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79:2.1 [http://www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/India India] is the only locality where [http://nordan.daynal.org/wiki/index.php?title=Paper_64 all the Urantia races] were blended, the [http://nordan.daynal.org/wiki/index.php?title=Paper_78#78:4._THE_ANDITES Andite] invasion adding the last stock. In the [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indus_Valley_Civilization highlands northwest of India] the [http://nordan.daynal.org/wiki/index.php?title=Paper_64#64:5._ORIGIN_OF_THE_COLORED_RACES Sangik races] came into [[existence]], and without exception members of each penetrated the [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indian_subcontinent subcontinent of India] in their early days, leaving behind them the most [[heterogeneous]] race mixture ever to exist on [[Urantia]]. Ancient India acted as a catch basin for the migrating races. The base of the peninsula was formerly somewhat narrower than now, much of the deltas of the Ganges and Indus being the work of the last fifty thousand years.
79:2.1 [http://www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/India India] is the only locality where [https://nordan.daynal.org/wiki/index.php?title=Paper_64 all the Urantia races] were blended, the [https://nordan.daynal.org/wiki/index.php?title=Paper_78#78:4._THE_ANDITES Andite] invasion adding the last stock. In the [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indus_Valley_Civilization highlands northwest of India] the [https://nordan.daynal.org/wiki/index.php?title=Paper_64#64:5._ORIGIN_OF_THE_COLORED_RACES Sangik races] came into [[existence]], and without exception members of each penetrated the [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indian_subcontinent subcontinent of India] in their early days, leaving behind them the most [[heterogeneous]] race mixture ever to exist on [[Urantia]]. Ancient India acted as a catch basin for the migrating races. The base of the peninsula was formerly somewhat narrower than now, much of the deltas of the Ganges and Indus being the work of the last fifty thousand years.
79:2.2 The [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_India#Stone_Age earliest race mixtures in India] were a blending of the migrating [http://nordan.daynal.org/wiki/index.php?title=Paper_64#64:6._THE_SIX_SANGIK_RACES_OF_URANTIA red and yellow races] with the [http://nordan.daynal.org/wiki/index.php?title=Paper_78#78:4._THE_ANDITES aboriginal Andonites]. This group was later weakened by [[absorbing]] the greater portion of the extinct eastern green peoples as well as large numbers of the orange race], was slightly improved through limited admixture with the blue man, but suffered exceedingly through assimilation of large numbers of the indigo race. But the so-called [[aborigines]] of India are hardly [[representative]] of these early people; they are rather the most inferior southern and eastern fringe, which was never fully absorbed by either the early [http://nordan.daynal.org/wiki/index.php?title=Paper_78#78:4._THE_ANDITES Andites] or their later appearing [http://www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aryan Aryan] cousins.
79:2.2 The [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_India#Stone_Age earliest race mixtures in India] were a blending of the migrating [https://nordan.daynal.org/wiki/index.php?title=Paper_64#64:6._THE_SIX_SANGIK_RACES_OF_URANTIA red and yellow races] with the [https://nordan.daynal.org/wiki/index.php?title=Paper_78#78:4._THE_ANDITES aboriginal Andonites]. This group was later weakened by [[absorbing]] the greater portion of the extinct eastern green peoples as well as large numbers of the orange race], was slightly improved through limited admixture with the blue man, but suffered exceedingly through assimilation of large numbers of the indigo race. But the so-called [[aborigines]] of India are hardly [[representative]] of these early people; they are rather the most inferior southern and eastern fringe, which was never fully absorbed by either the early [https://nordan.daynal.org/wiki/index.php?title=Paper_78#78:4._THE_ANDITES Andites] or their later appearing [http://www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aryan Aryan] cousins.
