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Topic: Service Amidst Acceleration

Group: Lightline TeaM


Teacher: Machiventa

TR: Mark Rogers



Mark: When asking for guidance about something to do or which direction to go, what if we consider the standard, the basic equation of the 100th monkey syndrome in terms of our spiritual growth. That syndrome implies that if enough members of a group hold a reality to be true in their consciousness, at some point it becomes widespread throughout all consciousness; there becomes a quantum leap in what happens when you get to a tipping point of enough individuals who believe and who will hold the space, will declare that it is so, will manifest it so that it can be chosen and it can be adopted. Is that not the foundation that will bring things together? So I submit that if our intention is to facilitate the expansion, growth, and acceptance of our efforts here through this process in the Teaching Mission, then I think it becomes important both individually and collectively to hold the space. This is the reality we would choose to create.

We know this to be good, true, and beautiful so it then becomes our responsibility to answer the clarion call of what to do is to be, is to represent, is to become manifestations of the truth, beauty, and goodness that we have found, we have discovered, we’ve claimed. We’ve claimed this space in particular and so I think we have been and are and continue to be in service to that project, to gaining enough momentum, enough energy behind this reality that we would foster and promote, get enough energy behind that reality so that it occupies a space, it can be inhabited, tried, experienced because of the creators. And so be it, my friends I congratulate you all for being steadfast light anchors. Your position to firmly attach this loving energy from on high, to be the conduit, the instrument to bring that into the material realm by your choice to do so and your willingness to be a servant to Michael in this effort, what else can be asked?


Machiventa: I received your call and responded to your invitation for some clarification. I am Machiventa and as you can see, I am quite busy these days and I am happy to become involved with any who are willing to accept the challenge of faith required to join me in conversation. As I have stated rather repeatedly, this entire process that we are engaged in rests on you. The success of this mission is dependent upon the participation of those observers who are spirit led. Deep within each one of you, you know this to be true for you have long since heard the call to service and you have long since been about this business of pursuing a means to your end of desiring service in honor of Michael and Mother and the family that has been created with your Divine Parents.

You all have long since heard the warnings that things are accelerating, heating up and fermenting in its own juices. This is where you may have an impact. The fact is that the stew that is being made is a matter of contribution of innumerable individuals, each one bringing their own distinct flavoring to add to the mix. As a result of their own distinct and unique experience, they possess a unique combination. As it turns out, the contribution that one makes to the overall collective consciousness may be indeed significant if it is fostered and tended with divine grace and instilled with divine character because the observer, the contributor, the essential part of the equation exercises their free will choice. The more you choose to influence the overall flavor with divine fragrance, the more impact you have and others may choose to imitate your recipe and manifest similar traits and conditions because they are attracted to your manifestation of truth, beauty and goodness.

It is quite true that the collective consciousness of mankind is forever evolving and changing as the contributions added, change and vary with the degree of spiritual awareness present in the contributors. The more spirit awareness, spirit values, and spirit presence are contained in the approach, the more impact it has to flavor the mix and to attract others who enjoy the taste of that encounter and would come back for more. So in the end, one might condition their asking of what one could do to be of service, to asking perhaps what one may be to have great impact on the total. What ground will you claim for spirit? What realities will you promote that are laced with divine grace?

And as you are all aware, this process comes down to simple choices, one by one, but it is the guidance of making these choices, of preparing in stillness for the awareness to make choices, and the inspiration of which one to make. In this way you do all this work in spirit. You do not need to get your hands dirty, you do not need to exhaust yourself with effort, you do not need to feel compelled to spread the word; spirit has a way of spreading. If there are human instances, examples, and options to be exercised, these are available to all men when they have been contributed to the thought pattern of mankind and all of this while being accessed from the mortal framework; it is all conducted in spirit. This is the significance of your mortal experience of becoming a spiritualized being, a being of dual nature while still in the mortal flesh.

