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Topic: Conference Call

Group: Center for Christ Consciousness


Teacher: Michael, Nebadonia

TR: Donna D'Ingillo



PRAYER: Mother and Father, we’re very grateful to be here today to receive your words of encouragement and transformation, as well as the energies of your personalities that you provide to us. We open ourselves to you now that our celestial brothers and sisters may come close to us and help us receive what you share with us. We thank you for protecting this circuit from any outside interference. As always, we are grateful that we may receive from you, and that your will may be done in and through us. Thank you.


MICHAEL: Greetings, my beloved children! This is your Father Michael. The upstepping of frequencies of spirit and life are gaining intensity upon Urantia. In the coming days you may notice a surge of these higher frequencies coming into your being. Today, your Mother and I are here to prepare you to receive this influx that your bodies and minds may be attuned to these frequencies and to render you more open and stable in what these energies can do within your being.

My love is ever present within you. But it is your ability and capacity to open that allows you to receive greater infusions of my love. You are all growing in your abilities to receive and circulate this love through your systems. It is my desire that each one of you would become so open in your energy systems that you would be great conduits of this love, that this energy would flow through your system and be able to be shared with your brothers and sisters when you are in conversation and relationship with them.

As you know, this is a time when the world changing its mind and heart energies in favor of something more beneficial. Yet, there is still quite a mysterious component to this time of change within the minds of many people. Today, I ask you and invite you to go into this frequency of the mystery, as you might call it—the unknown realm, the realm of the potential turning into actuals. There are certain seeds within your beings that the Father within you has planted in you as part of your divine life plan. When you enter into this place of potential—this field of mystery, you might say, you allow these seeds to become activated that your mind may pick up on the information contained within these seeds, and your hearts may open to the fulfillment of what these seeds represent of your innate abilities, talents, and the gifts from the Father.

Today, I invite you to open into this mystery, and to feel your desire for more of your seeded potential to become activated. This will help you attune to these frequencies your Mother and I are infusing into you during this time of this call, and to help you become more aware of how you may participate with us in this time of great correction upon Urantia. Let us begin. In your heart, focus on the words THE MYSTERY OF POTENTIAL, and allow me and your Mother to move in you now. Hold that focus in your minds’ eye, relax and breathe and receive us now, my beloved children. (Pause)

You are standing in a place of FAITH. This potential you are beginning to activate will lead you into the place of the unknown, into that which is still yet to be actualized. It is your faith, combined with the action of the Father within you that will render new ideas, imaginings in your creative potential to come more to the forefront of your awareness. But when you actualize this, it is truly based on your desires to be all that you can, and to recognize that your creative potential, in terms of your human conceptualization, is truly unlimited. For it is not only you to discover individually, but you will be led into dynamic partnerships with other individuals who are also striving to develop their own potential. It is a place of great creativity and it renders the individuals involved in this dynamic greater spiritual energy to actualize the Father’s will in material reality. So you have everything to gain by desiring your potentials to come to the forefront and to recognize that the mystery is a beautiful place for you to be. It is not a place to be feared, although for some individuals that is a feeling that is experienced from time to time because it is unknown. When you step into this place and ask for your faith to be activated also there comes within your mind an awareness that this is a safe place to be, a creative place to be, a dynamic place to grow and to learn more about what it means to do the Father’s will.

As these words settle into your minds, let these energies penetrate deeper into your hearts and go beyond the animal fear and into the spiritual safety that you live within the womb of your Mother. Continue to receive us, continue to desire. (Pause)

So much of human life is fraught with worry and fear. You are now outworking these old animalistic and cultural influences. So from time to time you will notice that there is resistance. When you remember that you have much help at your disposal, and especially my energy circuit as Jesus to tap into, you will move beyond these limitations and step into a greater appreciation of the potential that you do have seeded within you. When you attain this state of courageous dynamic spiritual living, the world is yours! You have many ways in which to express the beautiful personality that the Father has bestowed to you.

So my children, become as beautiful as you can. It is your destiny. You do not have to wait until you are on the mansion worlds to begin this journey into the values of TRUTH, GOODNESS and BEAUTY. Start now! Recognize your potential by allowing the Father within you to have more access to this desire and be in the place of mystery and faith that your potential could become more known to you in mind and heart. This is a great gift given to you by the Father to live and experience the wonders of creation.

Your Mother and I watch each of you as you open in wide-wonderment to sense the beauty within the deepest places in your being. Open and receive and let our presences go deeper into you; that you know that you are imprinting upon your Parents and we are giving you what you need to continue to grow in grace and joy and in the adventure of living. (Pause)

My children, can you intuit the beauty in your own souls? Can you begin to move your self-concept over into your soul awareness? This part of your innermost being is indeed glorious, radiant, beautiful beyond compare. While your soul is gaining stature it is very helpful for you to exchange your current self-concept to that of your soul, and to increasingly identify with your soul as who you are. Take a few moments to settle your thoughts on this phrase: I AM MY SOUL CONSCIOUSNESS. Feel your desire for this to become more fleshed out in your awareness as your Mother and I continue to help you receive these energies of spirit. I AM MY SOUL CONSCIOUSNESS. As your thoughts settle on this, open your heart to the true meaning and value of how this can impact your self-ideation. (Pause)

My beautiful children, many changes are coming to Urantia, and I encourage you to stay close to me during your days that I may accompany you through these times of change and challenge. The help around you is quite stupendous, and you are learning to monitor your thoughts and to stay more attuned to the presence of the Father within you, and circuits of my personality you have access to through the Spirit of Truth. Let your hearts grow in JOY, BEAUTY, GRACE, and RADIANCE and know that I am with you. My hand is steering this world into its new way of living. So be of good cheer and enjoy your own transformation process.

