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This is an opportunity for great, great changes. It is a change—for instance, going from the [[arithmetic]] increase, to [[exponential]] and [[logarithmic]] increase in change in your world. It will require the best [[minds]], the best [[hearts]], the best [[spirits]], the best [[souls]] and your greatest [[wisdoms]], to co-ordinate these changes into your [[personal]] lives and into your social, [[political]], [[financial]], commercial lives as well. This is why the [[Most Highs]] are so readily at hand, and so incredibly involved in the affairs of your world at this time. We work together, and working together does not adequately convey the multi-[[dimension]]al interlacing of the Magisterial Mission and the Most Highs, Machiventa and Christ Michael’s overall [[Correcting Time]] plan.
This is an opportunity for great, great changes. It is a change—for instance, going from the [[arithmetic]] increase, to [[exponential]] and [[logarithmic]] increase in change in your world. It will require the best [[minds]], the best [[hearts]], the best [[spirits]], the best [[souls]] and your greatest [[wisdoms]], to co-ordinate these changes into your [[personal]] lives and into your social, [[political]], [[financial]], commercial lives as well. This is why the [[Most Highs]] are so readily at hand, and so incredibly involved in the affairs of your world at this time. We work together, and working together does not adequately convey the multi-[[dimension]]al interlacing of the Magisterial Mission and the Most Highs, Machiventa and Christ Michael’s overall [[Correcting Time]] plan.
As this paradigm change occurs, it will beforehand require the best efforts on our part and on your parts to work together. You as individuals are mostly unprepared for these changes. Some will seem [[catastrophic]], cataclysmic, and others will be [[ecstatic]]. You will be in the throes of great personal change, happy to see the old pass, but crying because it does. We know that your world is without a "World Coordinating Council," to coordinate its own saving, its own healing, its own reformation, its own change. We know that your [[nation]]s are completely unprepared, even to assist themselves in the great changes that will come. You have no [[contingency]] plans on hand, in any nation, to take on these immense changes that will occur in your world. You are prepared for military confrontations, military wars, atomic catastrophes and such. The [  World Health Organization][] is unprepared for its challenges, as well as your nations healthcare systems, both preventative and the [[service]] care that you have. It is because of these great inadequacies that we will be entering into a multi-faceted, multi-paged . . . [This is Daniel. What I see here is like a manual, like a 100 page, 200-page manual, 8.5" X 11" big, and there are diagrams on all these pages.]
As this paradigm change occurs, it will beforehand require the best efforts on our part and on your parts to work together. You as individuals are mostly unprepared for these changes. Some will seem [[catastrophic]], cataclysmic, and others will be [[ecstatic]]. You will be in the throes of great personal change, happy to see the old pass, but crying because it does. We know that your world is without a "World Coordinating Council," to coordinate its own saving, its own healing, its own reformation, its own change. We know that your [[nation]]s are completely unprepared, even to assist themselves in the great changes that will come. You have no [[contingency]] plans on hand, in any nation, to take on these immense changes that will occur in your world. You are prepared for military confrontations, military wars, atomic catastrophes and such. The [  World Health Organization][] is unprepared for its challenges, as well as your nations healthcare systems, both preventative and the [[service]] care that you have. It is because of these great inadequacies that we will be entering into a multi-faceted, multi-paged . . . [This is Daniel. What I see here is like a manual, like a 100 page, 200-page manual, 8.5" X 11" big, and there are diagrams on all these pages.]
MONJORONSON: There will be many—there will be a great deal of sharing of these plans with you. As we move from the leadership awareness that we have called to awaken in you, what will leaders do? How will they approach this? What plans will they invoke? How will they have prepared these plans—will they think of them ahead of time? No, you will not think of them ahead of time. When this happens to you and to your world, you will be unprepared. You will not have time to [[reflect]] upon the past or even upon the immediate [[moment]]. You will need to have thoughtfully prepared plans for your world. We can provide these to you, and will in the coming weeks. Yet, this means nothing without your willingness to become leaders, to be leaders, to offer these plans up when they are needed. And these are not plans of a [[mechanical]], objective nature, but plans that are [[purpose]ful and long-range in their detail.
