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===Topic: ''Conference Call with Michael and Nebadonia''===
===Group: [[Center for Christ Consciousness]]===
===Teacher: [[Michael]], [[Nebadonia]]===
===TR: [[Donna D'Ingillo]]===
PRAYER: Mother and Father, thank you for this opportunity to be here with my sisters and brothers to receive your presence, to receive your words, to be uplifted in you. You know what our needs are, and we thank you for providing those to us. We open ourselves to receive you, and we thank you for your will being done in us.
MICHAEL: Greetings my beloved children! This is Michael. Today as you open yourselves in communion with me, it is my desire that you simply receive what I wish to provide to you of my nature—my Fatherly nature.

The complexity of my being is truly beyond your understanding at this time of your evolutionary development. But, one day you will be as I am in the fullness of your creator potentials that are indicative of the way you were designed. You are evolving creators in training. You are growing in your comprehension of what it means to co-create with the presence of the Paradise Father within you. It is my responsibility as your Universe Father to help you establish a greater strengthening within yourselves of these creative potentials.

So today, I invite you to merely align your desires to grow in your creator potentials, that I may shine my presence upon yours and feed you with that spiritual frequency—the light energy of LOVE that will help you to grow and prosper in the beauty of who you are as a child of God. It is not necessary for you to think any particular thought, as it is for you to come into that place within your heart that says, “Yes, I wish to grow in my creator potentials. I do not necessarily know what that means, nor how it will be fulfilled, but I do wish to grow, Father. I wish to receive your support to help me in my growth process.” Simply have this intention. Focus in your heart now and receive me. (Pause)

Spiritual vitality is the foundation of your growth and development. Sometimes there are nuances in your thoughts that something is moving you forward, and other times there is this, what you might call, massive shift in understanding and the portals of Heaven open their GLORY to you and you see a bigger picture of reality. Spiritual vitality functions in many ways, but it is always there, my children. It is a matter of what degree at any given moment you are able to perceive what the Spirit within you is trying to convey. So when you think of vitality, think of it in terms of Spirit: “How can I become more like the Father? What attributes do I need to continue to cultivate? Do I need more patience? Do I need more tolerance or forbearance? Do I need to be more forgiving of my brothers and sisters?”

The spiritual vitality that flows through your being will nurture these needs, and especially when you come to me as your Father and ask for my patience to further vitalize you, or my understanding will this spiritual vitality enrich and enhance the quality of your lives. Spiritual vitality is to be sought as a means to develop your potential. In the same manner as you need food and water to maintain your physical structures, the spiritual vitality that comes from communion with me through the circuits of your Mother, developing greater space within your being for reception of the Father, is how you will continue to progress in becoming God-like. So, allow this spiritual vitality to energize you, to uplift you. Let it nurture your heart as you continue to feel that desire to grow in your creator potentials for these two, what you might call, commodities of spirit to work synergistically together. Continue to receive my ministry within your minds, within your hearts, within your souls. (Pause)

The reflective nature of your evolutionary makeup is such that you were designed to grow through this imprinting process—imprinting upon behavior, imprinting upon the outer circumstances of your environment, and imprinting upon those qualities and attributes of my being to further augment your spiritual vitality. As a product of evolving on a material world, there is this level of reflection that you have all imprinted upon: in your families of origin, in the culture all around you. Some of it is healthy and constructive, and aids in your ongoing spiritual development. But for that which is not healthy, which is unproductive, I invite you to simply ask me to reflect my presence into these influences within your being that my LOVE, my TRUTH, my GOODNESS and my DEVOTION to you may reveal to you something of the higher nature of reality that will render these influences less pronounced within your being, to the eventual conclusion that they will no longer influence you in anyway. Simply ask for the reflection of my LOVE into these places within your being. Receive me, my children. (Pause)

There is a special bond growing between us. It is my desire that you would gain strength, awareness, and a willingness to further yield to this bond, and letting what exists between this bond to show you something that would be highly useful for the development of your creator potentials. Each one of you will use it uniquely based on your own inclinations and interests, and of course, where your own indwelling Father Fragments wish to guide you. But it is there for you, and it is a living connection, and it has much to teach you and convey to you. Let this bond become further vitalized. And open yourselves that you may be more fully tethered and integrated into this bond. (Pause)

This is the bond of LIFE. Oh, my children! Let yourselves experience what LIFE truly has to convey to you. You will not be disappointed. It will give you such a sense of belonging and joy in the overarching creative plan that is our Father’s design.

