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Group: Pocatello, Idaho

Teachers: Daniel, Tomas

Topic: Meditation

June 9, 1995

Opening prayer

Daniel(TR #4 for the whole meeting): Greetings, I am Daniel, your teacher, guide, and friend. My friends, tonight we again desire an experiment. We ask that you determine the topic for discussion this evening. Who among you will come forward with either: 1. Your concerns or; 2. Your topic of puzzlement, of meditation, this week or in the recent past? Can we, then, build this communitively into a lesson?

Ken: "Greetings. It's different. We haven't done this for a while. The thought that I have been having, and you hit the nail on the head, is on meditation and/or silence: going into the silence; understanding the silence; how to clear you mind and fighting dragons, so to speak; to listen to your teacher; or to listen to your Thought Adjuster. Anybody else have any suggestions? I guess that's it for the moment. I am sure we can come up with some questions later."

Daniel: "Yes, Ken, your topic is appreciated, and your fellows, friends, colleagues, and associates' hearts responded to this topic as well. Thank you for bringing it forward.

The question of meditation, of how to be silent, how to listen within and recognize the urging of the God Fragment or to sit in stillness and hear the voice of a teacher is, indeed, a pertinent question, not only to you and the others gathered but also to both of tonight's T/Rs. For indeed does such communication require both willingness and discipline, which all of you have, but also needed is the ability to let go. Very often it is this ability to let go that interferes with being able to hear teachers and to recognize the discernment of the voice of your Source.

Letting go. Let us make this the topic of our lesson tonight for letting go is paramount to being able to communicate not only with teachers and the God Fragment but also with one another; and it is paramount to living a rich, full, and complete life. To let go, of course, entails trust, faith and patience.

But it is somehow more than these three. To let go is to be at peace with who you are as a beloved child of the First Source and Center, and to be at peace and in assurance of the great overcare and love of this First Source and Center; to truly believe that God knows you, loves you, and desires only good for you. With this, then, comes the ability to freefall. I use the word `freefall' because letting go reminds this TR of an experience in a ropes course climbing to the top of a tall tree that had a disc shaped platform nailed with a single nail into the top of the tree. From that platform people were asked to let go, to step off and to freefall. They were harnessed and caught before hitting the ground. This TR's experience was that she could not freefall, could not let go. She did jump off the top and was caught. But never did she allow herself the luxury of the thrill of the fall, of feeling the safety of God's love around her. She had no doubt that the harness would catch her. So her refusal to freefall mystified her for sometime until she recognized this experience as an ultimate symbol of her need to be in control, and in falling through the air there is no control. So letting go, freefalling means completely to give over control to your Thought Adjuster, that Indwelling Spirit, to help you make your decisions. Your only decision is to be in alignment with the will of our Father, our Mother. How, then, does this relate to meditation?

Often a blockage in reaching the awaiting communicating teacher or other friend of various orders or in discerning the voice of that Indwelling Spirit is the need to control the process. Rather than trying to reach that teacher, to reach that Fragment, one might attempt to give over completely instead and passively allow the teacher to reach you. It is a matter of passive receptivity without expectation, a matter of centering one's focus in one's center. My TR is very concerned that this answer is not helpful, however, I ask you, Ken, and others to comment please."

Ken: "You summarized the lessons of the last three and a half years that we have had, briefly. We have dealt with this subject before. Being in control is a strong issue with me, with others; letting go, your analogy of freefall was good. It did help. Again, you put more food on my plate for me to consume. It gives me better insight, more to think about. I did learn from that."

Debbie: "Indeed, Daniel, the words of passive resistance I think applies amply to my life and probably everybody here. We do like to be in control and it is really hard when you go into meditation not to seek that control. But when we do just turn over it does work; and I thank you for your words."

Daniel: "I thank both of you."

Debbie: "I also have another area that maybe either you or Tomas, if Tomas would like to speak to us tonight as well, I would like you to address; the fact that beliefs are not reality but in order for us to change our reality we have to change our beliefs. If you would care to comment on that, either one of you or both of you. Thank you."

