the Isle of Paradise. There are streams of energy pouring forth from this place of perfection that are downstepped to minister directly into your minds and bodies. The presence of your indwelling Father Fragments is there to help you cultivate that mindfulness that allows you to perceive the Father Himself and the ways in which you are being gently guided to grow and become more Father-like.

The personality of the First Source and Center far, far exceeds human understanding and imagination. However, through me and the circuits to which I am attached, as the progeny of the First and Second Sources of reality, provides you with more of that personality energy that is so vital to your growth and development as children of God and to enable you to become more Father enhanced.

Today during this period of inner focus and dialogue, I invite you to draw upon that personality energy. I am your direct source for this, and I wish to impart more of my essence into you that will enable you to gain a greater strength of character by demonstrating more of the fruits of the spirit in your daily lives.

It is not necessary that you understand all of the implications of growing in this personality essence as it is for you to experience what I share with you and the circuits of this that are enhanced by your Mother’s presence within you.

Take a few moments to relax your bodies. Quiet your minds. Find that place of desire within you that invites the personality essence of my being to shine upon that which you need to grow. Let your desire swell. Feel it become a true need of your own souls, for in truth, this is one of the ways in which you nurture your souls by receiving from me as your Father. Take a few moments and a few deep breaths to relax into this idea and desire. Your Mother and I will move in you now. (Pause)

That which you call personality in your culture is more relegated to the realm of characteristics and the development of certain qualities and characteristics that you as humans find valuable and desirable. You seek for qualities such as compassion, patience, kindness, tenacity of will, the ability to look positively at life, a sense of optimism, hopefulness. These are the characteristics or traits that are a natural repercussion of a unified personality. This personality energy forms the inner foundation of your right to exist as a child of God.

It is not to say that in absorbing this personality you will automatically convey these characteristics or traits. But there is a greater likelihood that you will be able to demonstrate more of the fruits of the spirit because the unifying elements of personality move in you in a way that affords the Father Fragment more latitude to convey into your entire being that which you know is of great value—produces a signal of rightness, of goodness, of truth. And from here the unifying factors of personality are then able to craft a being of great beauty and attractiveness out in the world.

In today’s endowment of what your Mother and I are sharing with you, we encourage you to relax more fully into how you are refining the characteristics of your being so as to become a more unified personality. And of course, you may come to me as your elder brother Jesus to receive another level of information to cultivate the understanding of how I was able to craft my character through the personality endowments through following the WILL of the Father as I gained more insight into the Father’s WILL through my own indwelling Father Fragment.

Let these words settle in. Continue to feel that desire to receive more of this personality energy that we convey and share with you. What you receive may not be perceivable, and yet there is a strong and steady current of this personality energy that we infuse into you to help you grow and sustain you through the process of attuning to the Father Within. (Pause)

Your Mother and I desire for our children of this world to achieve their human potential. In coming to Urantia as your brother Jesus, it was my desire to help my brethren of this world to seek to develop this. And yet, the message of my life became distorted and the outcome that I desired was thwarted, due to many factors notwithstanding the way my teachings were shared amongst the many peoples and generations of this world. Yet within the purest context of my human life lies this power of the development of human potential. And your Mother and I are here to help you activate this more fully, to help you perceive that what is contained within you in pure potential is able to be actualized through your daily living.

Do not make the mistake of thinking that the level of personality synthesis that I achieved as your brother Jesus is beyond your reach, for it is not! It is an area of development that we have encouraged you to embark upon through the practice of stillness. This forms the foundation of the Correcting Time, and it is through this practice of stillness that you will receive more of what you need to grow—to stimulate your spiritual hunger, and to whet your appetite to develop your potential that you may become a more vibrant participant in the Correcting Time and demonstrate wonderful fruits of the spirit to your brothers and sisters to inspire and encourage them as well.

We are now in the early stages of helping people awaken to their potential. Yet, so many more awakened hearts are necessary for the world to see what it means to live a life dedicated to following the WILL of the Father within them. It is by your efforts that you will help in this unfolding. And while you know this in your minds, it is truly a matter of letting your desires swell the energies contained within your heart that truly awakens the power of potential. And it is through the endowments of personality that your Mother and I share with you that act as a catalysts for this to occur. So continue to receive. As these word settle upon your thoughts, as your Father Fragments use this energy to help you amalgamate what is being offered to you today. (Pause)

The power of your personalities is largely untapped. You will actualize this through the course of your eternal careers. You can develop this more fully in human terms here and now, thus providing an enhanced framework for your soul development to carry you on to mansonia and into the realms of the universe and beyond. So you see, my children, what you do here truly has relevance for your entire eternal journey and destiny, and I encourage you to consider these ideas we share with you today carefully that you would be in a better position to make that decision to more fully activate your potential—your human potential—here and now, and participate with us in a more glorious and faithful manner in this time of correction.

