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187:2.1 The [[soldiers]] first bound [[the Master]]'s arms with cords to the [[Cross|crossbeam]], and then they nailed his hands to the wood. When they had hoisted this crossbeam up on the post, and after they had nailed it securely to the upright timber of the cross, they bound and nailed his feet to the wood, using one long nail to penetrate both feet. The upright timber had a large peg, inserted at the proper height, which served as a sort of saddle for supporting the body weight.[] The cross was not high, [[the Master]]'s feet being only about three feet from the ground. He was therefore able to [ hear] all that was said of him in derision and could plainly [ see] the [[expression]] on the [[faces]] of all those who so thoughtlessly [[mocked]] him. And also could those present easily [ hear] all that [[Jesus]] said during these hours of lingering [[torture]] and slow [[death]].
187:2.1 The [[soldiers]] first bound [[the Master]]'s arms with cords to the [[Cross|crossbeam]], and then they nailed his hands to the wood. When they had hoisted this crossbeam up on the post, and after they had nailed it securely to the upright timber of the cross, they bound and nailed his feet to the wood, using one long nail to penetrate both feet. The upright timber had a large peg, inserted at the proper height, which served as a sort of saddle for supporting the body weight.[] The cross was not high, [[the Master]]'s feet being only about three feet from the ground. He was therefore able to [ hear] all that was said of him in derision and could plainly [ see] the [[expression]] on the [[faces]] of all those who so thoughtlessly [[mocked]] him. And also could those present easily [ hear] all that [[Jesus]] said during these hours of lingering [[torture]] and slow [[death]].
187:2.2 It was the [[custom]] to remove all [[clothes]] from those who were to be [[crucified]], but since the [[Jews]] greatly objected to the [[public]] [[exposure]] of the [[naked]] [[human]] [[Body|form]], the [[Romans]] always provided a suitable [ loin cloth] for all [[persons]] [[crucified]] at [[Jerusalem]]. Accordingly, after [[Jesus]]' [[clothes]] had been removed, he was thus garbed before he was put upon the [[cross]].
187:2.2 It was the [[custom]] to remove all [[clothes]] from those who were to be [[crucified]], but since the [[Jews]] greatly objected to the [[public]] [[exposure]] of the [[naked]] [[human]] [[Body|form]], the [[Romans]] always provided a suitable [ loin cloth] for all [[persons]] [[crucified]] at [[Jerusalem]]. Accordingly, after [[Jesus]]' [[clothes]] had been removed, he was thus garbed before he was put upon the [[cross]].
187:2.3 [[Crucifixion]] was resorted to in order to provide a [[cruel]] and lingering [[punishment]], the [[victim]] sometimes not dying for several days. There was considerable [[sentiment]] against [[crucifixion]] in [[Jerusalem]], and there existed a [[society]] of [[Jewish]] [[women]] who always sent a [[representative]] to [[crucifixions]] for the [[purpose]] of offering [[Drugs|drugged]] wine to the [[victim]] in order to lessen his [[suffering]]. But when [[Jesus]] tasted this [ narcotized] wine, as [[thirsty]] as he was, he refused to drink it. [[The Master]] chose to retain his [[human]] [[consciousness]] until the very end. He [[desired]] to meet [[death]], even in this [[cruel]] and inhuman form, and [[conquer]] it by [[voluntary]] submission to the full [[human]] [[experience]].[]
187:2.3 [[Crucifixion]] was resorted to in order to provide a [[cruel]] and lingering [[punishment]], the [[victim]] sometimes not dying for several days. There was considerable [[sentiment]] against [[crucifixion]] in [[Jerusalem]], and there existed a [[society]] of [[Jewish]] [[women]] who always sent a [[representative]] to [[crucifixions]] for the [[purpose]] of offering [[Drugs|drugged]] wine to the [[victim]] in order to lessen his [[suffering]]. But when [[Jesus]] tasted this [ narcotized] wine, as [[thirsty]] as he was, he refused to drink it. [[The Master]] chose to retain his [[human]] [[consciousness]] until the very end. He [[desired]] to meet [[death]], even in this [[cruel]] and inhuman form, and [[conquer]] it by [[voluntary]] submission to the full [[human]] [[experience]].[]
187:2.4 Before [[Jesus]] was put on his [[cross]], the two [[brigands]] had already been placed on their [[crosses]], all the while [[cursing]] and [[spitting]] upon their executioners. [[Jesus]]' only [[words]], as they nailed him to the crossbeam, were, " Father, [[forgive]] them, for they [[know]] not what they do. "[] He could not have so [[mercifully]] and [[lovingly]] interceded for his [[executioners]] if such [[thoughts]] of [[affectionate]] [[devotion]] had not been the mainspring of all his life of [[unselfish]] [[service]]. The [[ideas]], [[motives]], and longings of a lifetime are openly [[revealed]] in a [[crisis]].
