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Topic: The Great Triad of Reality

Group: Marin TeaM


Teacher: Michael




Dear Michael and Mother Spirit, tonight we want to thank God our Father, the Eternal Son of Paradise and the Infinite Spirit--the three great personal creative beings who brought this universe about; and then not only created it but are supervising this whole enormous creation. I want to thank them for us--that we are here and have such a truly fantastic, unimaginable home to live in among the stars, near our own friendly star.

We thank the Trinity for the two of you--Michael and Mother Spirit, our own immediate spiritual parents. And thank the two of you for us, more particularly for our being in this Local Universe that you have been creating for hundreds of billions of years now. It feels good to be stretched in so many ways just considering it.

We want to thank the two of you and all the spiritual authors of our wonderful Urantia Book for revealing and fantastically delineating and explaining all this creation to us. We are blessed to live at this time for that Urantia Book--that big blue book beyond any full comprehension, in a way—at least for me. It is so enormous, so unbelievable, yet so self-validating. Sometimes I wonder why it is so enormous, but its quality of self-validation can be so humbling in and of itself. It introduces the universe with all its levels of personal beings, including us human beings. It explains it all so well.

What a gift. What a gift. So we thank you, Michael and Mother Spirit, for initiating it and rounding up all the universe-wide, even Paradise-origin beings to write the 196 chapters of it. Amen.


Michael: Good Evening, this is Michael. Mother Spirit and I are right here with you tonight. We enjoy so much being a part of your lives whether you are aware of us and acknowledge us, or not. Either way we are very much aware of you. We literally hold you within us.

This physical Local Universe is very much our body. And just as you personally know the joy, the thrill, and the adventure of being recognized by all your dear friends--and even strangers with whom you share so much recognition and even a touch of love when you are passing on a busy sidewalk; so too we enjoy when you recognize us. It thrills us so much when you acknowledge us in your prayers and meditations. Send us a “Hello!” every now and then. It warms your hearts as well as ours.

(The great triad of reality)

Tonight I would like to keep my lesson a little bit short so you can all have plenty opportunity to ask your questions or make your comments. I’ll start with a very brief review of this universe we live in. Consider the great triad we have taught on so much--the physical, the mental, and the spiritual. Think of them as different dimensions of reality. Tonight, think about how they are tied together by something that cannot be taken apart to analyze, or even exhaustibly defined and explained. This is the transcendent reality you call “life.”

What is life? What does it mean to be living—primarily? The best handle you can put on it is: it’s a condition. It is a condition of being that your Urantia Book tells you is always associated with something either physical, mental, or spiritual--or in your case, all three. Especially in your case, but also throughout the universe, are those living entities who are personal. Yet while life is an absolutely universally thing shared--even by plants and animals, personality is a unique aspect of only certain kinds of living beings.

(The transcendent fact of life)

You yourselves share in this. You are personal living beings, every one unique in sharing this human life with your bodies, your minds, and your creative spirits. Add on another blessing of God our Father’s--whom of course has an absolutely perfect memory of all of time and space, of everything that has ever happened. His presence right within you, and part of you, is sharing his Universal Soul—the Supreme Being--with your own personal experience of life, to create and sustain your soul. It is his way of insuringyour eternal possession of your life’s experience is safe in his keeping.

Your soul is your ultimate possession, my dear ones, as are mine and Mother Spirit’s. It is our experience of life and what it is to be alive. You are surrounded and encompassed, and so lovingly held by something that you cannot grasp. It is forever beyond all of us, awaiting each moment to unfold. Because of the personal, creative beings you are, surrounded by not only your compatriots--other human beings, but also the higher personal spiritual beings--all who are involved in creating everything, reality awaits each unique moment in time.

(To have something your own, unfolding in time)

This is what it is to be alive: to have something unfolding, something of your own in the midst of this whole physical universe--absolutely dependable, following a divinely strict causality. The next moment is something new just because there are all these personal beings involved. This includes those great beings who create the physical universe itself in enormous cyclones in outer space, the spiral nebula that will give birth to tens of millions of star systems and planets, all in accord with the Master Architects of the Universe.

(For all that has come before, there will be something new)

They are all alive, living and enjoying this creativity that, for you, is a sometimes scary reality. For as much as has come up to this moment--all that exists within this Eternal Now--the next moment will hold something new.

Think of the expansion that God enjoys by an expanding number of more and more personal beings, from your order of human beings all the way on up to himself. Closer to home, think of the delight Mother Spirit takes in creating the orders of angels.

This is life. This is the transcendent condition in the universe. It’s expanding!--while taking along all that has ever been and holding it in the most tender, absolute detail, then adding to it--forever. I know you can only hold that realization for a moment. It is like a balloon that is going to keep on expanding forever. But even though you cannot continually wrap your mind around it, all you need to do is wiggle your fingers and your toes, and put a big smile on your face to know: you have it. It is yours. This condition is yours. And there is a promise that it can be yours forever, if you so choose.

(Your ultimate choice)

And so, my dears, this is another rather absolute power that God gives you. You do not have to continue. Eternal life is not forced on any being. If any being becomes so full of the pain of existence because of the very choices he or she has made, and has done to others, the choice of ceasing to exist is God’s ultimate gift.

As your Urantia Book states so fully, you will make this choice at some point in the full consciousness you will continue to grow into. This consciousness is your expansion. This is your growth of experience, clear to the day your conscious choices--your free will--will have grown to the point you choose to become one with all that you have been up to that moment. You will become—consciously--one with your own soul, and the presence of God who is its co-author. This is his supreme condescendían--if you will--the Creator of the Universe putting himself--his presence--in your hands, to embrace or not.

Now you can only touch for a moment in your deepest meditation the tiniest fraction of your soul and literally, for those few precious moments, relive part of your life as it was when you were, say, maybe five years old. Yet this shows you the direction that you need to grow, and you are capable of growing. It’s the consciousness of, and the intention to become one with, your own soul and its co-author.

This is your potential, my dear ones. This is what you add to each day. You become the very thankfulness with which you are aware of your soul and God. Your experience is the very water that helps it grow. So this too is your choice, moment by moment, in everything you do.

(Spiritually evaluating your life)

It is a way of evaluating—with the spiritual quality of value--your life. Are you growing? Is your soul growing? Are you recognizing—and welcoming, however scary!--this next moment and all that is in it, that has not ever yet happened?

This is where Mother Spirit and I hold out our hands to you and say, “Join us, for we too are in this same expanding boat created by God. We too are sailing along and wondering--with wonder: What is next?

Now if you have any questions or comments, you can surprise Mother Spirit and me because you truly are free creative beings we cannot fully anticipate.

(Questions and comments to be continued)