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Topic: Your Ultimate Destiny

Group: 11:11 Progress Group


Teacher: The Beloved One

TR: Lytske



The Beloved One: A soul has discovered the great treasure – that priceless Pearl – within when it finds Me within, acknowledges My presence, and allows glorious feelings to well up from deep within with a song of thanksgiving and praise, even if these songs are not heard by human ears.

Yet, it makes you feel so much better and more joyful when you openly give voice to your feelings inside. Do not bury these feelings any longer. It matters not whether other mortals ridicule you, for they do not know your inner ecstasy.

Sometimes feelings of not being safe among your loved ones stem primarily from your earliest childhood, and of being loved and accepted the way you were. Even the tiniest infant knows, and feels, when they are unwanted instead of unconditionally loved and accepted for who they are. They will then carry these feelings of unworthiness and low self-esteem, with them throughout their lives.

The time has come to shed all these feelings that no longer serve you well. Yes, I know that growing up to your full stature as a mature adult has everything to do with these left-over feelings from the past.

Your Master Jesus, came to set the spiritual captives free, and to ‘bind up’ the broken-hearted.

You will taste this freedom in earnest when you give yourself totally and completely to Me, your God-self within. ‘How do I do this?’ you ask! Well, beloved, one day at a time, much as a house is build, stone by stone.

Each day you will progress a little more, until one day you will look back in amazement at what you have become, what even now you are becoming, as we together, are building the foundation of your faith and trust in Me.

Continue to lay these bricks day by day, and I will provide the strength in the mortar, so we together, build a steadfast, glorious and perfect child of the Creator God, for this is your ultimate divine destiny.