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Topic: Q and A with Nebadonia

Group: Center for Christ Consciousness


Teacher: Nebadonia

TR: Donna D'Ingillo



Prayer: Mother and Father, we are grateful to be here today to receive your guidance in the ways you share yourselves with us. As we open this circuit now in our hearts to be connected more deeply to you, we thank you for what you provide to us today to help us follow our Adjusters’ leadings that your will may be done. Thank you.


Nebadonia: Greetings to you my beloved children. This is your Mother Nebadonia who speaks. Today I will be entertaining your questions to help you grow into this fabric of consciousness that is infusing the planet within Michael’s mind of His TRUTH and GOODNESS. You all have access to the mind of your Father. You all have within you the connectivity to His mind through the Spirit of Truth.

Before we begin with the question component of this call today, I invite you to quiet your mind for a few moments. Set that intention and focus on being more attuned to the presence and quality of Michael’s mind within your own awareness. There are many of my daughters here to help you expand and attenuate into these energies now. Let us conduct this expansion as you focus on your desire to be more attuned into the mind of your Father. Let us begin. Breathe deeply and relax. Allow the energies to move, stir, and gently radiate to help you grow. (Pause)

Each one of you is so carefully guided. Yet we do understand the conditioning of your minds that you sometimes are unable to avail yourselves of the full range of guidance to which you have access. Therefore, these types of energy expansions are helpful so that you are engaging a greater portion of your mindal endowment to perceive those more subtle or higher frequencies of spirit that you may indeed benefit greatly from what is being shared with you.

As we begin the question and answer component, you will continue to receive these enhancing energies. As the verbal response is perceived through your auditory senses and interacts with your present understanding, so will these energies help you expand into a deeper meaning enhancement and value appreciation of what is being shared with you. You may present your questions when you are ready, or if you feel you would prefer to receive continue to do so. It is your choice. But I am here to help you in various dimensions of understanding so if you feel you would benefit of a verbal response, any of you may begin when you feel so inclined to speak. (Pause)


Student: Dear Mother this is H, I am very thankful to be here on this call today. I just like to say two things: 1. that is not a question, but when I got up this early morning and was reading in the Urantia Book about the nature of the Father, that again provoked what I called my most thrilling thought I ever had before.

And it is the idea that the Father has no cause, and I think there is much said about it in the Urantia Book. What I can’t remember now but I just like to share that this to me is very thrilling and thought- or mind-expanding and maybe you could comment on that. And the other thing I would like to say is if you could also comment on my current situation on that farm where I work, especially on my relationship with the farmer. I refer to what you said to B, somehow that is already helpful to me, looking for a soul to soul relationship. I am searching for a way to understand this man as I like to understand people I meet and I have met in my life. Thank you.

Nebadonia: My dear H, your ability and your soul growth is underway. You are attaining new levels of understanding of the nature of the Father and learning how to apply that understanding in your daily interactions with life and with the people around you. Truly, in the most simple of terms, this is what life is all about. It is an ever expanding, ever cycling upward and inward in your comprehension of the Father.

As you comprehend new truth, you accelerate the capacity of your consciousness to grow. By that I am referring to the dimension of the emotional state of being thrilled by what you learn. There is an energy, you might say, of wanting to learn more, to know more, to experience more that keeps you on this path of expansion. It seems to whet or heighten or accelerate your desire for more. Continue to gain momentum and confidence in this dynamic and let it penetrate into the very core of your being; that you increasingly wish to learn more of the Father and demonstrate what you are learning in your daily life.

As that extends into the current situation of your work on the farm, look for those beautiful kernels of truth in this gentleman who is teaching you in many ways. Yes, the soul-to-soul exchange will be very helpful for you to get to know him more, but I encourage you to also ask him questions about his life, let him come to a place of trust where he feels that you are genuinely interested in who he is as an individual. He may share his experiences with you. Ask questions of a nature that will help articulate some of what his interests are, how he sees reality.

So few people are truly asked to share what they think about life and yet so willing to talk of what they have experienced if they feel there is someone who truly cares and is interested. Sometimes it takes a while for this trust-bond to grow between people. So in terms of your ability to get to know him and to understand him, you can try this outward verbal approach of asking him questions and this inward spiritual approach of this soul to soul bonding. This two-way or two-fold approach will then cement a deeper bond between you two, and this is a very fertile environment for love to grow. Does this help, my son?

Student: Yes, thank you very much. I would like to add to my first comment about the thrilling experience I have when I think of the existence of the Father. I like to add too that even the ability to talk to you and to imagine that I know and I don`t know where you are right now, but it is the same experience like trying to expand my imagination and to feel and know that you are. Also the idea of what we have been told many times—what you said many times that I and we are in your womb. These thoughts are all thought-provoking for me. Thank you.

Nebadonia: You well understand that these types of questions are being addressed in various ways through experience of daily living as well as enhanced concepts emerging in your awareness. As you say allowing your imagination to soar to the very heights so that your mindal currents are likewise expanded. And ever will you learn new dimensions of this majestic creative plan and design we are all part. So grow in my peace, my son, and continue your diligent labors on behalf of Father-consciousness. (Thank you)

Mother’s closing comments: My being, my personality is the womb of life. It is the containment of your consciousness for this part of your ascension journey. And ever is there a stream of life flowing from me into my children of all dimensions, personality type throughout the local universe of your Father’s and my making. As a human embryo is attached to the umbilical cord of its mother, which then is attached into the uterus, you may use a similar, albeit, illustration to recognize the connect you and I share.

You are, in my eyes, this tiny embryo, connected by threads, cords, strands of light that you live within and are attached into the greater universe. The challenge that so many of you face in perceiving the safety within which you are held in my universal womb is because of the strata of consciousness that has been altered because of the rebellion. This planetary consciousness has created a field of interference, yet if you simply focus on yourself as the embryo attached to me, you begin to expand beyond the confines of this planetary mind and tap into the greater cosmic mind that pervades all Nebadon.

You do not always see yourselves as this tiny embryo—this soul being that lives within my womb. You see yourselves as adults—men and women who are productive members of society. Yet, beyond that you are children of the universe, and you are just beginning your eternal career. Once this strata of rebellion energies is removed, you will be more able to perceive this cosmic consciousness and help solidify your identification as this soul embryo to help you maintain the ability to live in this world but to be also identify with yourself as a cosmic citizen. You are beginning to appreciate that supposed dichotomy and in time you will truly identify yourself as a cosmic citizen who is now having this experience of the physical dimension, which will then actually enhance your ability to live on this physical plane with more love and appreciation and willingness to follow the Father’s will.

So my advice to each of you is to increasingly see yourself as this soul and to know you are safe in my love. Once you begin to truly perceive this safety, more of the fear resistance in your being will begin to melt away and further empower you in the ways of goodness, truth and light. Let these words settle upon your minds, my children. Take a few moments to see yourself as a tiny embryo in this beautiful universe of Nebadon. Yes, you are tiny, but yet so loved.


Let my love flow to you now, let this budding soul self within you drink deeply and grow. (Pause) The embryonic sac in which you are contained is LOVE. Rest easy in it, my children. You are safe.

I will leave you now that you may continue to receive from me throughout the day. I am your MOTHER and the Father’s WILL flows through me to you. Relax in us, my children, and allow the natural process of creation to take its course in your being. Good day.