Tomas(TR #2 for the whole session): "Greetings loyal students and friends. Initially I, too, wish to respond to Daniel's sincere request for feedback for the benefit of this transmitter/receiver. The issue of control is a deciding factor in the success or lack of success in letting go, to allow one's faith to soar into the spiritual realms. Your words were acutely descriptive to this TR certainly.

Would that I could now respond to this matter of revelation of reality in the experience of the believer. This is one of my more dear subjects as I have witnessed again and again the mortal condition of evolutionary growth and too many times have I seen the forward movement of a soul stagger under the confused weight of psychic changes which are a natural part of growth. The reference in your text that there is no real growth without agitation in your mind need not be a stumbling block to pursuing faith, the emergent reality from the growth experience. Many times we teachers have analogized the child in school who learns in early grades only to learn further, deeper, more relevant truth towards graduation. And this is the same with spiritual truth, that what is appropriate for a young mind and soul will be transformed through time and experience into new realities.

The analogy of the snake molting its skin each season can be likened to the spiritual growth of one who is engaged in this expansion process, for the old skin no longer contains the morontial realities which are developing in the soul of the mortal. It is not so terrifying once a season or two has passed and the skin has molted successfully on those occasions. It becomes easier to accept that a change is coming about during the interim time while the old is falling away and the new is coming to be. There is some confusion, some delicacy, but assuredly the growth will come to pass if you are earnest about your desire to do His will, if you are earnest in desiring to follow the leading of Spirit, to respond to the urgings of intelligences and spirits and realities which are gently and consistently urging you into the next realm of understanding.

It is not, incidentally, uncommon for the growth to become so significant on occasion as to entirely replace a familiar pattern of belief of the Godhead Itself. The experience of spiritual rebirth is much like the experience of the snake molting its skin for new life emerges. These unveilings, these peelings of the onion are ongoing throughout your career. The perfecting process requires that old scaffolding be torn down as the new structure is built on the old foundation. This, as I say, is a favorite theme of mine therefor I will not elaborate ad infinitum. But I wanted to respond to the prompt and ask you, dear enquirer, if this has touched upon your concern."

Debbie: "Yes, Tomas, thank you very much. The one thing I would like to ask further is, if you are having changes mentally and physically does it not fit, then, that we will also start having spiritual changes as well? What I am saying is do all three of these kind of fall in line? If one area changes do the others fall in line to also change?"

Tomas: This needs to be qualified by the assumption that these are forward growth changes. And, yes, it is a delicate balance, hopefully a successful, well rounded, unified personality is emerging from the growth on mindal, spiritual, and physical levels. We have also discussed in the past the dangers of unbalanced growth and we have discussed certainly that the aspiration to grow in spirit capacity will result in changes and growth in facets of your physical, mental, and emotional life. These growths are, again, sometimes frightening and sometimes the mortal gives up the struggle for confusion can be unnerving. Yet the resultant appreciation for renewed reality is well worth the faith effort to grow. I utilized your remark there, daughter, to speak to a particular inquiry by another. I hope I did not get too far off base from where you directed me."

Debbie: "No, Tomas, I think that spoke to me amply, all the way through as well. I appreciate your comments and I'll give this mike to someone else."

Tomas: "Perhaps, Daniel, we should begin to ask questions of our students in order to evoke conversation similar to teacher Welmek."

Daniel: "Indeed, Tomas, do I approve of such an idea. I suggest that you go first."

Tomas: "Let me, then, ask you individually to ponder the word, sincerity, and address your peers and observing teachers as to your understanding of sincerity. How shall we proceed? To break the ice in this congenial group without breaking the continuity of our plateau and yet allowing for free expression I am picking up quite a beacon from Esther who has evidently engaged in similar discourse with her charge. May we begin with your understanding of sincerity, Francell?"

Francell: "I couldn't. I have no thoughts left."

Daniel: "My dear friend, Francell, of course you have thoughts."

Francell: "I don't!"