I will leave you now that your devoted Mother may address you and expand you in Her loving action. Be bold in your thoughts of spirit and continue to claim your divine inheritance as this will help you stay in that positive frame of reference and give you strength, courage, hope, and faith. Continue to grow during these rugged times of change. Be in my PEACE, my children. It is always yours. Good day.

NEBADONIA: Greetings to you all, my precious children. This is your Mother Nebadonia who speaks! Your Father’s love touches you deeply, and it is my desire that you would grow in Him in each and every day a little bit more. As you are expanded in my presence now, simply see yourself as a young child—a young child of faith that Father and I may feed you with more of that TRUST energy to over-light those areas where you still may hold doubt or fear, albeit it may be unconsciously. If you would like to envision TRUST entering into your being, hold that focus over your heart center. Invite these energies of TRUST to penetrate into your emotions, communicating with your physical body to hold you more secure and steady in the energies of divine WILL—the Father’s LOVE. (Pause)

It truly is TIME TO MANIFEST WHAT FATHER WILLS UPON URANTIA, my children. It is through your expansion into this mystery of faith, trusting in how the Father wishes to move through you. You will be quite surprised at what you are capable of providing into the schematic of planetary transformation when you allow the Father’s GOODNESS, MERCY and CREATIVITY emanate from your beings. Sometimes you will be quite astonished at what comes into you, through you—it is from the Father. It is all designed to help this world grow and return to its rightful place in my universe home.

So as your Father Michael has encouraged you to be bold, be bold in opening to these energies and go beyond the animal resistance and let the energies of fear that you may still feel from time to time be something that you wish to surmount. You will be given much help when you get that place to move beyond the fear stimulus and truly into the faith dynamic. So few of the children of this world have accomplished this, and yet you have the most wonderful example and inspiration in your beloved Master. You can always go to him and ask him to accompany you when you find yourself in this place. For now, I invite you to simply relax and allow my presence to gently expand in you—the action of the Holy Spirit—that the Infinite Spirit may move through you, carving deeper rivers of the Father’s WILL into your being. Relax and breathe and feel your desire to be expanded in divine will. (Pause)

Legions upon legions of my heavenly daughters—your angelic sisters—are here with you to help you attune to these circuits of LOVE and LIGHT, and to elevate your feelings to those of the higher angelic morontia frequencies that tyou may experience more JOY, more feelings of buoyancy in your body of lightness and of great hope. As the old animalistic emotions yield to these higher frequencies of spirit, you will appreciate more of what is happening within you and it will indeed whet your appetite for more transformation. You do not have to move at such an accelerated pace that would knock your spiritual equilibrium. Indeed, I invite you to savor this journey, feeling that deliciousness in your being that you can from moment to moment of what it means to be in the Father’s WILL.

So we give you these higher frequencies that you may imprint upon them and move beyond your limitations and begin to be more of what you might call morontia-ized on this physical plane. Your brothers and sisters need you. We need you to be the hands, eyes, ears of SPIRIT, to love your brothers and sisters back to health—spiritual vibrancy. Each of you has many wonderful gifts and abilities to bring to the forefront of your consciousness and to live fully. Did not the Master say that “I have come that you might have life abundantly?” His was the abundant life—he experienced the full range of what it means to be human. While some of you have truly drunk from the cups of sorrow, let your emotions now move towards the heights of joy and ecstasy that you may relish this human experience and know that you are being upstepped to help your brothers and sisters drink this cup of GLORY of being human. It is the divine adventure that awaits them. (Pause)

Yes, my children, IT IS TIME TO MANIFEST WHAT FATHER WILLS UPON URANTIA! Each day I invite you to pray that this divine energy penetrate more into the fields of Urantian consciousness. Remember that it is not only your spiritual responsibility to grow, but to also seek for growth for others and to pray for the changes you wish to see manifest here to come to pass through your prayers and service. So love boldly, speak courageously, and above all, let your faith grow through each and every experience you have in your daily lives. The Father’s presence longs to participate with you consciously in this divine adventure. The help you are given by your angelic helpers is truly beyond your comprehension at this time. We do invite you to make contact with them each and every day and seek their guidance and counsel. While sometimes you may not necessarily hear the words that they convey to you, allow your bodies to feel their presence and follow those subtle impulses to speak or to do something. These are the prompts they give you and we encourage you to act upon them.


My children, I leave you in my JOY. It is my desire that each one of you would experience deeper feelings of joy within your being—a grounded sense of well-being and happiness that is so stimulating to living a creative spiritualized life. Let me embrace you in my JOY, and feel your need for this to go deeper into your beings. You may focus on the word JOY over your heart centers. Feel your need for this energy to penetrate into deeper places of mind and body. (Pause)

Manifest what Father wills upon Urantia, my children. Let it be through your thoughts, feelings and actions that this is so that all Urantia may come into the deeper awareness and understanding of what this truly means. This world needs the Father’s LOVE and it is through your efforts and those other awakened souls that this is truly and surely coming to pass. Live each fully to the best of your ability in LOVE and JOY, and always remember to come to your Father and me when you need that renewal and refreshment and we will expand you in what you need. Good day, my beloved children.