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===Topic: ''Personal and Planetary Cohesion with Spirit''===
===Group: [[Center for Christ Consciousness]]===
===Teacher: [[Monjoronson]]===
===TR: [[Donna D'Ingillo]]===
PRAYER: We open our hearts and souls and minds to you, our Divine Parents and Indwelling
Spirits, that what we generate from where you have us focus will produce more LIGHT,
TRUTH, and GOODNESS into the planetary circuits of mind and memory. You know exactly
where we are on this journey to reclaim our planet to be a viable member of our universe family.
We are deeply grateful to our Planetary Seraphim and our other universe brothers and sisters
who are helping us make this mighty shift into the spiritual currents of LIFE. As you weave us
together in ONENESS may we act as a unified field contributing to the higher circuits of mind
and memory that more individuals here may feel the inner call and awaken and reconcile and
remember who they are as your sons and daughters. We ask you to guide us now that what we
produce is totally aligned in your divine WILL through your GRACE and MERCY. Thank you
so much.
MONJORONSON: Greetings, my beloved brethren! I am with you once again. My name is
Monjoronson, and today I am very pleased to guide you in a focused meditation that is designed
to bring about more congruency upon this planet into the ways of Spirit. You have been
prepared to elevate your mental current to your Indwelling Spirits. As we begin today, I invite
you focus on the divine meaning and value of the word COHESION…COHESION: what does
this mean? Take a moment to ask your Spirit to inlay that which you are ready to understand of
this higher purpose for this word. Take a few deep breaths, focus in your heart, and let this word
settle there for a few moments as you engage with your Spirit now. (Pause)

As COHESION imprints upon your heart center, allow its higher energetic principles to move
deeper within you that you may perceive more of what this means for your own personal
spiritual attainment. (Pause)

There is much value for you to perceive as this word-energy deepens within you. Many of you
have made that commitment to become more cooperative with your Spirit, and to follow the
divine leadings with great faith, courage in your heart to guide you on this journey. Another step
along the process is that of cohering with the Spirit Within to become more bonded or united
with the Father’s presence within you. This is a very important dynamic for you to understand as
you go along this path and as you understand more of the principles of how the divine WAYS
and WILL functions in human life.

Many of you are beginning to glimpse that this COHESION is indeed acting as an adhesive to
bring you closer in alignment with Father’s WILL for your life. There is great potential within
you to accomplish, and you do this as you become more cohesive with Spirit. Take a few
moments to continue to communicate with the Father’s presence within you and allow the
meaning and value of COHESION to deepen within you. (Pause)

If it is helpful, I invite you to add these words into your heart: COHESION WITH SPIRIT, and
feel that need to become more bonded with the Father’s presence within you. It is already there,
but you are growing in your ability to perceive the greater energetic dynamics of what this means
to be a loyal son and daughter of God, wherein your will becomes more tightly woven together
with that of the overarching of WILL of all Creation that has been put in place by the Paradise
Father. So let these words settle into your hearts: COHESION WITH SPIRIT and breathe
deeply as these energies settle into you. (Pause)

There are important principles for humanity to learn about what this word truly represents.
COHESION WITH SPIRIT functions throughout the vast starry realms, even going down into
physical-material reality to the function of the ultimaton, which has Paradise at its core. These
principles will one day be better understood better by your physicists and other scientists. But
for now, it is still something that you are becoming more aware of. And it is through your faith
application of trusting in the higher nature of the Father and His LOVE for you that you make
this COHESION real. You grow more cohesive to Spirit one day at a time. And one day that
coherence will resonate so deeply within you that you will know the Father and you are indeed

This is the state of existence your Father Michael achieved as your human brother, and it is
certainly a path you can all embark upon even more than you already have and allow this deeper
energetic imprinting of COHENSION move even more mightily in you now. If this something
you wish, simply ask Father to help you obtain this in your own unique way in divine timing one
day at a time. (Pause)

Continue to focus on COHESION WITH SPIRIT, and notice what it is you are experiencing. If
you have any questions about that, take it to the Father within you. Quiet your mind and receive.

Spiritual principles are not just idealized concepts that you begin to understand. They are living
realities that you embody and can comport yourselves in greater states of peace, love, and
compassion with your brothers and sisters. As you learn to communicate with them in a higher
way, know that this COHESION energy will have an expansive presence within you to draw
others to you. There is spiritual gravity within this word based on the LOVE of the Father
Within for all of His Creation and the myriad of personalities who inhabit it. There must be
something that draws humanity to the Father. It is the Spirit Within and it does contain this
cohesive dynamic to help you cooperate with the divine plans within you.

There is much preparation being conducted to help you return to this more unified way of
thinking, feeling, and acting. This is one of the important corrections that need to be conducted
in planetary mind and memory to over-light the separation dynamics that were spawned by the
rebellion activities. Now it is time for you to become coherent with your Spirit and with all life
around you. So, continue to focus on COHESION WITH SPIRIT and trust what is occurring at
a deeper level. (Pause)

You may notice in the coming days a feeling of being energetically upstepped. This is good.
And it indicates that what you are receiving now is having more space to integrate and blend into
your awareness, even down to your willingness to make the decisions which are more fully
aligned with the Father’s plans for your lives. This is an important place to continue to evolve
because your brothers and sisters are looking for those who have knowledge and awareness and
can guide them into these dynamics as well. They are very needy at this time. Many are lost and
confused, fearful in many ways. And now you can act as more potent way-showers to them to
guide them into their hearts and to reach a place of inner quietude where the Spirit is touching
them at a very needy place and feeding them with love and compassion to soothe fear and to
quell the mental confusion.