79:2.3 By [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Upper_Paleolithic 20,000 B.C.] the [[population]] of western India had already become tinged with the [http://nordan.daynal.org/wiki/index.php?title=Paper_78#78:3._EARLY_EXPANSIONS_OF_THE_ADAMITES Adamic blood], and never in the [[history]] of [[Urantia]] did any one people combine so many [[different]] [[races]]. But it was unfortunate that the secondary [http://nordan.daynal.org/wiki/index.php?title=Paper_64#64:6._THE_SIX_SANGIK_RACES_OF_URANTIA Sangik strains] predominated, and it was a real calamity that both the blue and the red man were so largely missing from this racial melting pot of long ago; more of the primary Sangik strains would have contributed very much toward the enhancement of what might have been an even greater [[civilization]]. As it [[developed]], the red man was destroying himself in the [[America]]s, the blue man was disporting himself in [http://www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Europe Europe], and the early descendants of [[Adam]] (and most of the later ones) exhibited little [[desire]] to admix with the darker colored peoples, whether in [http://www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/India India], [http://www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Africa Africa], or elsewhere.
79:2.3 By [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Upper_Paleolithic 20,000 B.C.] the [[population]] of western India had already become tinged with the [https://nordan.daynal.org/wiki/index.php?title=Paper_78#78:3._EARLY_EXPANSIONS_OF_THE_ADAMITES Adamic blood], and never in the [[history]] of [[Urantia]] did any one people combine so many [[different]] [[races]]. But it was unfortunate that the secondary [https://nordan.daynal.org/wiki/index.php?title=Paper_64#64:6._THE_SIX_SANGIK_RACES_OF_URANTIA Sangik strains] predominated, and it was a real calamity that both the blue and the red man were so largely missing from this racial melting pot of long ago; more of the primary Sangik strains would have contributed very much toward the enhancement of what might have been an even greater [[civilization]]. As it [[developed]], the red man was destroying himself in the [[America]]s, the blue man was disporting himself in [http://www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Europe Europe], and the early descendants of [[Adam]] (and most of the later ones) exhibited little [[desire]] to admix with the darker colored peoples, whether in [http://www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/India India], [http://www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Africa Africa], or elsewhere.
79:2.4 About [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/15,000_BC 15,000 B.C.] increasing [[population]] [[pressure]] throughout [http://www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turkestan Turkestan] and [http://www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iran Iran] occasioned the first really extensive [http://nordan.daynal.org/wiki/index.php?title=Paper_78#78:5._THE_ANDITE_MIGRATIONS Andite movement] toward India. For over fifteen centuries these superior peoples poured in through the highlands of [http://www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baluchistan Baluchistan], spreading out over the valleys of the [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indus_valley Indus] and [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ganges Ganges] and slowly moving southward into the [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deccan Deccan]. This [http://nordan.daynal.org/wiki/index.php?title=Paper_78#78:4._THE_ANDITES Andite] pressure from the northwest drove many of the southern and eastern inferiors into [http://www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Burma Burma] and [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Southern_China southern China] but not sufficiently to save the [[invaders]] from racial [[obliteration]].
79:2.4 About [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/15,000_BC 15,000 B.C.] increasing [[population]] [[pressure]] throughout [http://www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turkestan Turkestan] and [http://www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iran Iran] occasioned the first really extensive [https://nordan.daynal.org/wiki/index.php?title=Paper_78#78:5._THE_ANDITE_MIGRATIONS Andite movement] toward India. For over fifteen centuries these superior peoples poured in through the highlands of [http://www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baluchistan Baluchistan], spreading out over the valleys of the [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indus_valley Indus] and [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ganges Ganges] and slowly moving southward into the [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deccan Deccan]. This [https://nordan.daynal.org/wiki/index.php?title=Paper_78#78:4._THE_ANDITES Andite] pressure from the northwest drove many of the southern and eastern inferiors into [http://www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Burma Burma] and [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Southern_China southern China] but not sufficiently to save the [[invaders]] from racial [[obliteration]].
