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133:7.1 Shortly the travelers set sail for [ Cyprus], stopping at [ Rhodes]. They enjoyed the long [[water]] voyage and arrived at their island destination much rested in [[body]] and refreshed in [[spirit]].
133:7.1 Shortly the travelers set sail for [ Cyprus], stopping at [ Rhodes]. They enjoyed the long [[water]] voyage and arrived at their island destination much rested in [[body]] and refreshed in [[spirit]].
133:7.2 It was their [[plan]] to [[enjoy]] a period of real [[rest]] and [[play]] on this [[visit]] to [ Cyprus] as their tour of the [[Mediterranean]] was drawing to a close. They landed at [ Paphos] and at once began the assembly of supplies for their [[sojourn]] of several weeks in the near-by [[mountains]]. On the third day after their arrival they started for the hills with their well-loaded [ pack animals].
133:7.2 It was their [[plan]] to [[enjoy]] a period of real [[rest]] and [[play]] on this [[visit]] to [ Cyprus] as their tour of the [[Mediterranean]] was drawing to a close. They landed at [ Paphos] and at once began the assembly of supplies for their [[sojourn]] of several weeks in the near-by [[mountains]]. On the third day after their arrival they started for the hills with their well-loaded [ pack animals].
133:7.3 For two weeks the trio greatly [[enjoyed]] themselves, and then, without [[warning]], young Ganid was suddenly taken grievously ill. For two weeks he [[suffered]] from a raging fever, oftentimes becoming delirious; both [[Jesus]] and Gonod were kept busy attending the sick boy. [[Jesus]] [[skill]]fully and tenderly cared for the lad, and the [[father]] was amazed by both the gentleness and adeptness [[manifested]] in all his [[ministry]] to the afflicted [[youth]]. They were far from [[human]] habitations, and the boy was too ill to be moved; so they [[prepared]] as best they could to nurse him back to [[health]] right there in the [[mountains]].
133:7.3 For two weeks the trio greatly [[enjoyed]] themselves, and then, without [[warning]], young Ganid was suddenly taken grievously ill. For two weeks he [[suffered]] from a raging fever, oftentimes becoming delirious; both [[Jesus]] and Gonod were kept busy attending the sick boy. [[Jesus]] [[skill]]fully and tenderly cared for the lad, and the [[father]] was amazed by both the gentleness and adeptness [[manifested]] in all his [[ministry]] to the afflicted [[youth]]. They were far from [[human]] habitations, and the boy was too ill to be moved; so they [[prepared]] as best they could to nurse him back to [[health]] right there in the [[mountains]].
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133:7.7 [[Ideas]] are not simply a [[record]] of sensations; [[ideas]] are sensations plus the [[reflective]] [[interpretations]] of the [[personal]] [[self]]; and the [[self]] is more than the sum of one's sensations. There begins to be something of an approach to [[unity]] in an evolving [[selfhood]], and that [[unity]] is derived from the [[Thought Adjuster|indwelling presence]] of a [[part]] of [[absolute]] [[unity]] which spiritually [[Initiative|activates]] such a [[self-conscious]] [ animal-origin mind].
133:7.7 [[Ideas]] are not simply a [[record]] of sensations; [[ideas]] are sensations plus the [[reflective]] [[interpretations]] of the [[personal]] [[self]]; and the [[self]] is more than the sum of one's sensations. There begins to be something of an approach to [[unity]] in an evolving [[selfhood]], and that [[unity]] is derived from the [[Thought Adjuster|indwelling presence]] of a [[part]] of [[absolute]] [[unity]] which spiritually [[Initiative|activates]] such a [[self-conscious]] [ animal-origin mind].
133:7.8 No mere [[animal]] could [[possess]] a [[time]] [[self-consciousness]]. Animals possess a [ physiological] [[co-ordination]] of associated sensation-[[recognition]] and [[memory]] thereof, but none [[experience]] a [[meaningful]] [[recognition]] of sensation or exhibit a [[purposeful]] [[association]] of these combined [[physical]] [[experiences]] such as is [[manifested]] in the conclusions of [[intelligent]] and [[reflective]] [[human]] [[interpretations]]. And this [[fact]] of [[self-conscious]] [[existence]], associated with the [[reality]] of his subsequent [[spiritual]] [[experience]], [[constitutes]] man a [[potential]] son of the [[universe]] and [[foreshadows]] his [[eventual]] [[attainment]] of the [[Supremacy|Supreme Unity]] of the [[universe]].
133:7.8 No mere [[animal]] could [[possess]] a [[time]] [[self-consciousness]]. Animals possess a [ physiological] [[co-ordination]] of associated sensation-[[recognition]] and [[memory]] thereof, but none [[experience]] a [[meaningful]] [[recognition]] of sensation or exhibit a [[purposeful]] [[association]] of these combined [[physical]] [[experiences]] such as is [[manifested]] in the conclusions of [[intelligent]] and [[reflective]] [[human]] [[interpretations]]. And this [[fact]] of [[self-conscious]] [[existence]], associated with the [[reality]] of his subsequent [[spiritual]] [[experience]], [[constitutes]] man a [[potential]] son of the [[universe]] and [[foreshadows]] his [[eventual]] [[attainment]] of the [[Supremacy|Supreme Unity]] of the [[universe]].
133:7.9 Neither is the [ human self] merely the [[sum]] of the [[successive]] states of [[consciousness]]. Without the [[effective]] [[functioning]] of a [[consciousness]] sorter and associater there would not exist sufficient [[unity]] to warrant the designation of a [ selfhood]. Such an ununified [[mind]] could hardly [[attain]] conscious levels of [[human]] [[status]]. If the associations of [[consciousness]] were just an [[accident]], the [[minds]] of all men would then exhibit the uncontrolled and [[random]] [[associations]] of certain [[phases]] of mental madness.
133:7.9 Neither is the [ human self] merely the [[sum]] of the [[successive]] states of [[consciousness]]. Without the [[effective]] [[functioning]] of a [[consciousness]] sorter and associater there would not exist sufficient [[unity]] to warrant the designation of a [ selfhood]. Such an ununified [[mind]] could hardly [[attain]] conscious levels of [[human]] [[status]]. If the associations of [[consciousness]] were just an [[accident]], the [[minds]] of all men would then exhibit the uncontrolled and [[random]] [[associations]] of certain [[phases]] of mental madness.

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