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This world has reached its all time low of [[decadence]]. It is at an [[apex]] in which it is about to turn a new leaf (?) in which the next page shall be the return and [[renaissance]] of a [[new age]] in which all of you will participate. If for your whole life you have felt that you have been [[prepared]], it is for this moment. You have all been chosen and you have all been prepared to [[receive]] this information and to [[disseminate]] it and to pass it on through and allow others to view it. There is a great [[thirst]] in which all of you will bring forth urns of water to the [[population]] and give them the [[water of life]] that [[flows]] through [[the universe]]. Do not worry about where this spring shall come forth, for it is already flowing in you. There is a great rush of water about to come forth in which all of you shall be [[stewards]]. I shall open it up for others to transmit now.
This world has reached its all time low of [[decadence]]. It is at an [[apex]] in which it is about to turn a new leaf (?) in which the next page shall be the return and [[renaissance]] of a [[new age]] in which all of you will participate. If for your whole life you have felt that you have been [[prepared]], it is for this moment. You have all been chosen and you have all been prepared to [[receive]] this information and to [[disseminate]] it and to pass it on through and allow others to view it. There is a great [[thirst]] in which all of you will bring forth urns of water to the [[population]] and give them the [[water of life]] that [[flows]] through [[the universe]]. Do not worry about where this spring shall come forth, for it is already flowing in you. There is a great rush of water about to come forth in which all of you shall be [[stewards]]. I shall open it up for others to transmit now.
Floreena: TR Stella. This is Floreena, one of the assistants to the [[Most Highs]]. We have been [[anxious]] to contact you Stella and we have good news. As you have heard JarEl say, the [[Magisterial Son]] will arrive soon soon in your terms does not mean tomorrow, next month, but soon in celestial terms, which could be a year, two years and even ten. But you are all being prepared with this news so that you can arrange your lives to be ready when that great day comes. The [[change]] will be instantly [[observed]]. The world will be breathless with all the [[wonder]] of what this means. The Magisterial Son will appear on your [ TV]. We have long waited for the day when we can use your [[technology]] for public appearances. Your world is ready technologically but it is not ready [[spiritually]]. Because of things lagging spiritually, the Most Highs feel that something must be done to bring about a change in human hearts and to know that there is a God who is working for you and with you. Your [[wars]] have been a terrible hindrance to the [[dissemination]] of this news. However, because you have lagged spiritually, your [[growth]] needs this help more than ever.
Floreena: TR Stella. This is Floreena, one of the assistants to the [[Most Highs]]. We have been [[anxious]] to contact you Stella and we have good news. As you have heard JarEl say, the [[Magisterial Son]] will arrive soon soon in your terms does not mean tomorrow, next month, but soon in celestial terms, which could be a year, two years and even ten. But you are all being prepared with this news so that you can arrange your lives to be ready when that great day comes. The [[change]] will be instantly [[observed]]. The world will be breathless with all the [[wonder]] of what this means. The Magisterial Son will appear on your [ TV]. We have long waited for the day when we can use your [[technology]] for public appearances. Your world is ready technologically but it is not ready [[spiritually]]. Because of things lagging spiritually, the Most Highs feel that something must be done to bring about a change in human hearts and to know that there is a God who is working for you and with you. Your [[wars]] have been a terrible hindrance to the [[dissemination]] of this news. However, because you have lagged spiritually, your [[growth]] needs this help more than ever.
When he comes there will be a new spirit in the world which will urge the human spirit to be open to this new [[force]]. We look forward to this [[change]] in your world and we sincerely [[hope]] that all of you will be [[prepared]] to [[explain]] to the people what is happening. This is the most [[profound]] event in the [[history of your world]]. Nothing like it has been seen throughout the [[other worlds]]. Your world has been chosen as it was chosen by [[Jesus]], by [[Michael]], to bring about the [[Spirit of Truth]] throughout the world. The spirit that the Magisterial Son will bring will be something like the Spirit of Truth, however, it will be more. The change will be so [[profound]] that it will affect the rulers of the country as well as the rulers of other countries, who will no longer be able to [[oppress]] their people, because the [[power of God]] in the [[Magisterial Son]] is much stronger than the feeble plans of mortal men. We welcome this change because we know you will also.
When he comes there will be a new spirit in the world which will urge the human spirit to be open to this new [[force]]. We look forward to this [[change]] in your world and we sincerely [[hope]] that all of you will be [[prepared]] to [[explain]] to the people what is happening. This is the most [[profound]] event in the [[history of your world]]. Nothing like it has been seen throughout the [[other worlds]]. Your world has been chosen as it was chosen by [[Jesus]], by [[Michael]], to bring about the [[Spirit of Truth]] throughout the world. The spirit that the Magisterial Son will bring will be something like the Spirit of Truth, however, it will be more. The change will be so [[profound]] that it will affect the rulers of the country as well as the rulers of other countries, who will no longer be able to [[oppress]] their people, because the [[power of God]] in the [[Magisterial Son]] is much stronger than the feeble plans of mortal men. We welcome this change because we know you will also.
So be not [[discouraged]] if you think you see no [[progress]] for the moment. But there is progress that we see from the other side. This, of course, for [[spiritual]] effect, will be most pronounced on those who are in power in your world and will also raise the [[hopes]] and [[desires]] of millions of people on [[your planet]]. Your planet has been in the [ dark ages], so to speak. However, that is about to change.
So be not [[discouraged]] if you think you see no [[progress]] for the moment. But there is progress that we see from the other side. This, of course, for [[spiritual]] effect, will be most pronounced on those who are in power in your world and will also raise the [[hopes]] and [[desires]] of millions of people on [[your planet]]. Your planet has been in the [ dark ages], so to speak. However, that is about to change.
We greet you all with great [[love]] and great admiration for the [[fact]] that you have been so faithful to the [[Teaching Mission]]. We see your progress and we rejoice. You are not alone in your small group. We are reaching all of the people in the Teaching Missions throughout the world. Many are stunned that this could be happening in a time of their lives but indeed it is so.
We greet you all with great [[love]] and great admiration for the [[fact]] that you have been so faithful to the [[Teaching Mission]]. We see your progress and we rejoice. You are not alone in your small group. We are reaching all of the people in the Teaching Missions throughout the world. Many are stunned that this could be happening in a time of their lives but indeed it is so.

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