79:2.5 The failure of [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/India India] to achieve the [[hegemony]] of [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eurasia Eurasia] was largely a matter of [[topography]]; [[population]] [[pressure]] from the north only crowded the [[majority]] of the people southward into the decreasing territory of the [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deccan Deccan], surrounded on all sides by the [[sea]]. Had there been adjacent lands for [[emigration]], then would the inferiors have been crowded out in all directions, and the superior stocks would have achieved a higher [[civilization]].
79:2.5 The failure of [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/India India] to achieve the [[hegemony]] of [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eurasia Eurasia] was largely a matter of [[topography]]; [[population]] [[pressure]] from the north only crowded the [[majority]] of the people southward into the decreasing territory of the [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deccan Deccan], surrounded on all sides by the [[sea]]. Had there been adjacent lands for [[emigration]], then would the inferiors have been crowded out in all directions, and the superior stocks would have achieved a higher [[civilization]].
79:2.6 As it was, these earlier [http://nordan.daynal.org/wiki/index.php?title=Paper_78#78:5._THE_ANDITE_MIGRATIONS Andite] conquerors made a desperate attempt to [[preserve]] their [[identity]] and stem the tide of [[racial]] engulfment by the [[establishment]] of [[Caste|rigid restrictions]] regarding intermarriage. Nonetheless, the [http://nordan.daynal.org/wiki/index.php?title=Paper_78#78:4._THE_ANDITES Andites] had become submerged by [http://www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/10,000_B.C. 10,000 B.C.], but the whole mass of the people had been markedly improved by this [[absorption]].
79:2.6 As it was, these earlier [https://nordan.daynal.org/wiki/index.php?title=Paper_78#78:5._THE_ANDITE_MIGRATIONS Andite] conquerors made a desperate attempt to [[preserve]] their [[identity]] and stem the tide of [[racial]] engulfment by the [[establishment]] of [[Caste|rigid restrictions]] regarding intermarriage. Nonetheless, the [https://nordan.daynal.org/wiki/index.php?title=Paper_78#78:4._THE_ANDITES Andites] had become submerged by [http://www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/10,000_B.C. 10,000 B.C.], but the whole mass of the people had been markedly improved by this [[absorption]].
79:2.7 [[Amalgamation|Race mixture]] is always advantageous in that it favors [[versatility]] of [[culture]] and makes for a [[progressive]] [[civilization]], but if the inferior elements of racial stocks predominate, such achievements will be short-lived. A polyglot [[culture]] can be preserved only if the superior stocks reproduce themselves in a safe margin over the inferior. Unrestrained multiplication of inferiors, with decreasing [[reproduction]] of superiors, is unfailingly [[suicidal]] of [[cultural]] [[civilization]].
79:2.7 [[Amalgamation|Race mixture]] is always advantageous in that it favors [[versatility]] of [[culture]] and makes for a [[progressive]] [[civilization]], but if the inferior elements of racial stocks predominate, such achievements will be short-lived. A polyglot [[culture]] can be preserved only if the superior stocks reproduce themselves in a safe margin over the inferior. Unrestrained multiplication of inferiors, with decreasing [[reproduction]] of superiors, is unfailingly [[suicidal]] of [[cultural]] [[civilization]].
79:2.8 Had the [http://nordan.daynal.org/wiki/index.php?title=Paper_78#78:4._THE_ANDITES Andite] conquerors been in numbers three times what they were, or had they driven out or destroyed the least desirable third of the mixed orange-green-indigo [[inhabitants]], then would India have become one of the world's leading [[centers]] of [[cultural]] [[civilization]] and undoubtedly would have attracted more of the later waves of [http://www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mesaopotamia Mesopotamians] that flowed into [http://www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turkestan Turkestan] and thence northward to [http://www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Europe Europe].
79:2.8 Had the [https://nordan.daynal.org/wiki/index.php?title=Paper_78#78:4._THE_ANDITES Andite] conquerors been in numbers three times what they were, or had they driven out or destroyed the least desirable third of the mixed orange-green-indigo [[inhabitants]], then would India have become one of the world's leading [[centers]] of [[cultural]] [[civilization]] and undoubtedly would have attracted more of the later waves of [http://www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mesaopotamia Mesopotamians] that flowed into [http://www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turkestan Turkestan] and thence northward to [http://www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Europe Europe].
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[[Category:Paper 79 - Andite Expansion in the Orient]]
[[Category:Paper 79 - Andite Expansion in the Orient]]