So I would put to rest any notion of urgency being directed at you in particular. Such a message is pertinent, is true and real, but to the group members gathered here, such a clarion call has long since been heard and responded to. The advent of a new transmitter may open up the potential for others to see themselves in such a position, perhaps not instigating the exact same format but achieving the same practical results with or without the spoken word. Once a spiritualized ideal exists, it actually inhabits an energetic space. Michael’s plan for this world and for all of its mortal inhabitants has an energetic presence, a space that it exists already. This reality is a notion of the Creator and is destined to manifest but you are in a time/space paradigm and in such a paradigm it is required that time pass for growth to occur, for awareness to expand, for grace to unfold.

From your perspective, your short window of observation, you express the frustration in not seeing significant change, as you perceive, in the course of your lifetime efforts. I assure you, all contributions made to this project to expand the consciousness of mankind are greatly appreciated and useful and welcome in the process. No act of service is ever lost. These acts of service that you undertake of your own accord are divine gifts that only you can give to your Creators. Trust, even as you interpret this from your mortal frame, that all of the essential pieces of the puzzle are being well assembled in your efforts to piece together who you are and what you should do, or perhaps be.

Consider as per this request, consider perhaps opportunities to expand the 'group of monkeys,' to try to expand the circle of those who are aware enough to choose. But as you have witnessed in your own recounting, these service opportunities may ebb and flow with the times and one must consider that it is not as though these meetings, for instance, have changed in all these years but the membership has fluctuated. This is as per the spiritual pressure applied, the dynamics of those who are compelled to seek for greater answers and come to places like this group to find them. But trust and know that they are a part of the group, the part of the group required to tip the movement, the members of the 100 monkeys that will be responsible for providing the momentum, the energy, the space and the example.

For now, continue to be bold about simply what you are doing in your life, what is significant to you. When conversing with others, mentioning things that are important to you may open certain gates to sharing but it takes courage and one must be bold and so this request to be bold is genuine. If you truly are to fulfill the role of the agondonter generation who has transitioned into the generation of seekers using any method available to make contact and bridge the gap, to even anchor the light and to be a conduit for that light, these are the choices and they are significant; they are real, they have meaning, they show purpose.

So what will it take to manifest these truths, to become this reality, to be the change you would see? If one asks how best to accommodate change, such an effort would be a shining example, an illustration of the spirit awareness that you have achieved on route to this place and pursuing the place of peace that shall be with the assistance of all those who would choose it and make it so and become it so that it is real, it is true, and it is good. Such contributions are well received on high and the opportunity to be of service is well received in the process. So all of your considerations and desires to make sure that you are connected, that you have heard the call, that you are a part of this great plan, all of those questions have long since been addressed. Now it is figuring out that it is not as much what one chooses to do as what one chooses to be. That is the most powerful statement of change and direction towards the divine as becomes evident by the choices.

I hope this provides some clarification, perhaps even some substantiation that yes, this is true, this is real. Deep within each one of you here, you know that. You can feel it, you can be in the presence of it and register its divine tones. It is my pleasure to hold this space for you, to continue to provide such an atmosphere as is conducive to this exercise. I spend my energies to be in service, holding the place for us to be, for us to meet, join, even fellowship and wherein you may receive that which you seek in terms of your direction and your efforts to be of service. I am grateful that you do your part as well. You hold this space, you create this place where we join. You support its existence, you sign on to its reality. You join in the process because your faith has you certain of what you are doing in spirit.


Blessed are those who are spirit led and who will go where spirit leads that they may find that which they seek, a greater truth, a more profound reality. This should serve as a status update. You have been watching this unfold for quite some time and these latest events are merely unfolding in the process and delivery in the method of time. It takes time for a material life to transpire. As it turns out, time is one of the mortal's most precious commodities, most precious possession that they can choose to give. Their time, their energy spent is indeed an act of service, a gift of grace. I am grateful for the act of service of your time during these processes we go through on a regular basis. Your offering your time is a grand gesture and it is always deeply appreciated. And with that I take my leave in gratitude for time spent. It is a requirement of a life lived. I am certainly glad to join you for this interlude and welcome you to stay the course and pursue the journey that you have set out on already. All is well. Farewell.