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Topic: Follow the Highest Frequency

Group: Lightline TeaM


Teacher: Machiventa, Jonathan

TR: Mark Rogers



Prayer: I am pleased to be in the stance of gratitude and for the love that brings. I’m so grateful for this opportunity that we continue to engage with and explore and expand. I am grateful for this connection, for this route, this method, this means of coming together and I ask only to be of service as an instrument of peace for the Mission of Michael and our Divine Parents.


Machiventa: Greetings once again I accept the opportunity you present in conditioning the environment so as to clearly demonstrate your faith, your intentions and your purpose so that they may be embraced, may be explored, and may be grown by virtue of its use. Truly one is rewarded for their acts of faith, their demonstration of faith, rather than to encourage acts of faith. It is not a matter of being prompted, it is a matter of responding to your internal urge and internally demonstrating your purpose and your faith in your subsequent actions and response.

This example that is established each time we convene of changing the tone and the focus and the dimension in which the meeting or the gathering will transpire by virtue of your intention to make it so. Each time you modify the environment to make it conducive to your objective of the transfer of spirit energy and then it is so and it does and it works and it is because you have made it so through the creative process which now you may routinely apply to any of your creative endeavors. The same approach may be applied to all endeavors, the approach of embracing your multiple components and seeking to work together with these different aspects of the self. All of this is a matter of internal choice, internal recognition, and internal focus of your creative energies so as to project out beyond yourself and be the first source and center for your Ideals, your visions of truth, beauty, and goodness.

It’s always a pleasure to show up to class that is filled with the students who are paying attention and seeking all that may be found in their process and to respond to this cry for love by bringing the love of peace, of truth, beauty, and goodness to share and spread around between us and among us. The wavelength that we operate on for this transfer of truth, beauty, and goodness is the wavelength of service and of desiring to be an instrument of peace for the will of your Divine Parents. Such a sincere desire is always welcomed and fostered and supported as it is a normal and natural course of evolution and growth for individuals and to find the avenue of service is to find the avenue for growth. Being a purveyor of the love from on high for those around you is a sacred lesson bestowed upon those who would take it.

This mode of operation, this gratitude expressed as service is a trait common to all of us gathered here. We all have responded to the calling for service. We are ever looking to be of service and determine what exactly that might be, that might be effective in accordance with our desire to serve and the needs of those being served. One constant runs through all of these equations, the constant of the delivery of the frequency of love. From on high, this love is dispersed through all the light anchors, all the instruments of peace, and these contact points are the ignition points to light the flames of truth, beauty, and goodness. Then the continued desire for service drives the instrument to find ways to manifest their purpose, to spread the light, bring the light, shine the light and furnish the light into the equation to naturally dispel the darkness without resistance. To overpower the shadows and illuminate all aspects.

Such are the opportunities before you as the workers in the field on duty to manifest the mission of Michael to reclaim this world of rejection and rebellion with the illumination from on high of so much love that the equation will be flooded with divine goodness, truth, and beauty which will transform the environment and condition it to be one of grace and love and peace as it was meant to be. An infusion of great energy is upon us to make such a transformation and it will be as all things are that are the will of The Creators. But such changes must manifest from the state of ideals to the state of reality by being adopted, brought into the consciousness, introduced into the psyche and accepted by all for the love contained within will condition the equation. It will transform the priorities and awareness of all those who are choosing by virtue of providing them with greater perspective and contrast.

These are some of the effects of the increased spiritual pressure now being applied that you will no doubt encounter as we move forward through this cycle. There will be reactions to this pressure of doubt and uncertainty as to what these new directions and ideals mean and imply and condone. Always remember to follow the love, follow the highest possible frequency and vibration with which to observe any circumstance, any condition, any reality and knowing that all things are in flux and that such conditions provide great leverage for change, then being prepared to steer the direction and suggest a higher way or a more perfect ideal. This is your opportunity, your chance to bring some light and to furnish some of the love you have come to know into the equation of your choosing. All such contributions of deliberate infusions of love will have an impact and will raise the vibration of the entire equation.

So as you are, stay in your lane. Continue to administer your service as needed as you pass by, as presented the option, and realize that this process not only includes but depends on you, on each one, on all. This organism grows as a whole with the growth of the individuals. Continue to walk your walk and you will find that you will always be provided with the purpose, the message, the point. If you simply proceed ahead in faith, then all things are possible. Such is the case even now as we enjoy the application of faith which has unlocked the doors to this chapel wherein we may gather in peace, gather in fellowship and gather in faith.