What a delight it is for your Mother and me to watch you open to this—to rub your eyes of the dust of material existence and to see into spirit and to observe what you have access to embrace and embody. So much is waiting for you! You have all awakened, and now it is time to truly feed and grow upon what you are now beginning to more deeply appreciate. In a few moments I will leave you that Mother will address you. As I embrace you in this circuit once again, continue to receive and let these energies go deeper into levels of your being which need my touch. (Pause)

I will leave you now, but as you know, I am always available to you. Do not neglect to come to me when you need that spiritual vitality and that sense of renewal and repurposing! Continue to feel that spiritual vitality throughout your day. It will help you use your creative potentials a little bit more each and every day. Enjoy your growth process, my children, for you will be growing and changing, experiencing and yielding in this mystery of becoming creators in your own right in the Father’s GLORY. Good day.

NEBADONIA: Greetings, my beloved children! This is your Mother Nebadonia who speaks! Your Father Michael’s LOVE through the qualities of His Fatherliness are indeed the wonderful attainment that you achieve as you master yourselves and overcome the limitations of your material existence. The qualities of His majestic personality you have access to help you develop your soul, help you ascend through the circles of development that you may arrive at the place where the Father Within you is ready to become one with you. All of this is happening through the circuits of Spirit through my being, which you have now come to understand as mind—consciousness. So, as you have imprinted upon your Father today, it is my turn to invite you to imprint upon me, that your consciousness may expand, that the spiritual vitality that is gaining greater strength and depth in you can also expand in breadth.

The domains of your material minds are being stretched as the energies of spirit connect within the material mind to help you grow in the comprehension of new truths, new insights, and deeper meanings of the value of the Father’s LOVE and His presence within you. Simply set that intention to receive me, to imprint upon my Motherliness, that my energies of LIFE will harmoniously synchronize with your Father’s personality attributes to integrate with what you have already received. Simply relax and feel your need for your Mother’s touch to gently expand you, and let the reflective abilities of your being imprint upon who I am and what I share with you. (Pause)

There is a beauty developing inside of you. It is the harmonization of the human evolutionary nature with the imprinting of the divine Spirit. This is yielding the soul, the expression of who you are out into the world, out into the far reaches of the universe as you progress on your ascension journey. The soul at this stage of your development is very tender and young, and yet your potential for it to be enormous and making a mighty impact upon the fabric of reality is unlimited. In this limitless possibility exists the creator potentials.

There is so much that you will not achieve until you are further along in your journey. But here, on this little earth plane, is where you begin to make contact with the idea—with the seed kernel of who you are and letting that intention to grow your soul to move you out into the world. This is, after all, what you might call the answer to the mystery of life. But so few people understand and dare to achieve this. But you, you, my children, are beginning to truly appreciate what this may mean for your life, and are starting on this course with more diligence, perseverance, purposefulness. And you will help your brothers and sisters awaken to this potential within them as well. So as these words settle in, continue to imprint upon me, and this reflective nature of your beings. And know that all is well. Your growth is assured for your desire to follow the Father is steadfast. (Pause)

I have provided you with many escorts on your journey, and it behooves you to come to know who these wonderful sisters are. The angelic realms are designed to support human life. You have every right and potential to grow in your relationship with them, for you are giving them experience as well that will support their evolutionary development. So think about this: “What can I do to serve my angels—those steadfast and diligent helpers, who are beside me, helping me without my awareness—what can I do to help them grow?” You can pay attention. You can desire to grow with them: to be the eyes, the hands, the voices of love to your brothers and sisters. For they help you in those circumstances of your lives to demonstrate the Father’s BEAUTY, and this beauty is in such need now. Your brothers and sisters are languishing for need of it. So as you continue to imprint upon me, know that your circuits are being expanded. The range of help to which you have access is also growing. Have that intention each day to pay heed and attention what is coming your way. (Pause)
I will leave you now in this manner, my children, that you may continue to receive throughout today what your Father and I continue to share with you. As your upstepping increases so does your perception, your awareness. It is as if your internal tuning devices are now giving an ear and an eye to what is now growing within you. So, pay attention, and know that your growth and your unfolding in the Father’s creator potential and plans are well underway. Enjoy your growth! Enjoy your process! For it is all part of the evolutionary plan and it is God’s gift to you. Thrive in that journey, unfolding in your own process each and every day, growing in GRACE and BEAUTY. Good day.

[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: Center for Christ Consciousness]]
[[Category: Michael]]
[[Category: Nebadonia]]
[[Category: Donna D'Ingillo]]
[[Category: 2013]]