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Topic: Spiritual Component of Your Being

Group: Lightline TeaM


Teacher: Charles

TR: Mark Rogers



Prayer: I would like to vocally welcome members of our team on the other side of the veil, our comrades that we come to gather with at this time. We’re grateful for this method and means to come together in this way. We honor this connection, we cherish the embrace of spirit. Thank you Divine Parents for all of this grace.


Charles: I greet you all at this time, I am Charles and I have responded to this invitation with a desire to discuss the parameters of what it is to have a spiritual component to your being. Life on this planet has taught you all through literally hard knocks, what it is to be mortal. When you fall, you may be bruised. When you trip, you may fall. The rain may make you cold. The elements will interact with your vehicle and your senses and you assimilate all this input to determine your relationship to what is happening. Is it hot, is it cold, is it near, is it far, is it here, is it there? This is how you use your senses to refine your experiences so that they may be processed and understood.

And this happens over and over again, routinely in the mortal life until you learn how to coexist in your environment to your maximum benefit. You learn to keep yourselves warm in the cold, to keep yourselves safe under slippery conditions and how to preserve your life through all the vicissitudes of experience that your life will bring you. This is your trial and adjust lifestyle where your experiences combine to refine your approach and your perspective and after having done this a number of seasons, years, time frames, you then develop a certain security. You have defined your relationship to your environment and all the stimulants that are in it and you have found a way to coexist, looking out for your own needs while adjusting to the parameters of your life circumstance.

This is how two aspects of your being work together, your vehicle housing this triad of self is enabled with all these senses to bring information in. Your mind then is tasked with processing the information and formulating conclusions. Based on observations and repeated exposure, one becomes confident in declaring what is what in the outer world using these five animal senses and this is enough for all these animals on your world. They are able to survive and thrive an entire life with simply two of your three components. When one considers what is it to access your spiritual dimension, then you are exploring and manifesting that avenue of yourself that is tied to divinity, that enduring aspect of yourself which is seeking divinity, is seeking love, is seeking the embrace from on high. This allows you to transform your experience from a mere animalistic cause and effect existence to an existence in which you are woken up. Where you have another tool in your tool box.

You have another approach that can be used, and I will point out, it is the only aspect of yourself that will survive. So as good as you get at dealing with the mortal life on this world, at making money, at providing for yourselves, that is only the mortal and animalistic level of life. What makes human life so special is that it has that ability but it also is connected to all that is through this circuit of spirit. When the question arises: What is the difference or how do you tell or what mechanisms are good to provide you with this experience? - one wanders into the land of the infinite. There is no said certain technique which is universally applicable to all. There are as many approaches back to the First Source and Center as there are individuals with Thought Adjusters who are in transition back home.

Each and every one will take their own unique path. You may use terms like stillness, like peace of mind, like faith, like certainty, like gratitude and joy, but those are all signposts, descriptive terms for aspects or parts of this great experience of spirit. What it really is, is the personal connection, the personal hook up of each and every individual and this is facilitated directly by the access granted by your partner onboard, your Indwelling Spirit. Your term Thought Adjuster gives the unqualified permission for you to access spirit based upon your internal desire to find your Creator. You see, your Thought Adjusters are the gate keeper. They are protective of you and they are ultimately familiar with you and therefore they can determine your level of spiritualization and based upon your desires and achievements in this arena, they will unhesitatingly facilitate your willingness to grow in spirit but they will not permit you to be overdosed in magnitude.

Rather, they are invariably patient and always with your best interests at heart, they await your reckoning of coming to spirit and when you indicate that it is your soul desire to grow in spirit, then they are more than pleased to help you facilitate your desire. So one might say that the degree that one is “spiritual,” to use an absurdly broad term, is determined in no small part by their willingness to participate, to request, to confer, to share your experience with your Indwelling Guide. I will recall for you that even in your text, you have been told that this Indwelling Spirit is in fact a direct extension of the First Source and Center and therefore has a direct connection. If all you did as an individual mortal of the realm is grow to become closer to your Indwelling Spirit, then even in this mortal life you have approached God. You have moved from your material limitations into your spiritual self with that act of choosing. That is the person who is spiritualised, the person who has chosen to be spiritualised, the person who has expressed their desire and their interest in growing in spirit, that person is spiritualised. The person who may or may not sit quietly but is deeply reflecting on their being and their purpose and seeking answers, that person is connecting to spirit. It is only in degrees that you differentiate. All of you have this connection, you are all spiritualised, it is simply to what degree in this life you choose to achieve.