MONJORONSON: There will be many—there will be a great deal of sharing of these plans with you. As we move from the leadership awareness that we have called to awaken in you, what will leaders do? How will they approach this? What plans will they invoke? How will they have prepared these plans—will they think of them ahead of time? No, you will not think of them ahead of time. When this happens to you and to your world, you will be unprepared. You will not have time to [[reflect]] upon the past or even upon the immediate [[moment]]. You will need to have thoughtfully prepared plans for your world. We can provide these to you, and will in the coming weeks. Yet, this means nothing without your willingness to become leaders, to be leaders, to offer these plans up when they are needed. And these are not plans of a [[mechanical]], objective nature, but plans that are [[purpose]ful and long-range in their detail.
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We cannot do this without you; you cannot do this without us. We will be thrown into this mix of the paradigm of your world because this is the only way that your world will be saved, saved in a way that coordinates the best of humankind’s activities on your world. What is needed for your future to come about is to retain the very best that your world and your people have to offer, and you have much to offer. Yet your world—even your religions are inadequately prepared to "save" you from the future. You must choose this for yourself, individually. It is not in the "old times religion" phrase, "I wish to be saved!" But "I offer myself to assist saving my world and advancing my soul’s career." Being saved will take on a new meaning for you and for everyone who wishes to participate.
We cannot do this without you; you cannot do this without us. We will be thrown into this mix of the paradigm of your world because this is the only way that your world will be saved, saved in a way that coordinates the best of humankind’s activities on your world. What is needed for your future to come about is to retain the very best that your world and your people have to offer, and you have much to offer. Yet your world—even your religions are inadequately prepared to "save" you from the future. You must choose this for yourself, individually. It is not in the "old times religion" phrase, "I wish to be saved!" But "I offer myself to assist saving my world and advancing my soul’s career." Being saved will take on a new meaning for you and for everyone who wishes to participate.
Christ Michael has struck to the core of your world’s saving, and that is through the co-creative participation of us and with you, and you with us. Your world offers a particular, and even peculiarly [[unique]] situation for the advancement of [[soul]] growth in [[Nebadon]], even in [[Orvonton]]. This is a most remarkable enterprise that Christ Michael has entered upon, unlike any that have occurred in this seventh universe. It is not a [[game]] of [ Russian roulette], dice, or any other game of [[chance]], but a plan of [[action]] that requires and will achieve remarkable results. I have been in [[tune]] and in [[touch]] and participating in these later developments of [[Urantia]]’s [[healing]] and [[transformation]]. I suppose we must stick upon a word that you recognize and can relate to—"[[transformation]]" is probably the best that we can do at this time, given that it has many, many, many layers to that.
Christ Michael has struck to the core of your world’s saving, and that is through the co-creative participation of us and with you, and you with us. Your world offers a particular, and even peculiarly [[unique]] situation for the advancement of [[soul]] growth in [[Nebadon]], even in [[Orvonton]]. This is a most remarkable enterprise that Christ Michael has entered upon, unlike any that have occurred in this seventh universe. It is not a [[game]] of [ Russian roulette], dice, or any other game of [[chance]], but a plan of [[action]] that requires and will achieve remarkable results. I have been in [[tune]] and in [[touch]] and participating in these later developments of [[Urantia]]’s [[healing]] and [[transformation]]. I suppose we must stick upon a word that you recognize and can relate to—"[[transformation]]" is probably the best that we can do at this time, given that it has many, many, many layers to that.
Few of you in this room have any idea of the [[complexity]] of a nuclear, electrical, generation plant, similar to the many that are in the world and even in this country. They are immensely, immensely complicated. There are rules of operation that govern the opening of valves, the closing of valves, the closing of [[circuits]], opening of circuits and such, and in particular orders and so on —operating manuals that occupy many megabytes, terabytes of [[data]] in your [[computers]], literally an [[encyclopedic]] manual for operating them. You would be mistaken if you expect and anticipate that we will provide a manual, such as this, for this co-creative effort of healing your planet. Yet on the other hand, we are not going to throw you into an airplane and say, "Fly this!" "Here is the stick and pedals and throttle—go fly—and come back safely." No, we will not do that either. We are going to provide you with long term, long range, broad plans for the healing of your world with the coordination of your existing enterprises.
