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Topic: Becoming More Stable in Spiritual Sustenance

Group: Center for Christ Consciousness


Teacher: Michael, Nebadonia

TR: Donna D'Ingillo



Prayer: Thank you, Mother and Father, for bringing us together under your wing that we may receive from you more of the spiritual renewal and refreshment that is so important as we go through these times of change. We are here to be at your service, and we direct our thoughts to you where you wish to guide us today. We thank you for being able to spend this time with you together.


Michael: Greetings to you, my children. This is Michael. As you know, there is much change occurring on Urantia, as we embrace your world in love, healing, and transformation. The growing pains that any experience brings at this time are quite normal. The human heart is awakening, and as those first glimpses of a new way of being emerge into a person’s awareness, they must adjust to the increased light of truth that sometimes can be very unsettling at first. as the shadows of the darkness begins to become more recognized in their minds.

As we have told you for a number of years, we wish for you to be anchored in our truth, our love, and our peace that you would remain steadfast as the waves of change wash over Urantia. As you know, there will be more changes to come that affect the physical nature of this world. They are all designed to open the collective heart of humanity to the ways and the will of the Father in Paradise. Let your hearts be light and know that there is so much to look forward to.

Be not dismayed at the events that you see transpire on your world as there will be those who will stubbornly refuse to see the light of truth and will do their utmost to keep the prevailing mindset of rebellion alive. Be not dismayed nor deterred by their efforts. Keep your eyes on me and your indwelling Adjusters, for here is where you will receive the support you need to carry you through this time of change with the faith that will embolden you and inspire your brethren. I count on you, my children, to do this for me; that you may be the heralds, truth, and the embodiment of love that is so necessary, so fundamental for your brothers and sisters to receive. Be catalysts for them now to grow in spirit, grow in our love.

Receive us now, expand yourselves, expand your heart’s capacity; trust yourselves beyond the limitations of your thoughts. Allow your Mother and me to move in and through you now. Receive us, my beloved children. (Pause)

My children, there is a bounty of help available to you from the realm of spirit. You are not alone as changes are being woven into the fabric of your evolution. What is most important for you to remember and practice is to be in a space of prayerfulness during your day, to project your thoughts and what you wish to see occur into the fabric of planetary life. Let us focus on the area of the island of Japan, which has sustained much damage due to the earthquake. Feel your desire for stabilization and rectification of not only the physical areas that were disrupted by the earthquake by the emotional and mental toll that it has taken on men’s souls. Feel your desire for this stabilization and rectification. Lend your heart energies to this region, and we will add what we wish to provide for them to receive. (Pause)

The quality of individual’s lives changes during these precipitous moments of time, moving people into an internal dialogue of, “What does this all mean? How will my life be affected?” Children of this world have long looked to the outer world for their stabilization, sustenance, and progression. But it is truly within the inner realm that these desires will be realized and satisfied. While you may have compassion for your brethren, do not pity them. Rejoice that here is an opportunity for them to grow beyond their own limitations. Send them your desires for their lives to improve and for them to build a different cultural reality from the ashes of destruction.

More and more you will witness and perhaps even experience something like this. This is why we have been so encouraging of you to spend time in the stillness, bolstering your spiritual reserve, helping you to gain confidence in the inner realities that connect you with the resources of the universe to build a better life for yourselves and your brothers and sisters. Many will be called into various roles of active physical service—that they have been placed on the world stage. Some will be more motivated to work in their local communities. Wherever you labor in spirit know that you have at your disposal my army of helpers and workers to draw on their resources when your own human abilities seem to wane and weaken.

My children, I implore you to never despair at this time of change what you see occurring because these are the conditions that foster the greatest growth and change. Because this planet has been beset by rebellion, sometimes it does take this level of cataclysm to impart change, for the human hearts to open and say, “Okay, now I’m ready to listen. There is no other recourse than you, God.” So here it is on Urantia. I look to you, my beautiful children, bear the torch of light high. Let it radiate from your minds, your eyes, your hearts, your whole being, of the love and sustenance that comes from your Mother and me. Receive us again. Keep your focus on your brothers and sisters in this region of the earthquake and subsequent tsunami. We will move in you, expand you, and send this energy into those regions with great need. (Pause)

Steady and uplift yourselves in me each and every day. I am aware of my children’s plight and condition here on Urantia. I assure you that much, much is being done to help you all outgrow the season of rebellion to the new ways of Light and Life you are learning to create. Let this be your focus each day: “How may I create more Light and Life here on my native planet? Father within me, how may I continue to achieve this each and every day?”