187:2.4 Before [[Jesus]] was put on his [[cross]], the two [[brigands]] had already been placed on their [[crosses]], all the while [[cursing]] and [[spitting]] upon their executioners. [[Jesus]]' only [[words]], as they nailed him to the crossbeam, were, " Father, [[forgive]] them, for they [[know]] not what they do. "[] He could not have so [[mercifully]] and [[lovingly]] interceded for his [[executioners]] if such [[thoughts]] of [[affectionate]] [[devotion]] had not been the mainspring of all his life of [[unselfish]] [[service]]. The [[ideas]], [[motives]], and longings of a lifetime are openly [[revealed]] in a [[crisis]].
187:2.5 After [[the Master]] was hoisted on the [[cross]], the [ captain] nailed the title up above his head, and it [[read]] in [[three]] [[languages]], " [[Jesus]] of [[Nazareth]]—the [[King]] of the [[Jews]]. " The [[Jews]] were [[Rage|infuriated]] by this believed [[insult]]. But [ Pilate] was chafed by their disrespectful [[manner]]; he felt he had been [[intimidated]] and [[humiliated]], and he took this [[method]] of obtaining petty [[revenge]]. He could have written " [[Jesus]], a [[rebel]]. " But he well knew how these [[Jerusalem]] [[Jews]] detested the very [[name]] of [[Nazareth]], and he was [[determined]] thus to [[humiliate]] them. He knew that they would also be cut to the very quick by seeing this [[executed]] [[Galilean]] called " The [[King]] of the [[Jews]]. "
187:2.5 After [[the Master]] was hoisted on the [[cross]], the [ captain] nailed the title up above his head, and it [[read]] in [[three]] [[languages]], " [[Jesus]] of [[Nazareth]]—the [[King]] of the [[Jews]]. " The [[Jews]] were [[Rage|infuriated]] by this believed [[insult]]. But [ Pilate] was chafed by their disrespectful [[manner]]; he felt he had been [[intimidated]] and [[humiliated]], and he took this [[method]] of obtaining petty [[revenge]]. He could have written " [[Jesus]], a [[rebel]]. " But he well knew how these [[Jerusalem]] [[Jews]] detested the very [[name]] of [[Nazareth]], and he was [[determined]] thus to [[humiliate]] them. He knew that they would also be cut to the very quick by seeing this [[executed]] [[Galilean]] called " The [[King]] of the [[Jews]]. "
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187:2.9 It was well that the [[Roman]] [[soldiers]] took [[possession]] of [[the Master]]'s [[clothing]]. Otherwise, if his [[followers]] had gained [[possession]] of these [[garments]], they would have been [[tempted]] to resort to [[superstitious]] [[relic]] [[worship]]. [[The Master]] [[desired]] that his [[followers]] should have nothing [[material]] to [[associate]] with his life on [[earth]]. He wanted to leave [[mankind]] only the [[memory]] of a [[human]] life [[dedicated]] to the high [[spiritual]] [[ideal]] of being [[consecrated]] to [[doing the Father's will]].
187:2.9 It was well that the [[Roman]] [[soldiers]] took [[possession]] of [[the Master]]'s [[clothing]]. Otherwise, if his [[followers]] had gained [[possession]] of these [[garments]], they would have been [[tempted]] to resort to [[superstitious]] [[relic]] [[worship]]. [[The Master]] [[desired]] that his [[followers]] should have nothing [[material]] to [[associate]] with his life on [[earth]]. He wanted to leave [[mankind]] only the [[memory]] of a [[human]] life [[dedicated]] to the high [[spiritual]] [[ideal]] of being [[consecrated]] to [[doing the Father's will]].
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