Few of you in this room have any idea of the [[complexity]] of a nuclear, electrical, generation plant, similar to the many that are in the world and even in this country. They are immensely, immensely complicated. There are rules of operation that govern the opening of valves, the closing of valves, the closing of [[circuits]], opening of circuits and such, and in particular orders and so on —operating manuals that occupy many megabytes, terabytes of [[data]] in your [[computers]], literally an [[encyclopedic]] manual for operating them. You would be mistaken if you expect and anticipate that we will provide a manual, such as this, for this co-creative effort of healing your planet. Yet on the other hand, we are not going to throw you into an airplane and say, "Fly this!" "Here is the stick and pedals and throttle—go fly—and come back safely." No, we will not do that either. We are going to provide you with long term, long range, broad plans for the healing of your world with the coordination of your existing enterprises.
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There was also an ongoing [[desire]]—in [[fact]] a need—for individuals to become much more [[psychic]]ally aware, to be able to [[TR]], to transmit and receive, to [[channel]], to be able to [[dialog]]—consciously dialog—with these morontial realms of beings and above. Yes, there are [[genetic]] predispositions for doing this—some of you are almost bereft of these genetic abilities, faculties—and some of you are greatly imbued with them. In only rare cases, is there no capacity at all. This is a necessary [[faculty]] for the advancement and development of your world.
There was also an ongoing [[desire]]—in [[fact]] a need—for individuals to become much more [[psychic]]ally aware, to be able to [[TR]], to transmit and receive, to [[channel]], to be able to [[dialog]]—consciously dialog—with these morontial realms of beings and above. Yes, there are [[genetic]] predispositions for doing this—some of you are almost bereft of these genetic abilities, faculties—and some of you are greatly imbued with them. In only rare cases, is there no capacity at all. This is a necessary [[faculty]] for the advancement and development of your world.
Look what happened in your world when the [[telegraph]] was invented and implemented. Few of you know or appreciate the magnitude of change that occurred in your world when that development became a reality, and this was long before [[radio]] became useful. You can only appreciate this incredible change by the use of computers and the development of the [[Internet]] that is usable by individuals from almost anyplace on your world. And this has brought about incredible, rapid changes due to the broadening of your capacity to [[communicate]]. Cell phones were only an [[idea]] in the times of your cartoon character, [ Dick Tracy]—very [[humor]]ous; you [[thought]] that was [[science fiction]], but today, go down any street in a technologically developed nation and you will see literally dozens upon dozens of people in a short distance who are talking on cell phones.
Look what happened in your world when the [[telegraph]] was invented and implemented. Few of you know or appreciate the magnitude of change that occurred in your world when that development became a reality, and this was long before [[radio]] became useful. You can only appreciate this incredible change by the use of computers and the development of the [[Internet]] that is usable by individuals from almost anyplace on your world. And this has brought about incredible, rapid changes due to the broadening of your capacity to [[communicate]]. Cell phones were only an [[idea]] in the times of your cartoon character, [ Dick Tracy]—very [[humor]]ous; you [[thought]] that was [[science fiction]], but today, go down any street in a technologically developed nation and you will see literally dozens upon dozens of people in a short distance who are talking on cell phones.
What will happen to the [[enlightenment]] of your world when the majority of you are able to speak with us? And accept it with the same validity, authentication, as you speak with someone over a cell phone. You do not think this is "[[magic]]" when you talk to your loved ones on the phone or a business associate. You do not question it; this is reality. Call up and a half-hour later you have pizza at your door—this is your world; this is reality you accept, and this is where we wish to go with you. There must be a continuing development for individuals who are interested to develop their a capacity to speak with us, just as this individual assists you to speak with us. Do you see? (Yes.) How can the [[Magisterial Mission]] succeed without speaking with you? Must we always speak one to a dozen, one to a thousand, through TRs? We surely hope not. It is our desire to speak with you individually, and the lower the [[ratio]], the better this will come about, and more quickly as well.
