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===Topic: ''Imprinting Upon Light Frequencies''===
===Group: [[Center for Christ Consciousness]]===
===Teacher: [[Nebadonia]], [[Michael]]===
===TR: [[Donna D'Ingillo]]===
PRAYER: Mother and Father, we’re grateful to be here to participate with you and to receive what we need from you to help us in our growth. We open ourselves to your presence now that we may imprint more deeply upon you with what you wish to share with us today. Thank you for providing us with the celestial help we need to incorporate and integrate these energies into our beings. May your will be done now. Thank you.
NEBADONIA: Greetings, my beloved children! This is your Mother Nebadonia who speaks. Take some deep breaths. As this energy circulates around your body, relax. Put your mind at ease. Simply focus on the desire to receive from your Father and from me what we wish to share with you.

There is a momentum building within your bodies. Cellular activity and action is underway to help you translate the vital life force from Spirit into that which will support your physical transformation. As you imprint upon us and what we share with you, there is, you might say, a new language being imparted to you through these times of imprinting. While they are subtle, nevertheless, they are changing the very cells of your body to incorporate more light.

This light has powers that you are still in the very early stages of discovering here on this world. As we have advised you in the past, it is not so important for you to conceptually understand this as it is for you to simply allow these energies to move into you and do what they are designed to do for you. Let this relaxation take you deeper. Focus on your need to receive, what you might call, a light infusion and transfusion. Breathe and relax and enjoy what we are sharing with you now. (Pause)

All life is composed of light. Light fluctuates in various frequencies, in various dimensions. There is purpose, direction and meaning contained within light. And over time your indwelling Father Fragments are able to translate that light into concepts and ideas that augment your spiritual growth and soul development. It is so subtle at times you don’t even know you are being imprinted upon this light. It is not something that you can necessarily feel although there are those times when the flow is strong and it is perceptible. By and large this is a very unconscious process. But it is occurring, nevertheless, and the more you desire to become more as your Father is in His divine persona, the more you allow this light to perform in various functions in your being.

Your indwelling Spirits are able to communicate what this means in various ways for you to understand uniquely for each one of you. So you see, my children, there is no need to be concerned with your development. No need to rush your growth to come into these times of quiet reception when you relax the churning machinations of your mind.

Simply receive. Receive what we are sharing with you now, my children. Allow it go into depths of your being where it will translate those spirit sparks of light into those places in your being where true healing can occur. (Pause)

In the past, we have encouraged you to consider the progression of your spiritual development in terms of self-mastery. What exactly are you mastering? This is a question to pose to the Father Within you. There is a plan—a blueprint, you might say—that you are able to cooperate with and follow. As you explore this concept of self-mastery, you will receive certain impressions, considerations, ideas for you to ponder. It is all designed to help you come into a deeper relationship with the personality you are as a child of the Father. There is much to learn and much to move into alignment in the Father’s WILL. It is all a part of mastering the individuated self you are a child of the Father.

There are many energies within your being that fluctuate at certain frequencies which are available for you to learn how to harness and direct them toward your growth and soul development. This is not something that your planetary culture has really understood or explored. You are entering upon a new era of life where more and more this will be pursued as a goal of living. You are some of the forerunners of this for your planet’s development. So it behooves you to consider more carefully now, especially in the coming days when more change energy comes to the planet and more of the rebellion energies are outworked. What can you do during this time to increasingly align yourselves in the Father’s WILL—to learn how to use the equipment you have been given of your mind, of your body, of your feelings, your desires to further the implementation of the divine plan here on this world?

So as you receive what your Father and I are sharing with you, let these words settle in and let your focus set on the words SELF-MASTERY. Let the energies contained within these words gently pulse into your hearts. Or you may focus them wherever you wish over your body and allow these energies to imprint upon what we are also providing to you through this infusion of light. (Pause)

As these energies commingle and imprint upon you, let your hearts be light with the desire to master yourselves. Once you make that whole-hearted commitment, you set into motion certain endowments of Spirit that are able to converge within your beings the various components and energies of Spirit to support this intention. It is not as if you have to continually ask, “What do I need to master myself?” as it is to go to the Spirit Within and give your assent to follow the leadings wherever it may take you. This is challenging for it requires that you activate more faith than intellect in relinquishing a part of your control in favor of the divine unfolding. However there comes a point in your development where you will begin to recognize that this faith component of your being is what will give you the greatest satisfaction, the greatest sense of trust in the Father, and how His WILL delights in expressing itself through you.

