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“This is Machiventa wishing you a good day.”
“This is Machiventa wishing you a good day.”
==Session 3==
*November 1, 2019
Machiventa: “Hello to all of you with access to this message. For some time now I’ve been mentioning the importance of having new individuals receiving our communications, so you need to know that not many have applied to become receivers to date.
“As many of you know, changes are on the horizon and we would be happy to have many people who would be able to pass on information of great importance to the people in those difficult times ahead.
“To become a receiver you must make that request because it is not done automatically or by chance. You must make it known and present yourself for it, either by a prayer or by simply requesting it to your Thought Adjuster (TA). The process is simple. Know that each of your requests or prayers is heard and following your desire, we will make sure that you can become receivers as many others have become over the years.
“The new Reflectivity Circuit allows us to facilitate communication between Spirit and you, so it is now easier for us to communicate with each other. My friends, we would like to be able to count on people who can communicate in different languages and not only in English, because it will be important for us to be able to reach the general population wherever they are located on the planet.
“This message is a call to all. Realise that we know you; each one of you. You are not alone, my friends, and you will be helped by the strength of Love, Brotherhood and Friendship.
“This is Machiventa.”
[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]

Latest revision as of 17:52, 21 November 2019

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Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination


Topic: An Improved Receptivity Circuit

Group: Unknown


Teacher: Machiventa Melchizedek

TR: Michel Levasseur

Session 1

Machiventa: “Hello to you. Today we will undertake a new series of communication on what I call the formulation of the beginnings of the changes that are coming.

“For some time now, we have mentioned a few details about these changes and the impact on the population. Now let’s go deeper to better explain what drives these changes and the purpose thereof.

“First, we must mention the importance of these changes in order to reach the beginning of the era of Light and Life. Without these changes, it would be very difficult if not impossible to allow this planet to free itself from the ‘yoke’ in which rebellion overwhelms you today.

“These changes are necessary and were developed by our Creator Son, Michael of Nebadon, in order to make a transition between the current dark world and the world of Light and Life to come.

“This transition will not be smooth and even if part of the current population will have to leave the planet, the renewal can only be achieved with a receptive population and in accordance with the will of the Father and Christ Michael. This difficult period to come will be short-lived, but it will be intense and difficult for all, However the end will be great for the Glory of the Father.

“Now, the important thing for all who have access to this message is that the grid is now cleaned up and a new reflectivity circuit has been put in place. This circuit is now available for individuals, groups or masses, that are receptive and responsible. Communications from this grid are now easier and more direct.

“This new improved circuit aims to create a new inter-relational dynamic between the evolutionary being and Spirit — a sort of a more direct line, if I can so express myself.

“This communication circuit will be the transmission belt between Us and you, so we can guide the maximum number of people who are aware of our presence and have a real desire to be of service to Christ Michael, to follow the instructions that will be dictated to them to participate directly during the period of change.

“We are confident that now, this improved receptivity circuit can reach thousands of people on Urantia, because the more you will receive our communications during the tribulations, the easier it will be for you to act in the right way. See you soon for the rest of this communication.

“This is Machiventa.”

Session 2

  • October 24, 2019

Machiventa: “Hello, Machiventa here. Today I want to speak about the same subject as in our last communication – the new Circuit of Reflectivity and grid.

“In our last message I mentioned that we had implemented a new, improved communication circuit called the Reflectivity Circuit.

“What you need to know is that in the past, only certain individuals were encircuited with this facility of communication and practically only these individuals could communicate with us and this is still in force today.

“However, we had some difficulties in realizing our transmissions in an optimal way because during the cleaning of the grid of all traces of the Rebellion that were always present, there were ‘interferences’ which were harmful to the quality of our transmissions.

“Now that the grid has been almost completely cleaned, we can confirm that each of our transmissions that are made on the circuit of Reflectivity is coming through very well and the level of receptivity is at a maximum.

“Today we inform you that the circuit of the Reflectivity will be accessible to many more receivers (TR’s or transceivers) because we will allow several of you to be encircuited and able to communicate with us directly.

“This will be done gradually and our goal is to reach a number of recipients that will be greater than a thousand individuals. We will target those who have the desire to become receivers, but especially those who have the desire to do the Father’s Will completely and to participate in the Plan of Christ Michael so that a work of co-creation is set up for the renewal of this planet.

“We believe that during the tribulations, your current communications channels could collapse and your media could no longer be accessible, at least for a while. One of the only ways to get the right information and the right direction will be through the Reflectivity circuit and this circuit will be very active, believe me.

“I know that following these last communications, many questions come to your mind, so know that we will be able to answer the majority of these questions in our future communications.

“This is Machiventa wishing you a good day.”

Session 3

  • November 1, 2019

Machiventa: “Hello to all of you with access to this message. For some time now I’ve been mentioning the importance of having new individuals receiving our communications, so you need to know that not many have applied to become receivers to date.

“As many of you know, changes are on the horizon and we would be happy to have many people who would be able to pass on information of great importance to the people in those difficult times ahead.

“To become a receiver you must make that request because it is not done automatically or by chance. You must make it known and present yourself for it, either by a prayer or by simply requesting it to your Thought Adjuster (TA). The process is simple. Know that each of your requests or prayers is heard and following your desire, we will make sure that you can become receivers as many others have become over the years.

“The new Reflectivity Circuit allows us to facilitate communication between Spirit and you, so it is now easier for us to communicate with each other. My friends, we would like to be able to count on people who can communicate in different languages and not only in English, because it will be important for us to be able to reach the general population wherever they are located on the planet.

“This message is a call to all. Realise that we know you; each one of you. You are not alone, my friends, and you will be helped by the strength of Love, Brotherhood and Friendship.

“Goodbye, “This is Machiventa.”