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===Topic: ''Faith Connections''===
===Group: [[Lightline TeaM]]===
===Teacher: [[Michael]], [[Elyon]], [[Machiventa|Machiventa Melchizedek]]===
===TR: [[Mark Rogers]]===
Michael: Indeed I am here and it is not untrue that it is at your request, but I will point out that it is because of your [[faith]], because you [[believe]] that we could connect in this way. You have opened the [[channel]], established the connection and so now your faith allows us to exchange over the [[circuitry]] that you have built with your faith. It is very true, what was stated, that perhaps the most valuable thing one can possess is [[enduring]] and [[confident]] faith for it brings with it a great [[stability]], a great [[peace]] in having absolute [[conviction]] and [[trust]] in the direction, if not in the immediate circumstance before you. Those with great faith will see beyond the transient ups and downs to the overall direction towards [[truth, beauty and goodness]].

And so, this faith that you have developed and that you display even now, is what makes this whole episode possible and so that's what I would like to [[celebrate]] with you here today, your [[faith]]. I understand that there exists out there great [[uncertainty]] in what may be before you in the [[future]], perhaps what may befall you, but I [[assure]] you that if you will return to this connection you will return to this circuit of [[love]] that we [[share]] even now. You will always be able to have the strength of your conviction in this place we make and share together.

There have always been and there will always be great [[apprehension]] about what is [[potentially]] impending, what may or may not happen and it is as well the unforeseen [[unknown]] that takes you by [[surprise]]. But throughout all these travails and [[adventures]] there exists this [[continuum]] of your perspective standing in faith. So once again I declare to you all, [[fear]] not. I will not forsake you, ever. I will provide for you as I have and you will [[survive]]. What more could I say to bring your peace and [[comfort]]. But still, this [[experience]] is designed to facilitate growth and therefore these [[challenges]] are present and must be grappled with. [[Choices]] must be made. Each one provides you with the [[opportunity]] to fill the [[decision]] making [[process]] with as much faith as you can manage to include. Rely on your inner [[self]] to know the right direction and then have the [[courage]] to follow it. These are your challenges and they are the same challenges regardless of the scenario playing out in front of you.

I have said that I am with you and I will be with you throughout, therefore call on me to lay my hand of [[strength]] on your shoulder. Call on me when you are [[uncertain]] and I will help you find [[conviction]]. Nothing will please me more than our [[relationship]] we form together. You are all my dear ones in whom I am so pleased. Father, I want to thank you for all of these [[beautiful]] [[souls]] that gather here at this time. See with me their light shine out for all to [[witness]]. Feel their [[presence]] of love as they form this circuit of enduring peace. Celebrate these dear ones with me Father, they are our children. I am flooded with [[joy]] and [[gratitude]] at your willingness to join me in this way and to be as close to me as we are able through this means we have established. I will take [[advantage]] of this means and every means available to me to reach you, to be a part of your lives and I will respond to your requests as I call you to witness even now. I leave you now with my [[grace]] and [[peace]] surrounding you all, [[embracing]] you as you navigate your experience. Let it be so, even now.

Elyon: Thank you my friend for casting out a [[call]]. I am pleased to be considered on your list of contacts and so I will return your call and meet you halfway in this [[process]]. I would like to pick up on the thread offered here about the making of [[connections]] and how important it is to be seeing yourselves as part of a bigger [[facet]] of [[reality]] that is going on around you. It is oftentimes seen from the mortal [[perspective]] that you are so [[individual]] and alone and you must make your own way and provide for yourselves, but in [[fact]] you are hooked in many different ways into the great web of life and thereby by [[virtue]] of this web you are connected to many many other sources.

Over the years there have been [[discussions]] about the [[Thought Adjuster]] circuit, the [[mind]] circuit, the [[heart]] circuit, the circuit of man and the circuit of [[divinity]]. You are connected to all of these. You have [[access]] to all of these great dimensions. It is always a great [[pleasure]] to watch the immature being discover all of these [[senses]] and all of the things they are tied to, related to and part of. The young one has no [[idea]] of the vast [[potentials]] that lie within, they are merely experiencing the [[unfolding]] of these potentials. So it is always a delight to witness when the flowers bloom before you and you can see the unfolding of the potential as the [[growth]] occurs.

That has been my overall [[experience]] in my association with you these many years since we began this process together. I have witnessed great [[growth]], great [[maturing]] and great flowering. It brings the [[conviction]] of the [[perfection]] of the plan. Truly, it is [[inspirational]] to see and even more so to have some part in. I will remain forever [[grateful]] for our association in this little [[exercise]] of growth we have been involved in together. Thank you for [[thinking]] of me. Thank you to you all, a good day and happy hunting in your [[exploration]] of the many ways that you may be attached to the [[divine]]. I leave you in peace, farewell.

Machiventa: Yes class, I would like to address you, it has been some time now, I am Machiventa Melchizedek. It is a [[joy]] to pop in and see the familiar [[faces]] in the classroom. You certainly have been [[diligent]] [[students]] in returning to these halls of [[learning]] and now each [[demonstrate]] a deep [[faith]] that you have [[earned]] throughout this process. And so now you have this great [[asset]], this strong faith and [[conviction]] on which you may lean and you may build your [[understanding]] and [[awareness]].

This platform of awareness, this level of understanding that you have achieved, will serve you well as you [[navigate]] upcoming scenarios before you. Remember that your platform must be of sound construction. You must [[experientially]] build each level of your awareness. There are no shortcuts to your gaining the necessary experience, but knowing that these experiences are [[necessary]] [[changes]] them, understanding that these circumstances are there to provide you growth changes them and understanding that this entire process is overseen by a loving divine [[parent]] [[changes]] you so that your perspective on all these things has now been altered.

Whenever you are challenged and confronted with the numerous [[obstacles]] you may see before you, always try to bring in the [[spiritual]] component. If left to its own devices, what would spirit ask you to do, what would your [[faith]] have you do and do that. Then [[fear]] not, for your safety or your welfare because your faith provides you with the [[assurance]] that you will be cared for, that you know your place in the [[family]]. So now you all, having mastered these preliminary courses, are forever wondering what your next assignment to be. Surely you will be considered for the next assignment and how will it play out in your lives and I tell you plainly that your life is your next assignment, your approach to how you live your life is what you are to master given that you now have the [[tools]] of a spiritualized [[individual]].
With this perspective that you have gained, you will navigate circumstances before you in a different way, one filled with more spirit [[influence]], more [[divine]] influence, more [[love]], more [[grace]], more [[truth]], more [[beauty]] and more [[goodness]]. And so you have succeeded in increasing your [[capacity]] for all of these things thereby enlarging your [[being]] to have capacity for the divine child of God that you are.

Yes it has been some time since I found myself strolling to the [[podium]] in class but I am grateful for this [[opportunity]] that has presented itself and thank you for your willingness to allow me my [[expression]]. I say well done to all the [[students]] from the headmaster, from the ones who were the first pupils in the new school in this new [[experiment]] presented to [[Urantia]]. We have traveled this path together and I stand in gratitude for your [[participation]]. My blessings to you all, goodbye.

[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: Lightline TeaM]]
[[Category: Michael]]
[[Category: Elyon]]
[[Category: Machiventa]]
[[Category: JL]]
[[Category: 2018]]

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