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Topic: Logic and the Mind Circuit

Group: Lightline TeaM


Teacher: Charles

TR: Mark Rogers



Prayer: Divine Parents, we make the active move to approach you, to come your direction with a worshipful and prayerful attitude, an attitude of gratitude, of thankfulness for this opportunity we make here, now, among us, between us, with us all together as we come in an effort to approach you and feel you in spirit. Let it be so, even now, that we embrace you in spirit and would receive that which you would impart to us on behalf of our efforts and yours, thank you, thank you for your love.


Charles: I would return the ball that you serve in the court of spirit, I am Charles and I would welcome the opportunity to expand on the concepts offered here for consideration. The question was asked: Is God beyond logic and I am quite certain that each of you have an internal answer to this question that rings true to you because just as God is beyond so many of the things that we entertain and are familiar with, so as well He is "beyond", if you will, the need to have a sense of reason. In a way, these notions of logic and reason are to be encountered in their own dimension of the mind circuit.

This mind circuit that you have and that you share with others, even throughout the universe, is one of the characteristics or traits that you exhibit as indwelt mortals of the realm. You share this common thread with your brothers who are near and far by virtue of the fact that you are all brothers and contain the same element of connection, the mind circuit and your Mother is the First Source and Center of this circuit and you are connected to it by virtue of your lineage. And this you have and will always possess as part of who you are, your individual traits that make you up.

It is but one of your many traits and there is always the concern that you identify too closely with it as being too essential or too basic to your being for this is an over emphasis on what is merely one of your components for you have others, you have many and your attachment to identifying yourself through any one of these individual characteristics or traits is a limiting factor to you for you are a combination being. Your being contains many aspects and traits that come together to make you the unique individual in all of time and space.

So as you possess this mind circuit you also possess your spirit circuit. You also possess your experiential circuit, your vehicle and its interaction with its environment. But you have already gained a sense that this element of your being is somewhat transient. It will not endure the trials and tribulations of time and space and it will be a part of your being forever although a fleeting part in the long perspective of your eternal career.

So just as you would not pin your salvation on your vehicle, likewise do not consider that it is overly important to consider your relationship to the mind circuit and its ability to reason and make sense of things. There are other ways to make sense of things. It is not essential by any means for your survival. It is available to you as a characteristic for you to develop but likewise, there are other characteristics you could choose to develop which would be equally as important to your overall career.

But I sense that in your inner beings, each one of you felt this truth, that such things as we are familiar with and compatible with are simply aspects, transient aspects of our overall composition. I hope this serves to bring some perspective to this issue.


Comment: Yes, that was great, great perspective. One thing that impresses me about the Urantia Book and the life of Jesus is that he used reason and logic quite forcefully and it's funny how now I don't even expect to be able to reason with anybody but he actually expected to reason with his enemies.

Charles: It is your common denominator with your fellows. It is your approach to be used among other approaches. It is a valid technique and it is your only true posture to accept when engaged in deliberation of relative truths. One must stand on observation, discernment, logic and use these to formulate positions. What is interesting to note is that your fellows may apply very similar techniques and may arrive at very different places of conviction. And so just because one uses logic does not mean it is all used the same or correctly or appropriately. Even the very definition of these terms of logic and reason are to be determined by the user. So while it would be wonderful if humans had an absolute, a ground zero, a starting point that then all could agree upon and place themselves in reference to, this is simply not the case. This is an experimental planet in isolation. There is no ground zero.

Comment: Thank you for all that.

Charles: Thank you for bringing a topic for consideration, I am grateful for the use of mind circuit we see here right now. We are all agreed to interpret word symbols and to string them together and to make sense out of this attempt. We all are agreeing that word symbols have similar meanings and that they convey agreed upon meanings. In this way we can use these premises to move forward and to express thought through word and create reality and meaning.

Comment: There are other ways of advancing yourself. I believe the Urantia Book states something to the effect that an intellectual approach is not necessary for spirit to function. I'm thinking maybe service is one of the ways to move forward. Could you give some examples of the alternatives to logic?

Charles: Let's consider the advantages and the disadvantages of focusing on the avenues of mind, logic and reason as you see them. I submit to you that the devout scientist who is so completely focused on reason, logic and observable phenomenon that he is unable to form the basis of a spiritual connection, unable to use another aspect of himself because his logic so forbids it. This is an example of the mind circuit which has beneficial elements being used to the detriment of other avenues available to the mortal of the realm and precluding the advancement in spirit because of the devotion to the strictness of logic.

I am attempting to illustrate that both are appropriate and good. Either may be taken to extremes to the detriment of the other, that mankind is a multifaceted creature and to rely on any one facet exclusively is harmful to the development of the whole. So yes, use mind wisely. Use the ability to make comparison and contrast judiciously. Make your assessments, draw your conclusions and then take it to God and use that part of you that is spirit to approach all there is with your findings and see if they are consistent. You will know in prayer and worship whether your observations are in alignment with a greater power and therefore true and good and beautiful or perhaps as you have observed, you will know if you are becoming wrapped up in a single aspect of your composition to the detriment of the whole.


I would, in my parting words, leave you with the encouragement to be ever vigilant, to look for the other aspects of your being so that you may give them expression, even development because you have an eternal spiritual career before you to develop and weave together all the aspects of your composition. So do not consider that any one aspect is supreme over the others but rather act together in unison for your whole being.

I appreciate your attention and your questions. I now leave you to feast and enjoy the leading of your mind and the following of the leadings of your spirit as well. Peace be with you, farewell.