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123:6.1 This was an interesting year at school. Although [[Jesus]] was not an unusual [[student]], he was a diligent [[pupil]] and belonged to the more [[progressive]] third of the class, doing his work so well that he was excused from attendance one week out of each month. This week he usually spent either with his fisherman uncle on the shores of the [ Sea of Galilee] near [ Magdala] or on the [[farm]] of another uncle (his mother's brother) five miles south of [[Nazareth]].
123:6.1 This was an interesting year at school. Although [[Jesus]] was not an unusual [[student]], he was a diligent [[pupil]] and belonged to the more [[progressive]] third of the class, doing his work so well that he was excused from attendance one week out of each month. This week he usually spent either with his fisherman uncle on the shores of the [ Sea of Galilee] near [ Magdala] or on the [[farm]] of another uncle (his mother's brother) five miles south of [[Nazareth]].
123:6.2 Although his [[mother]] had become unduly [[anxious]] about his [[health]] and [[safety]], she gradually became [[reconciled]] to these trips away from [[home]]. [[Jesus]]' uncles and aunts were all very fond of him, and there ensued a lively [[competition]] among them to secure his company for these monthly visits throughout this and immediately subsequent years. His first week's [[sojourn]] on his uncle's [[farm]] (since infancy) was in January of this year; the first week's fishing [[experience]] on the [ Sea of Galilee] occurred in the month of May.
123:6.2 Although his [[mother]] had become unduly [[anxious]] about his [[health]] and [[safety]], she gradually became [[reconciled]] to these trips away from [[home]]. [[Jesus]]' uncles and aunts were all very fond of him, and there ensued a lively [[competition]] among them to secure his company for these monthly visits throughout this and immediately subsequent years. His first week's [[sojourn]] on his uncle's [[farm]] (since infancy) was in January of this year; the first week's fishing [[experience]] on the [ Sea of Galilee] occurred in the month of May.
123:6.3 About this time [[Jesus]] met a [[teacher]] of [[mathematics]] from [ Damascus], and learning some new [[techniques]] of [[numbers]], he spent much time on mathematics for several years. He [[developed]] a keen sense of [[numbers]], distances, and [[proportions]].
123:6.3 About this time [[Jesus]] met a [[teacher]] of [[mathematics]] from [ Damascus], and learning some new [[techniques]] of [[numbers]], he spent much time on mathematics for several years. He [[developed]] a keen sense of [[numbers]], distances, and [[proportions]].
123:6.4 [[Jesus]] began to enjoy his brother James very much and by the end of this year had begun to teach him the [[alphabet]].
123:6.4 [[Jesus]] began to enjoy his brother James very much and by the end of this year had begun to teach him the [[alphabet]].
123:6.5 This year Jesus made arrangements to exchange [ dairy] products for lessons on the [ harp]. He had an unusual liking for everything [[musical]]. Later on he did much to promote an interest in [[Song|vocal]] music among his [[youth]]ful associates. By the time he was eleven years of age, he was a skillful harpist and greatly enjoyed entertaining both [[family]] and [[friends]] with his extraordinary [[interpretations]] and able [[improvisation]]s.
123:6.5 This year Jesus made arrangements to exchange [ dairy] products for lessons on the [ harp]. He had an unusual liking for everything [[musical]]. Later on he did much to promote an interest in [[Song|vocal]] music among his [[youth]]ful associates. By the time he was eleven years of age, he was a skillful harpist and greatly enjoyed entertaining both [[family]] and [[friends]] with his extraordinary [[interpretations]] and able [[improvisation]]s.
123:6.6 While [[Jesus]] continued to make enviable [[progress]] at school, all did not run smoothly for either [[parents]] or [[teachers]]. He [[persisted]] in asking many [[embarrassing]] questions concerning both [[science]] and [[religion]], particularly regarding [[geography]] and [[astronomy]]. He was especially insistent on finding out why there was a dry season and a rainy season in [[Palestine]]. Repeatedly he sought the explanation for the great [[difference]] between the temperatures of [[Nazareth]] and the [ Jordan valley]. He simply never ceased to ask such [[intelligent]] but perplexing questions.
123:6.6 While [[Jesus]] continued to make enviable [[progress]] at school, all did not run smoothly for either [[parents]] or [[teachers]]. He [[persisted]] in asking many [[embarrassing]] questions concerning both [[science]] and [[religion]], particularly regarding [[geography]] and [[astronomy]]. He was especially insistent on finding out why there was a dry season and a rainy season in [[Palestine]]. Repeatedly he sought the explanation for the great [[difference]] between the temperatures of [[Nazareth]] and the [ Jordan valley]. He simply never ceased to ask such [[intelligent]] but perplexing questions.
123:6.7 His third [[brother]], [ Simon], was born on Friday evening, April 14, of this year, [ A.D. 2.]
