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Topic: Michael's Authority Imprinting Upon Various Planetary Circuits

Group: Center for Christ Consciousness


Teacher: Manotia

TR: Donna D'Ingillo



PRAYER: Mother and Father, we are grateful for this opportunity to once again collaborate with our devoted Planetary Seraphim who work so diligently on your behalf of the Correcting Time. We thank you for joining us as one in your circuits of love, healing, redemption, and reclamation. And may our focused efforts be put to good use today as we center in our hearts and feel our desire for your WILL to prevail here upon Urantia. We join with them now in the intention of your WILL being done. Thank you.


MANOTIA: Greetings, my dear brethren! This is Manotia. In our last time together we began to encircuit the planet in the spiritual attributes of Michael’s AUTHORITY. We will again invite you to focus on this aspect of Michael’s Personality that it may gain greater foothold into various circuits where there is great need for this to be more fully established. Many of you are well aware that we are in the midst of change in how this world conducts its affairs. seAnd in this infusion of Michael’s AUTHORITY we are bringing to bear more spiritual pressure in these areas where the changes will produce the most good.

As we did in the last session all of the twelve Seraphic groups were involved, and today they will also be operating within the focus of the desire for Michael’s AUTHORITY to reign supreme in the various circuits we are now co-creating with you. All we ask is for you to come from that place of sincere heart-felt desire for Michael’s AUTHORITY to take deeper root in those areas where there is great need. I do not identify them as such for now because this is a widespread circuit. It is operating in various areas all through the planet, and we endeavor to streamline the many of energies that you generate into those areas that we know Michael’s AUTHORITY can prevail and more good can be achieved.

Take some deep breaths as you settle your gaze upon your heart centers. If you can, feel your love for our Father Michael. Feel your devotion for the agenda of the Correcting Time. Invite our Mother to gently expand your heart circuit energies and then simply maintain your focus on the words MICHAEL’S AUTHORITY as we move into what you are generating now from your hearts, my dear brothers and sisters. We begin. (Pause)

The spiritual vibrancy of MICHAEL’S AUTHORITY contains a specific vibrational charge that when you apply it in certain circuits the energies within those circuits respond to the higher frequencies of the TRUTH and GOODNESS contained within His AUTHORITY. This is greatly needed at this time, especially in those areas that still harbor resistant recalcitrant effects of the rebellion. While we do not need to point out all of these areas where these effects still linger, it is important for you to maintain that human desire for these effects to be outworked through this infusion of MICHAEL’S AUTHORITY and all that is contained within it, much of what is truly beyond your human understanding at this time.

But what you provide to us today can be a mighty fulcrum for more change to occur. And even though the numbers of human participation is small, the energies augmented by us and through our Mother can accomplish much good as more TRUTH is infused into these areas of great need. So simply know that you are doing your part as you maintain this focus today—breathing, relaxing, and especially coming from that place of your heart’s desire for more of Michael’s presence take deeper root upon Urantian circuits of consciousness. (Pause)

Change is an inevitable component of the human evolutionary nature. You were all created to progress on your spiritual journeys to higher states of awareness of the Father within you and your relationship to the greater cosmos of which you are an integral part. The evolution of a planet toward the era of Light and Life as its ultimate destiny has a particular timing. But because your world deviated from the divine plan and restoration of this plan is now occurring, there will be those periods of adjustment that do seem to occur at a faster pace. And what we are imparting today is designed to help outwork more of these recalcitrant influences in a more expeditious manner.

Your focus here today is fundamentally vital to our objectives, and we ask you in particular to invite these energies to settle in your mind’s eye upon the earth and to actually penetrate into what you might consider to be an underground area of the earth plane. I am invoking in your imagination this image in more a metaphoric manner so you are able to provide us with those energies that act as a fulcrum to uproot what is no longer viable in terms of your world’s progression to its ultimate destiny. So simply see these words MICHAEL’S AUTHORITY gently pulsing upon the earth and then in your mind’s eye send them down deep into the earth going into the core. Invite MICHAEL’S AUTHORITY to take deeper root into the earth’s core. (Pause)

We invite you to add one more area of focus to this circuit we are co-creating today. As you visualize MICHAEL’S AUTHORITY in the earth’s core, we ask you to also visualize the word’s RESURRECTION OF THE DIVINE PLAN gently pulsing up from the core of the earth as it emits from MICHAEL’S AUTHORITY. Do not engage your mind by asking what does this mean or what is occurring. Simply have that heart-felt desire for the RESURRECTION OF THE DIVINE PLAN to move up through these circuits of consciousness at all levels to feed the overall conscious circuits of the planet and help more people open to the presence of the Spirit Within and especially to their own connection with Michael through their Spirit of Truth. Do your best to maintain this focus as we continue to minister. (Pause)

There are many circuits now pulsing with this spiritual energy we have co-created together. This is the time of the great outworking and you will see many changes over the coming months and years. Anchor yourselves in our Father Michael. Anchor yourselves in your Spirits of Truth. Take a few moments to feel your need and desire for this to hold you steadfast and secure now, that your own Indwelling Sprits help you to perceive this greater bandwidth of MICHAEL’S AUTHORITY moving in you, allowing it to hold you in the circuit we have co-created that you may feel calm and safe as more change occurs. (Pause)


My dear brothers and sisters, what a joy it is for us to engage with you in this manner! We are closer to you than you may know and feel. The more you engage with us during your times of stillness, will you begin to sense that there is so much support for you and this world during her great hour of need. For tTruly Michael’s hand is upon this world and great things are occurring. Keep your hearts’ open and your minds steady and focused upon Him and know that your Father Fragments will help you perceive through this higher lens of universe perceptive of what is now transpiring upon Urantia.

We have accomplished much today and we thank you for all of your devoted efforts. Continue in this way. Continue to send your love, your desire for more transformation to occur, and we will meet you in that place and take your focus and place it where it will provide the most truth and do the most good. We are all now participating in this great Correcting Time agenda. And we value your participation more than you will know. I leave you now in this manner. We will meet again next week to continue to further Michael’s agenda of correction, redemption and rehabilitation for all life here upon this beautiful world so dear to His heart. May you all rejoice in His presence gaining more strength and stature and may you thrive in the LOVE of our Father. Good day.