Are you up to taking this task on? Again, this is another question to take to your Spirit. Am I
ready to become more cohesive with my brothers and sisters and overlook the disparities and
differences to find that place of pure love an individual? (Pause)

To assist you in this endeavor, I now invite you to shift your focus into the planet in your mind’s
eye before you. Let these words spiral around the planet in that familiar counter-clockwise spiral
this gaze with great love in your heart for your brothers and sisters also to perceive their own
relationship with Father Within and have more willingness to become more bonded to that
beautiful intimate relationship. (Pause)

Ask for the energetic dynamics of PLANETARY COHESION WITH SPRIIT to penetrate down
into planetary mind and memory, and even down into the physical body that all of these
dimensional levels of the human energy system may indeed become more coherent and become
more pervasive all around the globe. (Pause)

Ask for more activation of human potential to catalyze through holding this focus on
PLANETARY COHESION WITH SPIRIT. Ask for these energies to deepen into mind and
memory. (Pause)

This brings about a recognition within human memory that there is more to achieve, spiking new
interests in what an individual can accomplish with, through, and in the POWER OF SPIRIT.
You are on the precipice of something truly monumental, my brethren. It is time now for this
planet to become more COHESIVE WITH SPIRIT that the spiritual gravity drawing this planet
forward, drawing humanity forward continue to expand and truly improve the quality of life for
all living beings on this beautiful world. (Pause)

Ask the Planetary Seraphim to take these dynamics and apply them into their areas of
involvement. You are learning how to use your willingness and intention to apply spiritual
dynamics into areas of great need. It is as if you are asking the Seraphim to increase the spiritual
pressure that is necessary for these energies to imprint upon the minds of those individuals
involved in various social institutions. Planetary change will only come about when more people
truly feel the inner call of Spirit to live a higher way of life—to develop your morality and your
spirituality to become more reflective of the divine ways, and your intellectual understanding
will grow the more you practice imprinting these energetic dynamics.

So continue to feel that need for the planet to become more COHESIVE WITH SPIRIT
especially throughout the social institutions that are now undergoing such rapid change now.
Invite the spiritual gravity within the circuits of MIND to draw those individuals involved into a
higher awareness of what it means to be more COHESIVE and COHERENT with SPIRIT.

Let us now elevate our gaze to Paradise—the existential place of CREATION and PATTERN
REPLICATION to move throughout this world. Thank the Paradise Creator Deities for their
incredibly beautiful plans of evolution. This world has suffered a great misunderstanding about
the natural process of evolution to a higher planetary culture. And now I invite you to give
thanks for this plan as it starts to make more inroad into human mind and memory, helping more
people remember who they are and have a more heightened interest to grow in this way of
alignment with Spirit, becoming more COHESIVE and COHERENT with Spirit. And as you
give thanks, allow the divine REFLECTION to shine upon you and send it into the planet. And
allow PARADISE COHESION to be your focus and hold it as this REFLECTION shines upon
this world. (Pause)

Bring the energetic dynamics of PARADISE COHESION down with you as you see yourself
standing on the ground. Invite the planet’s COHESION WITH SPIRIT to engage with the
PARADISE COHESION and simply feel that need for that to integrate more deeply into the
planetary system of mind and memory, even down to the cell and its memory dynamics. (Pause)
Feel that need and willingness for the planet and all life here to become more COHESIVE WITH
PARADISE. Even though you may not understand what this fully means, simply having the
willingness is enough to activate many components of this endowment. (Pause)
My dear brethren, there are many dimensions to what you have constructed with us today. Let
these energies integrate into your beings as we continue to integrate these energies into the planet
as a whole. We will continue to help you open to these greater principles of LIFE contained
within this COHESIVE component of the Father’s WILL. For now, simply rest in this energy
and know that your Spirit will help you understand some of its deeper mysteries that you may
explore a deeper inner dimension of who you and how you are becoming more real in the Father.

While we have completed the objectives with you today, these energies will continue to be
infused into the planet in a higher way now. We greatly appreciate your help in bringing this
about. All is well. Trust in the Father within you and go forth boldly being a way-shower of
TRUTH and LIGHT and LOVE to your brothers and sisters. They are more receptive than you
may think because their hearts are yearning for this, and when you minister to them from your
heart to theirs, they will pick up on the signal, and it is up to their Spirit to decide how to
continue to reveal more TRUTH and MERCY to them. Thank you, and may you receive of the
insights you need to prevail and grow on your path. Good day.

[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: Center for Christ Consciousness]]
[[Category: Monjoronson]]
[[Category: Donna D'Ingillo]]
[[Category: 2023]]

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