In considering this, thoughts of the lower animal nature will certainly arise in your mind. But truly, there is nothing to lose and everything to gain. You strive to outwork the influences of the past, of the planetary consciousness mired in rebellion, in favor of living in alignment and in accordance with the way and the will of the Father. And your Mother and I are making every provision available to you at the higher realms for you to achieve these heightened states of being. But you must consciously, sincerely, devotedly strive to attain this. This occurs by your own conscious choosing. No one can choose this for you. No one can make this happen, only you. (Pause)

I will leave you now that your Mother may speak to you and impart certain energies necessary for you to imprint upon these endowments of personality. Know that you live in my love and that you are carefully guided and supported as you make these attempts to grow in your ability to reach these heightened states of consciousness and demonstrate the fruits of the spirit in your daily lives.

One day you will remember the journey on Urantia that you made and marvel at how you were supported and how you outworked many influences that have held humanity back from achieving its potential. You will have outworked this in your own inner striving and helped the light increase upon my beautiful world. Good day, my beloved children.

NEBADONIA: My blessings are upon you, my children. This is your Mother Nebadonia who speaks. Continue to receive what you Father and I are imparting into you today. The effects of this may not become aware in your mind for some time, but the Father Within you is surely using these energies to help you to open to the greater reality of who you are as evolutionary children on an eternal adventure moving towards your glorious destiny.

One of the factors we consider important for you to master is the state of living in the present moment—to harness that mental current—that the Father’s presence within you can inlay what you need to perceive to live more faithfully each day as a loyal son of God. We know that this is not easy for you. We understand the many factors pulling your consciousness here and there, but we also know that you have the ability to master your mental current. It requires effort, perseverance, dedication and an unswerving loyalty to do the Father’s WILL, no matter what it takes.

The power of personality is therefore able to help you anchor into this perseverance and desire. It is a subtle influence. It is beyond your consciousness. Yet, as you imprint upon this during your stillness practice little by little, you will feel an inner yearning, a desire, and a growing sense of “I can do this. I feel strong. I am capable, and I have great potential that I wish to achieve.” Let your thoughts settle on this affirmation of power potential. We will continue to help you receive more of this personality energy. (Pause)

Throughout your long eternal career you will be intrigued by the personality of the First Source and Center. It will stimulate your desire for growth. It will whet your appetites for more spiritual development and service. So let this deepen your willingness to follow the Father’s WILL, and to develop your personality potential as a human to the best of your ability here and now, each and every day.

Your Father and I are with you, and you have many wonderful brothers and sisters of spirit who come close to you, to walk beside you, to encourage and support your efforts. We invite you to relax in this growing inner awareness, and that it may provide you with spiritual nourishment as the fuel you need to continue to grow and achieve.

Achieving your potential in terms of your humanity will leave a beautiful, indelible mark upon the growing Planetary Supreme Mind. You truly cannot appreciate or fathom at this point of your development the light that you will bring, you will contribute into the growing energy of the Supreme Being to this planetary construct of consciousness. You will not understand what this truly means until you are further progressed.

But if you desire this, to achieve your full human potential, every provision will be made available for you to achieve this. It is not necessarily an easy undertaking, but the Father within you loves you, encourages you, and longs for that ability to express His love through you that grows this great light upon the planet’s mind.

So consider that this is not something that you do not only for yourself, but for your brothers and sisters of this world, and that it will have far-reaching consequences you cannot see. It is so much a matter of faith and trust, but you know deep in your souls that this is true, and that your light is important to shine not only into the planet’s consciousness, but to shine into the entire universe—the growing fabric of the Supreme Being. Become more consciously aware of your cosmic responsibilities and in doing so more support will come your way. Digest these ideas for a few more moments while we continue to imprint upon you. (Pause)
My children, you are in loving, capable, guiding hands. Live your lives fully as best you can each day by making a commitment to BE the Father’s LOVE out in the world, thereby insuring that the power potential of your personality is indeed being activated. It will not grow all at once. It is incremental and evolutionary, but it will provide you with the growing satisfaction that you are indeed following and living as a child of God more so each and every day.

I leave you in my love my children, and over the course of the next few hours your angelic helpers will continue to minister to you and seed more of our love into your hearts and souls. Good day, my beloved chi

[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: Center for Christ Consciousness]]
[[Category: Michael]]
[[Category: Nebadonia]]
[[Category: Donna D'Ingillo]]
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