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66:7.1 The Prince's [[headquarters]], though exquisitely [[beautiful]] and [[designed]] to [[awe]] the [[primitive]] men of that [[age]], was altogether modest. The buildings were not especially large as it was the [[motive]] of these imported [[teachers]] to [[encourage]] the [[eventual]] [[development]] of [[agriculture]] through the introduction of [ animal husbandry]. The [[land]] provision within the [ city walls] was sufficient to provide for pasturage and gardening for the [[support]] of a [[population]] of about twenty thousand.
66:7.1 The Prince's [[headquarters]], though exquisitely [[beautiful]] and [[designed]] to [[awe]] the [[primitive]] men of that [[age]], was altogether modest. The buildings were not especially large as it was the [[motive]] of these imported [[teachers]] to [[encourage]] the [[eventual]] [[development]] of [[agriculture]] through the introduction of [ animal husbandry]. The [[land]] provision within the [ city walls] was sufficient to provide for pasturage and gardening for the [[support]] of a [[population]] of about twenty thousand.
66:7.2 The interiors of the central [[temple]] of [[worship]] and the ten council mansions of the supervising [[groups]] of supermen were indeed [[beautiful]] works of [[art]]. And while the [[residential]] buildings were [[models]] of neatness and cleanliness, everything was very [[simple]] and altogether [[primitive]] in [[comparison]] with later-day [[developments]]. At this [[headquarters]] of [[culture]] no [[methods]] were employed which did not [[naturally]] belong on [[Urantia]].
66:7.2 The interiors of the central [[temple]] of [[worship]] and the ten council mansions of the supervising [[groups]] of supermen were indeed [[beautiful]] works of [[art]]. And while the [[residential]] buildings were [[models]] of neatness and cleanliness, everything was very [[simple]] and altogether [[primitive]] in [[comparison]] with later-day [[developments]]. At this [[headquarters]] of [[culture]] no [[methods]] were employed which did not [[naturally]] belong on [[Urantia]].
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66:7.6 Fad sponsored the Dalamatia [[plan]] of [[teaching]] that was carried out as an industrial school in which the [[pupils]] [[learned]] by doing, and through which they [[worked]] their way by the daily [[performance]] of useful tasks. This [[plan]] of [[education]] did not ignore [[thinking]] and [[feeling]] in the [[development]] of [[character]]; but it gave first place to manual [[training]]. The instruction was [[individual]] and [[collective]]. The [[pupils]] were taught by both [[men]] and [[women]] and by the [[two]] acting conjointly. One half of this [[group]] instruction was by [[Gender|sexes]]; the other half was coeducational. Students were taught manual dexterity as [[individuals]] and were socialized in [[groups]] or classes. They were [[trained]] to fraternize with younger groups, older groups, and adults, as well as to do [[teamwork]] with those of their own ages. They were also familiarized with such [[associations]] as [[family]] [[groups]], [[play]] squads, and school classes.
66:7.6 Fad sponsored the Dalamatia [[plan]] of [[teaching]] that was carried out as an industrial school in which the [[pupils]] [[learned]] by doing, and through which they [[worked]] their way by the daily [[performance]] of useful tasks. This [[plan]] of [[education]] did not ignore [[thinking]] and [[feeling]] in the [[development]] of [[character]]; but it gave first place to manual [[training]]. The instruction was [[individual]] and [[collective]]. The [[pupils]] were taught by both [[men]] and [[women]] and by the [[two]] acting conjointly. One half of this [[group]] instruction was by [[Gender|sexes]]; the other half was coeducational. Students were taught manual dexterity as [[individuals]] and were socialized in [[groups]] or classes. They were [[trained]] to fraternize with younger groups, older groups, and adults, as well as to do [[teamwork]] with those of their own ages. They were also familiarized with such [[associations]] as [[family]] [[groups]], [[play]] squads, and school classes.
66:7.7 Among the later [[students]] trained in [ Mesopotamia] for [[work]] with their respective [[races]] were [ Andonites] from the highlands of western [ India] [[together]] with [[representatives]] of the [ red men] and the [ blue men]; still later a small number of the [ yellow race] were also received.
66:7.7 Among the later [[students]] trained in [ Mesopotamia] for [[work]] with their respective [[races]] were [ Andonites] from the highlands of western [ India] [[together]] with [[representatives]] of the [ red men] and the [ blue men]; still later a small number of the [ yellow race] were also received.
66:7.8 Hap presented the [ early races] with a [[moral]] [[law]]. This code was known as "[[The Father]]'s Way" and consisted of the following seven commands:
66:7.8 Hap presented the [ early races] with a [[moral]] [[law]]. This code was known as "[[The Father]]'s Way" and consisted of the following seven commands:
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*7. 66:7.15 You shall not show disrespect to your [[parents]] or to the elders of the tribe.