So in response to the question of how to tell, you can’t. These are things which are unseen and unknown. You cannot tell how much someone loves someone else by looking. You cannot tell the grief in someones heart by looking and observing and you cannot tell the depths of spiritual growth that an individual has by means of their own efforts and choosing. But, you may also see that they all have a certain faith, faith in the process, faith in the connection, faith in the greater picture even though they can’t see it, faith that they are loved from on high because they can feel it. This is spirit flowing back and forth. That is different than you may be able to sense with any of the senses your vehicle contains and it is also distinctly different from any particular mind/thought pattern which it is trying to process and make sense of your wandering out there in spirit. The mind has to be taught what spirit is and how it works and then it can be utilised to forward the process.

You all do well to lean on your faith. When in doubt, go with your highest ideals and lean heavily on your faith and trust that by doing so you are in the very act of growing in spirit and thus it is and thus you do. It is so very much simpler than trying to figure it out in the mind or observe it with the senses. It is at the very root and core as one of your triad features.

I would now like to ask the participation of another here who can help illuminate some of what we are discussing.

Voice Within: Hello to all, I am this one’s Voice Within and at the request of the teacher I come forward to offer you all fellowship. You see, as this Indwelling Spirit, we are all connected. We are of a circuit that has us connected all the way back to our origins and our destiny. Because we are present onboard with you, it is now up to you, as mortals of the realm, to decide to partner with us as we are created to guide you back to your origins, back to the One who created you. This is a cherished relationship. The whole universe and your whole earthly experience and the many mansion world experiences before you and the ultimate attainment of the Supreme, all of these are designed around this relationship wherein you as individual mortals choose to not only hear the Voice Within, but offer yourselves as partners as they attempt to guide your steps.

This is the most cherished relationship you will ever have. So for you to seek and find this onboard partner is your life mission here. It is your key to forward momentum in spiritual growth. It is your guardian of your spiritual self. And so in consideration of how to, as a mortal, become as spiritual or as spiritualised as possible in one short life, there is but one thing: It does not help you to hear from outside sources like teachers and others who are endeavouring to assist you near as much as it helps you to hear it from within, to grant yourselves that you have this connection and to turn to it for guidance and direction. It is as simple as that. When you have made this connection, you have guaranteed your ascent. When you have given your full consent to your partner and expressed your willingness to become one with them, then you are becoming one with God. There is no greater spiritual pursuit than that.

Therefore, I am speaking here today to encourage you that we have been in communication for some time, that you have been listening to my suggestions, you have been paying attention to the little voice within, you simply have not yet acknowledged who it is that you are listening to and why it is you are motivated to do what you do. That is our partnership, that is what you are trying to tease out about being spiritual, what you have to do to be spiritual and I tell you plainly that there is one sure route and that is your choosing to work with your guide that has been assigned to you and follow the path of divinity back home. The sooner you will realize that you have had this ongoing relationship and that your aha moments have been in partnership, that your inspirations have been shared, that your inclinations that you express deep in your soul have been registered by your partner who is ever attempting to find ways to lead you down the righteous path.

Often, in the mortal framework of life, it is difficult to discern where mind may leave off and spirit may take over and these promptings you receive are going to sound like they are your own thoughts and voice and tone and signature because that is all you have reference to, your own thoughts, your own voice, your own sound originating within you and so you have gotten accustomed to the translation of thought pattern into the representation of your own inner self. It is easy to disregard such encounters as simply your own mind wandering about or a flush of inspiration prompted by an external stimuli. But look to these encounters and your reaction to these encounters to attempt to discern the partnership. Exercise your faith and assure yourself that it is there and ask for greater clarity and greater connection. This is your right, this is your direction, it’s your purpose so play the game. Get active, talk to your Adjuster and listen.

Through your Adjuster, anything is possible. So it is not to be thought of as a single journey of an individual returning home to their Creator. This is a partnership designed that way to be shared and worked together with and developed until there is literally no distinction between where you would leave off and the Adjuster would start. It is so normal and natural and simple of a process that it is easy to overthink what’s involved. Simply relax and keep trying. Keep leaning on your faith and trust that you are on this great exploration, this great journey with a most experienced guide and instead of demanding to take the wheel all the time and do as you will, perhaps once in a while, ask for directions, ask for companionship and guidance and I assure you, you will receive them as per your request.

Many times in attempts like this, one may seek to make this connection by connecting with other spiritual beings and there is a certain charm to gathering in spirit and fellowshipping together and all that is good, but not near as divine and perfect and right as who is your partner as you go about making these other relationships. You have everything you need, you are self contained. Your little self of spirit will be able to make the entire journey back to the Supreme just as you are, you and your partner. You need not hear from others or trust others or anything as much as you may rely on your inner guidance.


I thank you for the opportunity to be so bold as to point out this important relationship. All relationships require effort, require maintenance, require energy put into them to survive. It is the very same with your onboard partner. These relationships take effort, energy and interest and then they grow and when you foster them, they thrive. So be it. Enjoy the journey my friends, it is all as the song goes: Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, life if but a dream. Be well and be in love with that aspect of yourself which will endure forever and help grow it with your every action. Thank you all, have a wonderful journey, farewell.