Think about this: what this would mean to create Light and Life each day. Take a few moments addressing your Adjusters, making that commitment, pledging yourselves to do a little bit more each and every day. Your Fathers within you will help you, for it is the presence of God within you that will manifest within and through you. My children, all you must do or be is available to have that expressed intention to create a little bit more each and every day. Sit with this for a few moments. Allow us to move in you again. Speak with your indwelling Father Fragments. (Pause)

I will leave you now in the capable hands of your Mother, who will minister to your mind, help you in your abilities to focus on this desire and intention to build more Light and Life upon Urantia. I invite you to enjoy this time of change each and every day. Stay present, focused on what is occurring in your life before you. Be mindful of your brothers and sisters who have needs you can help find some way to fill. Be in my peace, my beloved children. Have a joyful and wondrous day.

Nebadonia: My little children, this is your Mother Nebadonia who speaks. There is much nobility and valor within the human heart, but it cannot be expressed unless there are conditions that are ripe for it. It occurs when there is great need. There are many events that are transpiring and soon to transpire that will bring forth this in many, many individuals across the world. Rejoice in understanding that this is Michael’s hand sweeping away the old patterns of the past. Circuits are now being cleared of this very resistant viral strain of rebellion. All things are truly becoming new.

Spend time with your indwelling Adjusters to ensure you are doing your part each and every day. It’s not a matter of how large or small your role will be during this time change, but that you are performing your duties each and every day with love, with goodness, with tolerance and peace. Then in time as you grow in your ability to maintain this spiritual level of action, you will become more trustworthy and your influence will expand.

I’m here today to help you expand; help you grow in appreciating this time of change. This is an energy that will be very helpful for you to carry to other people, for you to use yourselves when you see things around you change. Do not grumble, do not complain but instead rejoice, be glad for what is occurring. You truly have little awareness of how many of your unseen helpers, your brothers and sisters in our family, who wish to trade places with you. One day when you are further along in your ascension journey, you will look back and perhaps even muse that I could have done more. I should have been less resentful or frustrated. So I am here to help you appreciate this time of change. Savor these changes. Allow me to move in you now, my children, fill you with gratefulness for what is coming for this world. (Pause)

The legacy of your planetary history is being exposed. People are feeling in their hearts the energies of change. There are many people who are opening the doors to the chaos that has been perpetuated by the rebellion ideas. Part of the sweeping of the generations is clearing of the old to make room for the new. This will have a global effect, and as you see, it is already occurring. Drink in this energy to appreciate more what is unfolding on Urantia. I appreciate that you well understand that these changes are for the greater good. I do understand your trepidation at going through this time of change. Let me assure you that your lives are well cared for, that much good will come from this. Again, fear not. Keep yourselves open, receiving what you need each and every day from your Father and me that you may be guided by your Adjusters and your angels.

You are learning many lessons during this time of change. Sometimes the lessons may confuse you because you may not see the outworking of good immediately in them. Again I encourage you to appreciate these changes, especially when you may not feel particularly appreciative of them. It is an exercise of great faith to turn your thoughts around when your feelings of frustration may seem to be high. Appreciate what is occurring so you can regain a sense of peace and security with the Father. Receive me once again, and I will entertain your questions. (Pause)

Take your time. Let yourself reorient yourself. If you have something that is pressing on your hearts, you may address me. I will share my love and my guidance.


Student: Hello, Mother. Thank you for your love. I just wanted to ask if you have any feedback or suggestions on how I’m supporting those in my family who are struggling, if you could speak to that.

Nebadonia: D, my son, your family is responding and if you feel you are doing your humanly best to support them, then what more can your Father and I ask you to do? Much of what you do to support them is still perhaps, you might say, not yet registering within them. That does not mean there are not benefits. It simply means they need a little more time in order for them to gain a certain degree of trustfulness within their beings at a deeper level so their Father Fragments can register a deeper impression to their minds.

It is almost as if you would consider this to be a soul S-O-U-L-A-R earthquake--that the energies of spirit now coming into their beings would provide them with a catalyzing moment of our compassion to open them to the spirit. Continue to keep the spiritual pressure strong. Love them, appreciate them. It is important that the accumulation of this be at a depth and height that will make more of an indelible impression for them to become consciously aware. Know that your Father and I are pleased with your efforts. We ask you to continue to do your best, each and every day and moment to moment. Does this help?

Student: Very much. Thank you, Mother. I love you.

Nebadonia: I love you, my son. Be in my peace.

Student: Hello, Mother. I do have a comment about something that I had witnessed and heard about a couple days ago at my workplace, something that I had never heard about or experienced or really heard about from anyone I know. As you know, my manager was verbally excoriated and assaulted by two employees on the same day in unrelated instances. I had to overhear one exchange and I heard about the other, and it was really unsettling. It brought up in me some negativity that I guess I had suppressed against this manager. It’s really created more of a toxic environment because of this one individual. I’m not saying that the behaviors of these two employees was justified, but because of the, shall we say, erratic nature of my manager, it was something that was somewhat inevitable it appears. I just want to see if you have some comments about what can be done to repair that kind of situation, not necessarily just in my situation, but maybe for the helps of others when there’s a person whose personality is so irritating that can cause this kind of behavior in others, what can be done to repair that situation? Thank you.