What will happen to the [[enlightenment]] of your world when the majority of you are able to speak with us? And accept it with the same validity, authentication, as you speak with someone over a cell phone. You do not think this is "[[magic]]" when you talk to your loved ones on the phone or a business associate. You do not question it; this is reality. Call up and a half-hour later you have pizza at your door—this is your world; this is reality you accept, and this is where we wish to go with you. There must be a continuing development for individuals who are interested to develop their a capacity to speak with us, just as this individual assists you to speak with us. Do you see? (Yes.) How can the [[Magisterial Mission]] succeed without speaking with you? Must we always speak one to a dozen, one to a thousand, through TRs? We surely hope not. It is our desire to speak with you individually, and the lower the [[ratio]], the better this will come about, and more quickly as well.
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Student: The association of some of the local, national corporations, in collusion with the [ World Bank] [] and some of our US Government, seems so strong and is so destructive of true helpful relations to smaller countries, how can that be destabilized or directed?
Student: The association of some of the local, national corporations, in collusion with the [ World Bank] [] and some of our US Government, seems so strong and is so destructive of true helpful relations to smaller countries, how can that be destabilized or directed?
MONJORONSON: Truly, this equation of government, of [[media]], of business will be destabilized almost completely and totally during the transition years, when <u>[ the cataclysm]</u> occurs on your world. You will be able to look back upon this era, this commercial, neo-colonialization of third-world countries as an era similar in some ways to the era of the robber baron corporate heads of the early 1900s. This is an era of rapid and immense and detailed exploitation of your world’s resources at all levels and in all locations. It is occurring almost simultaneously worldwide, and this is unsustainable as it exists into the foreseeable future. By foreseeable, I mean this will not last fifty years, but will come to a rapid close in the next twenty to thirty years, even without the cataclysm that will occur.
MONJORONSON: Truly, this equation of government, of [[media]], of business will be destabilized almost completely and totally during the transition years, when <u>[ the cataclysm]</u> occurs on your world. You will be able to look back upon this era, this commercial, neo-colonialization of third-world countries as an era similar in some ways to the era of the robber baron corporate heads of the early 1900s. This is an era of rapid and immense and detailed exploitation of your world’s resources at all levels and in all locations. It is occurring almost simultaneously worldwide, and this is unsustainable as it exists into the foreseeable future. By foreseeable, I mean this will not last fifty years, but will come to a rapid close in the next twenty to thirty years, even without the cataclysm that will occur.
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Christ Michael’s plans for the [[Correcting Time]] are without compromise for the individual—total, without compromise for the individual. Each one of us has sworn our allegiance to Christ Michael’s plans. We totally, completely, are committed to this goal. You can rest assured, my friend, that yes, I, the Most Highs, Christ Michael and all his legions of [[angels]] are deeply concerned about this very problem that you speak of. These are heinous, social, economic and political involvements by a few mortals. Yet, what they are doing is not without [[value]] to some degree and in some [[meaning]]ful way. Without a [[miracle]], a fait accompli of participation of Christ Michael to rid your world of this pernicious influence, the wheels of [[time]] must continue to rotate. We will participate when and as we are able, making influences as capably as we possibly can to assist in the Correcting Time in the completion of Christ Michael’s plans to bring your world into the days of [[Light and Life]]. Thank you for your question.
Christ Michael’s plans for the [[Correcting Time]] are without compromise for the individual—total, without compromise for the individual. Each one of us has sworn our allegiance to Christ Michael’s plans. We totally, completely, are committed to this goal. You can rest assured, my friend, that yes, I, the Most Highs, Christ Michael and all his legions of [[angels]] are deeply concerned about this very problem that you speak of. These are heinous, social, economic and political involvements by a few mortals. Yet, what they are doing is not without [[value]] to some degree and in some [[meaning]]ful way. Without a [[miracle]], a fait accompli of participation of Christ Michael to rid your world of this pernicious influence, the wheels of [[time]] must continue to rotate. We will participate when and as we are able, making influences as capably as we possibly can to assist in the Correcting Time in the completion of Christ Michael’s plans to bring your world into the days of [[Light and Life]]. Thank you for your question.
Student: Monjoronson, is the [ United Nations] [] worth saving, or is it better if we just start from scratch and develop something new to work with all the nations together for peace?