Daniel: "This is not meant to put anyone on a hot seat, if I can continue the joke that was shared in the letter, to turn anyone into a cosmic hot seat rather than a cosmic hot plate. However Tomas and I are hoping that this week and in some of the weeks to come we can engage some of you in this group who otherwise prefer to remain quiet and let your more boisterous associates carry the ball. The time has come for others of you to pick up the ball, and so we are attempting in this format to do just that. It is not a hot seat. No one is grading your response. We are simply asking for greater interaction so that greater growth may take place. Dear Francell, you of all people have great wisdom to share. It is not required that you share for there is free will. But if you would be so good as to let your sisters and brothers know what it means to you to be sincere or to know what the word `sincerity' means or any convolution, combination, or jump away to another topic would be fine. We simply would like to hear from you this evening. However, it is, of course, up to you." (no reply)

Pat: "This is rather interesting and certainly a beginning for me, I guess. My thoughts on sincerity is what I think a person is all about. I think that is how I try to approach life. Just be sincere and honest. I guess that is all I have to say for now."

Tomas: "Might you describe to me, then, how sincerity feels to you as you experience it in yourself?"

Pat: "Well I think it is certainly comfortable. If I am not sincere then I am not at peace, I'm not comfortable."

Daniel: "Thank you dear friend, Pat, for your sincere response and for your willingness to engage us tonight. We know this is a large growth step for you and we applaud you."

Pat: "I guess I should say, thank you. It is a big step for me."

Daniel: "Yes, indeed."

Tomas: "Cora's beacon is lit."

Daniel: "Indeed, I was about to call on Emalissa."

Marty/Emalissa: "I guess Pat and I seem to be quite alike. A lot of our answers come out the same because I was thinking the same thing as she was talking. Sincerity is for me an overall thing. It includes honesty, caring, just the way I try to deal with people. As to what it does when you are not sincere, it just doesn't feel right. I am mad at myself and try to reprimand myself, and with that it makes it a real down day. I can go along and seem to accomplish a lot more in life if I can be sincere with people. A lot of that is being honest with people. A lot of time I am still having trouble saying things that people want to hear, not necessarily what I think is right at that point in time."

Daniel: "Yes, Emalissa. You are making great strides in this area of being true to yourself and of responding with what is closer to your heart than your desire to seek approval by saying what you think they want to hear. We applaud you dear friend."

Tomas: "Be advised, students, that sincerity is a quality of your spiritual aspects. It is genuine character that allows for sincerity. It is a world of illusion when one is not comfortable being sincere about themselves and therefor their expressions to the world and the individual encountered. The sincerity in your voices is a signal of your enraptment in your belief and therefor in your spiritual life. Many are extremely irritated by sincerity and find it distracting and tedious. Yet the development of sincerity is a quality which will engender your prayers and meditations more soluble and your genuine experiences with your fellows richer and more real. Have we another taker for the experience of touching upon sincerity?"

(long pause)

Daniel: "I feel inclined to call upon Steven, if he is so willing."

Steve: "Not so much on that one but I do have a question I have been holding over here. I just am curious as to how it is going to fly. At what point is free will being what it is, is free will no longer free will?"

Daniel: "Steven, I think perhaps I need some further clarification into the nature of your question."

Steve: "It comes from the many lesson that I have heard where free will comes up a number of times in the lesson, what individuals do. I am just wondering again...I brought this up once about a friend of mine who passed away. For some reason it came into my head and just rolled around and won't come out. So I thought I would put it out and see what kind of reply I got. You look at the situations going on in the world in the United States, in the cities, different things going on, things I run into at work. Just to the point, when does free will no longer become free will?"

Daniel: "Are you referring to the infringment of individual's free will by others free will decision? For instance are you saying that when an individual chooses a course of action that violates another individual they have violated the free will of that individual?"

Steve: "Well there is two areas I look at on that. There is the violating the other individual's rights and also an individual destroying their own life and not touching anybody else's life, just their own."

Daniel: "Are you referring to addiction?"

Steve: "Addiction to any stimulants, drugs, alcohol, like that. Or just a person mentally without any stimulants doing it to themselves."

Daniel: "So, in other words, when people choose destructive pathways you are asking when does it cease to be their free will and rather becomes the snowballing effect of a situation. Is that perhaps what you are saying?"

Steve: "That would cover one of them, yes."