Revision as of 21:55, 12 December 2020

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79:2.1 India is the only locality where all the Urantia races were blended, the Andite invasion adding the last stock. In the highlands northwest of India the Sangik races came into existence, and without exception members of each penetrated the subcontinent of India in their early days, leaving behind them the most heterogeneous race mixture ever to exist on Urantia. Ancient India acted as a catch basin for the migrating races. The base of the peninsula was formerly somewhat narrower than now, much of the deltas of the Ganges and Indus being the work of the last fifty thousand years.

79:2.2 The earliest race mixtures in India were a blending of the migrating red and yellow races with the aboriginal Andonites. This group was later weakened by absorbing the greater portion of the extinct eastern green peoples as well as large numbers of the orange race], was slightly improved through limited admixture with the blue man, but suffered exceedingly through assimilation of large numbers of the indigo race. But the so-called aborigines of India are hardly representative of these early people; they are rather the most inferior southern and eastern fringe, which was never fully absorbed by either the early Andites or their later appearing Aryan cousins.

79:2.3 By 20,000 B.C. the population of western India had already become tinged with the Adamic blood, and never in the history of Urantia did any one people combine so many different races. But it was unfortunate that the secondary Sangik strains predominated, and it was a real calamity that both the blue and the red man were so largely missing from this racial melting pot of long ago; more of the primary Sangik strains would have contributed very much toward the enhancement of what might have been an even greater civilization. As it developed, the red man was destroying himself in the Americas, the blue man was disporting himself in Europe, and the early descendants of Adam (and most of the later ones) exhibited little desire to admix with the darker colored peoples, whether in India, Africa, or elsewhere.

79:2.4 About 15,000 B.C. increasing population pressure throughout Turkestan and Iran occasioned the first really extensive Andite movement toward India. For over fifteen centuries these superior peoples poured in through the highlands of Baluchistan, spreading out over the valleys of the Indus and Ganges and slowly moving southward into the Deccan. This Andite pressure from the northwest drove many of the southern and eastern inferiors into Burma and southern China but not sufficiently to save the invaders from racial obliteration.

79:2.5 The failure of India to achieve the hegemony of Eurasia was largely a matter of topography; population pressure from the north only crowded the majority of the people southward into the decreasing territory of the Deccan, surrounded on all sides by the sea. Had there been adjacent lands for emigration, then would the inferiors have been crowded out in all directions, and the superior stocks would have achieved a higher civilization.

79:2.6 As it was, these earlier Andite conquerors made a desperate attempt to preserve their identity and stem the tide of racial engulfment by the establishment of rigid restrictions regarding intermarriage. Nonetheless, the Andites had become submerged by 10,000 B.C., but the whole mass of the people had been markedly improved by this absorption.

79:2.7 Race mixture is always advantageous in that it favors versatility of culture and makes for a progressive civilization, but if the inferior elements of racial stocks predominate, such achievements will be short-lived. A polyglot culture can be preserved only if the superior stocks reproduce themselves in a safe margin over the inferior. Unrestrained multiplication of inferiors, with decreasing reproduction of superiors, is unfailingly suicidal of cultural civilization.

79:2.8 Had the Andite conquerors been in numbers three times what they were, or had they driven out or destroyed the least desirable third of the mixed orange-green-indigo inhabitants, then would India have become one of the world's leading centers of cultural civilization and undoubtedly would have attracted more of the later waves of Mesopotamians that flowed into Turkestan and thence northward to Europe.

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