Nebadonia: Forgiveness through prayer, my son, is the best remedy. I will address your question at the spiritual level because you are one who can bring into the work situation a field of forgiveness that can act as a healing environment for the workforce as a whole. Quiet your mind and assume a meditative mindal posture. Envision the work environment and ask for the word FORGIVENESS to infiltrate the various offices and those people who have been thus affected by the events of recent past.

You will need to focus this for a fairly long period of time because you are the most productive person in this environment to operate at the spiritual level. You are bringing in a circuit of forgiveness that can be accessed by those individuals who are ready to receive this information from the heart. As you ask for forgiveness to be encircuited in the workplace, also desire in your mind’s eye and heart that the forgiveness energies penetrate into places of receptivity within the various individuals who have been most adversely affected by these negative interactions. You must keep in mind that what you are building is a pattern of energy that has the ability to seed and nurture people with spiritual resources they need. As you envision this and do this at home, projecting into your mind’s eye the workplace and do this in the actual workplace during the day, ask for helpers to come in to sweep away, you might call it, the toxic energies that have been expressed by these exchanges of recent past. I will stop here and see if you have any questions and understand this.

Student: Yes, Mother, that’s very helpful and also challenging, considering that this person at whom these energies were directed I feel sometimes irritating thoughts as well, so I do have my work cut out for me and hope that the situation can be repaired because it does seem to emanate from this one particular individual and really no one else, so I look forward what changes may occur from this. Thank you.

Nebadonia: Ask for more tolerance and understanding of this individual. You must keep in mind that when people are placed in positions of authority and power that they do not use it appropriately. Pray for that individual to have an idea implanted into their mind – there are other ways to effectively, I will use the word “manage” although that is not the correct form because it is more of encouraging people to do their best in the workplace, and to work together collaboratively.

This individual may not have an idea of how to do that effectively so the result will be more negative, be more punitive in nature, so this individual needs to be fed with information that will improve things for the better. Now if you can encourage your co-workers to take some time to ask for this individual to be fed with better techniques of managing, then we can help this person and seed ideas into their mind. You do not need to use the word “pray for” this individual with your co-workers. Perhaps encourage them to visualize in their mind’s eye the manager being fed with better information. Would you be willing to experiment with this, my son?

Student: I would. I’ll need to contemplate how best to share this without it overly sounding, as you say, “pray for” like it’s a spiritual type exercise. If there is repair that can be done, new ways or techniques to manage, I would certainly like to see it. I’ve seen evidence of it. It’s just rather erratic.

Nebadonia: It is because that individual has not yet fully recognized the merits of this yet. However, you and your co-workers can take more initiative and spend time in visualizing this individual becoming more productive and functioning in the realm where everyone would benefit from a more collaborative team effort. For those people you feel the closest association, approach this idea with them, but as you do this, ask for your Adjuster to communicate to that person’s Adjuster your intention before you speak any verbal words. Spend time in developing a circuit, from Adjuster to Adjuster, heart to heart, wherein the energy flow is in place, and then speak the words that you feel. It might take you a few days to become comfortable. It is best to let the energies of the office simmer down for awhile as it will be more conducive for everyone to receive these energies when the emotions are not turned up and running at high octane. Does this help?

Student: Yes, quite a bit and more than I had expected. Thank you very much. Please try to help me do my best to creatively express myself in mind, in word, and in deed.

Nebadonia: You will be given the help you require. So you do your part, know that you will receive what you need to be successful. And be in my peace.

Student: Thank you again.

Student: Mother, I don’t have any questions at this time. Though what you said about management made me try to envision other words that would be truer for that position. One that came to me was “director” like “director of collaboration” or something. Anyway, I was thinking about it in my own words. Thank you for stimulating my mind.

Nebadonia: You are most welcome, my daughter. These are very common situations that cross the board of the work situation in your culture. You are learning how to use the circuitry that you have access to in ways that bring in Spirit, instead of allowing the current energies or patterns to remain in place. It is part of the reorientation of consciousness, and this is an important step forward in all of your abilities to retain and use spiritual power you have access to. Keep this in mind that you have the ability to change conditions through your intention, through your focus of spiritual ideas that form bonds of energy that nourish the soul, clear the heart, and reorient one’s thinking. It is time for you as a human culture to understand these things—these ideas--to use them productively for the betterment of your planetary culture. Experiment and play, creating a new thought matrix on which all humans feed. You will see more exponential change occur and become more cohesive and pervasive on the whole (last part faint). Be in my peace, my daughter.


My children, I thank you for your participation today. I leave you in my peace and love. Grow joyfully in what is streaming into your hearts and minds. Know that Father in Paradise desires your ability to manifest in the Father’s will more and more each day. We are providing that environment for you to do so. Learn to enjoy life more and all of the subtleties of what is transpiring in your heart. I wish you a day full of glory and wonderment to relish the Father’s presence in you. Good afternoon.