You have heard these words before. You have even experienced great times of faith in your lives. As you know, challenging times require more faith even as material reality changes in ways you do not totally understand. What will be your anchor? FAITH! Through this motivation to master the human experience, you may indeed claim this for your soul possession and be a light to others who are still lost in darkness and have not recognized the innate greatness within them of the Father’s presence. I will pause here for you to reflect upon these words. Continue to receive what your Father and I offer you today. (Pause)

I will leave you now, my children, as your Father Michael wishes to address you. As you know, your connection to me is always there, always operating, and you will continue to receive from me as your Father speaks His words of love into your hearts and souls. Good day, my precious children.

MICHAEL: My dear children, this is Michael. There are many new endowments of Spirit bathing this world to help it in its major transition into the circuits of Light and Life which will occur sometime in the distant future. And by your efforts you are participating with us to achieve this. As you know, human involvement is critical to the evolution of a planet to achieve a culture of Light and Life, so I am here to encourage you and to think about what you are contributing to future life here. You have no idea what a Urantia culture of Light and Life would look like. It is beyond your comprehension. But there is something within you and you know it is the Father who wishes to support your desires and intentions to be of service.

So it is through this action of FAITH that you will be able to more consciously recognize and cooperate what it is you do on a daily basis to support the efforts of growing the planetary consciousness toward Light and Life. I desire that you receive more of this FAITH infusion to help you in that letting go process of the mind that tries to figure out what is happening at any given moment. This is a part of growing in self-mastery, and I share my human experience as Jesus to commingle with your own understanding to help you increase your faith attitude—your faith currents, you might say, within your consciousness.

So let your gaze settle the word FAITH. Let that energy contained within the word imprint upon you. Feel your desire for it to reach cellular levels down in the DNA strands, down into the very minutest parts of your being. We will continue to minister and imprint into you this very powerful energy that nurtures your soul and supports your life at very fundamental levels. (Pause)

Remember my words as your brother Jesus: that it was always the exhortation to be faithful, that is was faith that is all that is required to open the circuit to the Father’s LOVE. While I spoke these words many years ago, they are nonetheless true and will always be true even though human civilization develops and reaches certain levels of understanding of who they are in relationship to the grand scheme of things. It is time for you to come into a deeper relationship with FAITH and to apply it to the mode of living of your culture.

I spoke these words to my followers two thousand years ago, and it was a simpler time, so its implications had a different structure, you might say, to it. But now you are living in a much more complex time of life, and its complexity interferes with this ability to remain faithful. But you are all learning. You are growing in this acquirement, and it is my desire that you would evolve more in this to help you in your self-mastery, to bring more light to your lives, to your very souls. Continue to settle your gaze upon the word FAITH. Relax and breathe. Allow us to continue to minister what we wish for you to experience with us now. (Pause)

Your world has long suffered a deprivation of what it means to be faith filled and fueled for the ascension journey, especially as it is played out in human life here on this material world. We are anchoring this into you to help you become pillars of a faith foundation, unshakeable and yet radiating such spiritual joy and light that it is unmistakable to others. What does it matter if all earthly things crumble to the faith son and daughter? This is what we encourage you to become—a living expression of FAITH. So learn to master yourselves and grow in the Father’s LOVE. (Pause)

Let this time of change bring you a deeper level of contentment in your being knowing that all is well—that you are now working to create a planetary culture that is aligned in the Father’s WILL. Your efforts lay the foundation for future generations to continue to build this culture of Light and Life—of heaven on earth. Do not underestimate the power that each one of you has in your own sense of self. Yes, sometimes you view your life as mundane, small, but you are so spiritually powerful and the expansion capacities you have are truly unfolding as you allow these infusions of Spirit to grow you in a new way of being.
So as you go about your day, hold this focus of FAITH. Do not intellectually to try to determine what this means. Simply sing a song to yourself: I AM A FAITH SON AND DAUGHTER OF MY LOVING MOTHER AND FATHER. Let it take a child-like quality of trust and joy. Here is where your own internal Spirit is able to convey more of what you need to you. As you go about this—you might call it a simplification process of how you use your mental current—you will find more energy and vitality comes into your being and stimulates creative potentials within you to be about the Father’s business wherever it takes you. You might say you are working in your Father’s company if it helps you to remember what it is you do each day. That you have certain privileges, perks and bonuses that come your way by engaging in His holy purposes for your life and for this world.

I will leave you now with these thoughts to consider, for these energies to integrate. Let these settle into your hearts and souls, expand your minds into those creative expressions of our Creator Father’s LOVE and GOODNESS, TRUTH and BEAUTY into my beloved world. Good day, my beautiful children. Thrive in my love. It always with you!

[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: Center for Christ Consciousness]]
[[Category: Nebadonia]]
[[Category: Michael]]
[[Category: Donna D'Ingillo]]
[[Category: 2014]]