*7. 66:7.15 You shall not show disrespect to your [[parents]] or to the elders of the tribe.
66:7.16 This was the [[law]] of [ Dalamatia] for almost three hundred thousand years. And many of the stones on which this law was inscribed now lie beneath the [[waters]] off the shores of [ Mesopotamia] and [ Persia]. It became the [[custom]] to hold one of these commands in [[mind]] for each day of the week, using it for salutations and mealtime thanksgiving.
66:7.16 This was the [[law]] of [ Dalamatia] for almost three hundred thousand years. And many of the stones on which this law was inscribed now lie beneath the [[waters]] off the shores of [ Mesopotamia] and [ Persia]. It became the [[custom]] to hold one of these commands in [[mind]] for each day of the week, using it for salutations and mealtime thanksgiving.
66:7.17 The [[time]] measurement of these days was the [ lunar month], this period being reckoned as twenty-eight days. That, with the exception of day and night, was the only [[time]] reckoning known to the early peoples. The [ seven-day week] was introduced by the Dalamatia [[teachers]] and grew out of the [[fact]] that seven was one fourth of twenty-eight. The significance of the [[number]] [[seven]] in the [[superuniverse]] undoubtedly afforded them [[opportunity]] to introduce a [[spiritual]] reminder into the common reckoning of [[time]]. But there is no [[natural]] [[origin]] for the weekly period.
66:7.17 The [[time]] measurement of these days was the [ lunar month], this period being reckoned as twenty-eight days. That, with the exception of day and night, was the only [[time]] reckoning known to the early peoples. The [ seven-day week] was introduced by the Dalamatia [[teachers]] and grew out of the [[fact]] that seven was one fourth of twenty-eight. The significance of the [[number]] [[seven]] in the [[superuniverse]] undoubtedly afforded them [[opportunity]] to introduce a [[spiritual]] reminder into the common reckoning of [[time]]. But there is no [[natural]] [[origin]] for the weekly period.
66:7.18 The country around the [[city]] was quite well settled within a [[radius]] of one hundred miles. [[Immediately]] surrounding the [[city]], hundreds of [[graduates]] of the Prince's schools [[engaged]] in [ animal husbandry] and otherwise carried out the instruction they had received from his staff and their numerous [[human]] helpers. A few engaged in [[agriculture]] and [ horticulture].
66:7.18 The country around the [[city]] was quite well settled within a [[radius]] of one hundred miles. [[Immediately]] surrounding the [[city]], hundreds of [[graduates]] of the Prince's schools [[engaged]] in [ animal husbandry] and otherwise carried out the instruction they had received from his staff and their numerous [[human]] helpers. A few engaged in [[agriculture]] and [ horticulture].
66:7.19 [[Mankind]] was not consigned to [[agricultural]] toil as the penalty of supposed [[sin]]. "In the sweat of your face shall you eat the fruit of the fields"[] was not a sentence of [[punishment]] pronounced because of man's [[participation]] in the [[follies]] of the [[Lucifer rebellion]] under the [[leadership]] of the traitorous [[Caligastia]]. The [[cultivation]] of the [[soil]] is [[inherent]] in the [[establishment]] of an advancing [[civilization]] on the [[evolutionary worlds]], and this injunction was the [[center]] of all [[teaching]] of the [[Planetary Prince]] and his staff throughout the three hundred thousand years which intervened between their arrival on [[Urantia]] and those [[tragic]] days when [[Caligastia]] threw in his lot with the [[rebel]] [[Lucifer]]. [[Work]] with the [[soil]] is not a curse; rather is it the highest [[blessing]] to all who are thus permitted to [[enjoy]] the most [[human]] of all human [[activities]].
66:7.19 [[Mankind]] was not consigned to [[agricultural]] toil as the penalty of supposed [[sin]]. "In the sweat of your face shall you eat the fruit of the fields"[] was not a sentence of [[punishment]] pronounced because of man's [[participation]] in the [[follies]] of the [[Lucifer rebellion]] under the [[leadership]] of the traitorous [[Caligastia]]. The [[cultivation]] of the [[soil]] is [[inherent]] in the [[establishment]] of an advancing [[civilization]] on the [[evolutionary worlds]], and this injunction was the [[center]] of all [[teaching]] of the [[Planetary Prince]] and his staff throughout the three hundred thousand years which intervened between their arrival on [[Urantia]] and those [[tragic]] days when [[Caligastia]] threw in his lot with the [[rebel]] [[Lucifer]]. [[Work]] with the [[soil]] is not a curse; rather is it the highest [[blessing]] to all who are thus permitted to [[enjoy]] the most [[human]] of all human [[activities]].

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