123:6.7 His third [[brother]], [ Simon], was born on Friday evening, April 14, of this year, [ A.D. 2.]
123:6.8 In February, Nahor, one of the [[teachers]] in a [[Jerusalem]] academy of the rabbis, came to [[Nazareth]] to observe [[Jesus]], having been on a similar mission to [ Zacharias]'s [[home]] near Jerusalem. He came to [[Nazareth]] at the instigation of [[John the Baptist|John]]'s father. While at first he was somewhat shocked by [[Jesus]]' frankness and unconventional [[manner]] of relating himself to things [[religious]], he attributed it to the remoteness of [[Galilee]] from the centers of [[Hebrew]] learning and [[culture]] and advised [ Joseph and Mary] to allow him to take [[Jesus]] back with him to [[Jerusalem]], where he could have the advantages of [[education]] and [[training]] at the center of [[Jewish]] [[culture]]. [ Mary] was half persuaded to consent; she was convinced her eldest son was to become the [[Messiah]], the [ Jewish deliverer]; [ Joseph] hesitated; he was equally persuaded that [[Jesus]] was to grow up to become a man of [[destiny]], but what that destiny would prove to be he was profoundly [[uncertain]]. But he never really doubted that his son was to fulfill some great mission on [[earth]]. The more he thought about Nahor's advice, the more he questioned the [[wisdom]] of the proposed [[sojourn]] in [[Jerusalem]].
123:6.8 In February, Nahor, one of the [[teachers]] in a [[Jerusalem]] academy of the rabbis, came to [[Nazareth]] to observe [[Jesus]], having been on a similar mission to [ Zacharias]'s [[home]] near Jerusalem. He came to [[Nazareth]] at the instigation of [[John the Baptist|John]]'s father. While at first he was somewhat shocked by [[Jesus]]' frankness and unconventional [[manner]] of relating himself to things [[religious]], he attributed it to the remoteness of [[Galilee]] from the centers of [[Hebrew]] learning and [[culture]] and advised [ Joseph and Mary] to allow him to take [[Jesus]] back with him to [[Jerusalem]], where he could have the advantages of [[education]] and [[training]] at the center of [[Jewish]] [[culture]]. [ Mary] was half persuaded to consent; she was convinced her eldest son was to become the [[Messiah]], the [ Jewish deliverer]; [ Joseph] hesitated; he was equally persuaded that [[Jesus]] was to grow up to become a man of [[destiny]], but what that destiny would prove to be he was profoundly [[uncertain]]. But he never really doubted that his son was to fulfill some great mission on [[earth]]. The more he thought about Nahor's advice, the more he questioned the [[wisdom]] of the proposed [[sojourn]] in [[Jerusalem]].
123:6.9 Because of this [[difference]] of [[opinion]] between [ Joseph and Mary], Nahor requested permission to lay the whole matter before [[Jesus]]. Jesus listened attentively, talked with Joseph, Mary, and a [[neighbor]], Jacob the stone mason, whose son was his favorite playmate, and then, two days later, reported that since there was such a [[difference]] of opinion among his [[parents]] and [[Counsel|advisers]], and since he did not feel competent to [[assume]] the [[responsibility]] for such a [[decision]], not feeling strongly one way or the other, in view of the whole situation, he had finally decided to " talk with my Father who is in heaven "; and while he was not perfectly sure about the answer, he rather felt he should remain at [[home]] " with my [[father]] and [[mother]], " adding, " they who love me so much should be able to do more for me and [[guide]] me more safely than strangers who can only view my [[body]] and observe my [[mind]] but can hardly truly know me. " They all marveled, and Nahor went his way, back to [[Jerusalem]]. And it was many years before the subject of [[Jesus]]' going away from home again came up for [[consideration]].
123:6.9 Because of this [[difference]] of [[opinion]] between [ Joseph and Mary], Nahor requested permission to lay the whole matter before [[Jesus]]. Jesus listened attentively, talked with Joseph, Mary, and a [[neighbor]], Jacob the stone mason, whose son was his favorite playmate, and then, two days later, reported that since there was such a [[difference]] of opinion among his [[parents]] and [[Counsel|advisers]], and since he did not feel competent to [[assume]] the [[responsibility]] for such a [[decision]], not feeling strongly one way or the other, in view of the whole situation, he had finally decided to " talk with my Father who is in heaven "; and while he was not perfectly sure about the answer, he rather felt he should remain at [[home]] " with my [[father]] and [[mother]], " adding, " they who love me so much should be able to do more for me and [[guide]] me more safely than strangers who can only view my [[body]] and observe my [[mind]] but can hardly truly know me. " They all marveled, and Nahor went his way, back to [[Jerusalem]]. And it was many years before the subject of [[Jesus]]' going away from home again came up for [[consideration]].

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