Student: Monjoronson, is the [ United Nations] [] worth saving, or is it better if we just start from scratch and develop something new to work with all the nations together for peace?
MONJORONSON: I hear three questions and the answer is yes, yes and yes. That is not facetious at all, but yes, your United Nations is worth saving. Yes it is worth being replaced. And yes, it will be replaced, and there will be a new enterprise of nations. Your world will come into an era before long, similar to that of an [[individual]] who is in immense [[crisis]]. It is as though your world is a cul-de-sac of houses, people living close by, each living unto their own, going their own way every day. Yes, caring somewhat for their neighbors, but individually doing what they please, with the resources they have, when they wish. And yes, there are times when an occupant of one house will become greatly ill, or have a traumatic divorce, loss of finances, loss of employment, and everything goes to smash in their life. And it is a journey for individuals; your world is in a journey.
MONJORONSON: I hear three questions and the answer is yes, yes and yes. That is not facetious at all, but yes, your United Nations is worth saving. Yes it is worth being replaced. And yes, it will be replaced, and there will be a new enterprise of nations. Your world will come into an era before long, similar to that of an [[individual]] who is in immense [[crisis]]. It is as though your world is a cul-de-sac of houses, people living close by, each living unto their own, going their own way every day. Yes, caring somewhat for their neighbors, but individually doing what they please, with the resources they have, when they wish. And yes, there are times when an occupant of one house will become greatly ill, or have a traumatic divorce, loss of finances, loss of employment, and everything goes to smash in their life. And it is a journey for individuals; your world is in a journey.
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We are here, educating you. You can emulate this in some way as well, a smaller way in your own world, without extreme feelings of crisis or necessity, or mission, simply as a willingness to work with this much as a [[passion]]ate hobby. (Thank you.) You are welcome.
We are here, educating you. You can emulate this in some way as well, a smaller way in your own world, without extreme feelings of crisis or necessity, or mission, simply as a willingness to work with this much as a [[passion]]ate hobby. (Thank you.) You are welcome.
Student: What you speak of reminds me of some stories this week on the radio, about people who were leaving New Orleans with the [ Hurricane Katrina], and moving to a safer place, and they were under great stress for food, for gas, for water, for finances—and they were shocked at people who were so kindly to them, and went to some considerable personal cost to share resources with them. In what you are saying reminds me that it seems like it takes some big event for we human beings to realize how connected we can be to one another, and how we can assist one another in times of need.
Student: What you speak of reminds me of some stories this week on the radio, about people who were leaving New Orleans with the [ Hurricane Katrina], and moving to a safer place, and they were under great stress for food, for gas, for water, for finances—and they were shocked at people who were so kindly to them, and went to some considerable personal cost to share resources with them. In what you are saying reminds me that it seems like it takes some big event for we human beings to realize how connected we can be to one another, and how we can assist one another in times of need.
MONJORONSON: You are exactly right. Extreme conditions as this, removes all barriers and boundaries, and can bring out the very best in [[humanity]], those ennobling qualities, which are so sublime. On the other hand, others will reach into the pits of their [[being]] and act as [[evil]], selfish individuals. In the end, only unselfishness, loving participation, compassionate caring, and more than sympathy, actual participation will overcome those evils. The evils of separation are horrendous. The passions of [[integration]] will become desperate to express themselves. That may seem odd, but that is much the way that you will overcome your separations in the future. It is simply, that simple: Separation causes the demise of people. Oneness brings wholeness. Thank you. (Thank you.)
MONJORONSON: You are exactly right. Extreme conditions as this, removes all barriers and boundaries, and can bring out the very best in [[humanity]], those ennobling qualities, which are so sublime. On the other hand, others will reach into the pits of their [[being]] and act as [[evil]], selfish individuals. In the end, only unselfishness, loving participation, compassionate caring, and more than sympathy, actual participation will overcome those evils. The evils of separation are horrendous. The passions of [[integration]] will become desperate to express themselves. That may seem odd, but that is much the way that you will overcome your separations in the future. It is simply, that simple: Separation causes the demise of people. Oneness brings wholeness. Thank you. (Thank you.)

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