Thank you for the opportunity once again that you provide for me, for us, to be of service. Certainly it is an answer to our petitions, to the Creators to be of service. Be of good cheer as you will not be bored in these times that may condition a person’s very being. They may condition one's inner environment if allowed to impose the stress on the inner self. Be ever vigilant about monitoring your internal psyche and garden within. Be careful not to openly welcome and allow negative influences and aspects that do not contain elements of truth, beauty, or goodness. They are as weeds to your garden, taking up space, using up energy and corrupting your internal programming. The conditioning of your internal environment requires that you weed out and eliminate the distractions of inconsistencies and unholy aspects of mortal living.

Just as you are growing your faith through its use and application, you are growing your soul, similarly you are adding to your being through your experience. You are becoming more than you were each day and your efforts eventually bring you to a point of maturity in the mortal realm where you consider other aspects of yourself and are discovering this enduring aspect of your being, this eternal component of self that survives the experience of mortal flesh and blood and transcends these limitations into a being of spirit with an eternal career and voyage before you. Not a bad destiny to consider, not a sorrowful future but one of adventure and joy to the degree you are able to appreciate it, your journey being made so much easier by your application of faith in the process and the certainty that brings with it of your destiny being fulfilled and your journey being successful.

May you all relax into your journey and take with you the confidence that your faith brings you about your future and the certainty of your survival because you so choose. What a glorious gift of grace that is, much to be grateful for which brings you back to the frequency of love and the gratitude for the frequency of love and it is on this frequency we meet. It is on this frequency we act in service. It is on this frequency we fellowship and it is on this frequency that we may bring forth the love and the light from on high. Be of good cheer and we will meet again. Farewell.

Jonathan: Greetings friends, Jonathan here showing up to class with you. It’s always a pleasure to be in the company of Machiventa, the steadfast Student Master of the Melchizedek Schools that we have been attending. I sincerely enjoy the opportunity to attend the lessons provided for this group as for me it’s a continuation of a past mode of learning that is still functional and useful in its process. It brings me the joy and satisfaction like that of getting the old band back together again, the old group of friends, the old gathering of friends back together again. Some friends are still in the mortal flesh, others have transitioned into spirit and others have long since been spirit. I am in gratitude and in awe for this condition, this ability that allows us to function on this circuitry and commune and communicate through these circuits that are familiar to me and to you. This circuitry demonstrates the capacity to create such a means, to build it and maintain it so that it is still serviceable, it still is a manifestation of our desire to bridge the gap and create the method to connect this circuitry.

As fate would have it, we are all being confronted with this scenario in which circuitries are being established, connected, built and created to reinstate the lost circuitry between worlds, between creators and administrators and leaders of all kinds. But there will be a new rallying cry issued, a new call to arms for all those in the service sector. This call to service will be heralded throughout all mankind and certainly those who are currently engaged in the rolls of light anchors are certainly issued the proclamation to go forth with these glad tidings. Certainly this will represent a new test of faith. Will your energies support your faith and will your faith support your energies. Simply one more opportunity before you to build and grow your faith, to demonstrate it in action and to discover for yourself its parameters and limitations.

I remain fascinated with the entire concept of a mortal beginning, a life of mortal flesh and blood dependent upon nourishment and warmth and shelter. As you are confronted with the elements of nature, this rudimentary and animal like existence is so crude that it is difficult to imagine that individuals can grow spiritually within to transcend their mortal limitations and align themselves with their spirit component thereby freeing them from the termination of life force in the mortal dimension. This transformation to a being of spirit is such a magnificent gift of grace and the experience that has been arranged for you is of such depth and magnitude as to bring you from flesh and blood and breath to the freedom and eternal nature of the spirit being that you are becoming as you grow into your spirit self. ===Closing===d All is well my friends, all is well. As you experience the depth of the mortal nature take it in and realize this is as mortal as it gets. Never again will you have such connection and attachment to material structure as you do now. Smell the flowers, enjoy the sunsets and taste delicious foods. These are the experiences only provided in time and space and as far away as you may be from perfection, even so you are still connected. There is still the embrace of spirit, there is still the belonging to your spirit family. So row your boat gently down the stream. Merrily, happily, even joyfully because this life is but a dream. So be it. Enjoy the ride. Until later, bye now.