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Topic: Trust This Connection

Group: Lightline TeaM


Teacher: Michael

TR: Mark Rogers



Prayer: Divine Parents, once again we wish to circle up with you as we join you. We come and approach you in this way and reach up towards divine presence for you and we seek your embrace from on high as the children of the Divine Parents that we are. Help us to return to this connection, to this circle of belonging. Help us to reassemble this connection and bring it more fully into our awareness so that we may act and manifest as we are aware to do so. Another sincere request for guidance, assistance and support because you are the well that we come to for such acts of love. So be it, we are here again seeking your grace once again that we may feel your embrace as we reach to join you.


Michael: Thank you for sponsoring this arena where we may come together and enjoy each others presence. I choose to avail myself of this opportunity at this time, this time of reflection in celebration of bestowal of a mortal life with divine potential. I am so pleased to know that you have some basic awareness of my mission and my time served as example to mankind of joining with their spirit component to evolve together through the mortal experience into the semi-material, semi-spiritual phase that awaits you all. During my sojourn on our world I was able to make every attempt to show you the way, to show you the path by literally taking the steps and demonstrating the motions required to succeed in becoming a spiritualized mortal being.

It pleases me greatly that you are aware of my life example offered for the benefit of mankind as the way. My actions were so deliberate and normal that they tended to be overlooked in their significance. The most overlooked act which I routinely performed in my earth mission which failed to become registered as a significant component of my mission was my repeated returning to the stillness, the quiet, the time when I may communicate with The Father in heaven, the time that I devote to being connected to The Source, the time I allocate to maintain such a connection throughout all manner of distraction in life. This I did with religious faith. I was able to maintain my unshakeable demonstration of faith by my repeated acts of going apart to be with our Father, to be with my Divine Parents.

This exact method, approach and process are applicable to your lives here and now in this time on our world. Your actions towards finding your connection and maintaining it are primary in your future growth and development. It is essential that you find spirit and as well, find that spirit component of yourself and to actively seek to make the connection in spirit between these realities. As I mentioned, I have much gratitude for those who are aware of my past service with any degree of accuracy. I am also greatly pleased that in so following me your lives have been changed, your values elevated, and your spirit has developed a depth of character only available to those who spend the time to develop it.

Your sincere efforts to seek and find me have brought you to this point, have rewarded your efforts with finding that which you seek, even now. Trust this connection, this sensation of connection, this feeling of being on the same wavelength. Trust that this is our connection, this is where we meet, where we join forces together to be instruments of divine peace which is the desire of both of our hearts and bonds us forever to our eternal destiny of service. We are truly in this together, all for one and one for all. That is the vision, the plan, the ideal and what The Father desires, becomes. This shifting of reality into more divine pattern is what all of us as instruments of peace are attempting to assist and usher in. By grounding divine energy we present the platform for spirit manifestation.

I come to you over this platform you present to commune with you directly, to ask of you if you would follow me. If you will continue to pursue me and follow me I will lead you, I will guide you as you go as will your Indwelling Guide and spirit. I make you this promise that I will accompany you as a gesture of welcome and I invite you to join with me in our combined effort to be of service, to usher in the light, to act as the fine tuned instrument of peace that we may choose to be. Our mere desire to do so will provide us with all the opportunity you have need of. But I ask you to join me in this process willfully and purposely. Invite me into your process. Let us co-create the highest version of truth, beauty, and goodness that can be envisioned through our partnership. Choosing to welcome me into your process provides me the latitude of your experience, of your take on reality, your view of truth and all of these direct personal experiences are attributes that may be contributed to form the complete picture of the whole, of all that is, all that was, and all that shall be are present in the pieces, the individual parts that combine to form the ultimate tapestry and portrayal of the expression of the whole.

It is indeed my pleasure to join you when you provide such a circumstance and I always enjoy rubbing spiritual elbows with you as we join in this process. When we come close to each other in this way we rub energy signatures and are able to experience each others energy and become familiar with each others presence. This is the presence that endures, the presence that we will use to recognize each other, yours and mine, throughout time and space, in the spirit dimension, where we will remain as the individuals we have become with our distinct energy signatures to identify us. This is how we will recognize each other. This is how we recognize each other even now. This is how this communication even occurs.

This mortal life experience is so treasured because it brings you to the edge of wanting more and making sense of it, wanting greater meaning and value to be part of the experience and to find greater meaning and value one must turn to spirit, the ultimate source of meanings and values. And once you have begun to go to that source in spirit, then you recognize your part of the whole, a piece of the tapestry and that all pieces work together to form the whole and return to The First Source and Center. Such is the delight of those who are aware, therefore I recognize that you benefit from such awareness and even to the extent of the celebration of my birth at a more accurate time. Such actions demonstrate your faith in the reality of such things, they evidence your conviction and demonstrate your faith.

And so it is that you have created your energy signature to date, your individual recipe of energy as the result of your experiences and interpretations. No two individuals share identical life experiences for each one has looked out from their own portal window onto the world and each one has made decisions and suffered consequences which determine their approach. All of these fragmented individual realities are all as the pieces assembled to create a mosaic of great beauty, different individual pieces yet all contain the strain of mankind in the experience of being man. But blessed are those who are aware that this is so. Blessed are you gathered here who act in faith to embrace that this is so. Blessed are all the brothers and sisters in this gigantic family of man.

Help us to leverage the light Divine Parents. Help us to bring about greater awareness, more peace and more of your love, fundamental basic force of life. Accept our offers to be of service, to be an instrument of peace and allow us to manifest this as we are able. Help us to make this so as we move forward in our efforts to approach you and be with you in Paradise. Let us make it so, let us resolve that it will be so and that only time and patience stand between the execution of our desires and the vision received. Let us proceed forward as if this reality is the one we adhere to, the one we subscribe to, the one with the most divine flavor, divine context where meanings, truth, and values become highlighted and brought to the fore as we seek for them. Indeed it is a great pleasure to simply be with you in awareness that that is exactly what is occurring by permission of our spirit components, mine and yours, agreeing to allow such connection.

I stand in gratitude for all of these points of connection, all of these relays that may be flipped and switched to accommodate more spirit connection. I stand in gratitude for the awareness of these connections and the ability to increase the capacity of awareness, that we may grow into greater awareness through the application of our faith. This is the gift of grace that is bestowed upon the demonstration of great faith. This is a direct response to your prayerful petition and this is the regular, normal, routine process of communing with spirit, of accessing that aspect of your being. I appreciate exercises such as this where we become familiar with each other on this wavelength unique and under these conditions of allowing spirit to join and meet and even exchange and share.

It was indeed a good birthday celebration I observed this year when surrounded by family and love and spiritual guidance and light brought into the equation. Truly such an offering is a great gift, is a treasure that I will take and add to my experience of responses, each one unique and separate but each one individually tailored to be special, unique, individual, personal, of a unique energy signature. Continue to reach out in the direction of spirit and know that all efforts are met with a response, all effort meets with certain success, and all efforts build this character of spirit that you’re growing. All sincere efforts to reach out and grow in spirit are fostered and promoted and are greatly welcomed by your Creators who have created this paradigm for your growth and expansion and delight in seeing you avail yourselves of the process and choose love, choose spirit, choose divine pattern of your own accord.

Such is the gift the child gives the parent, the making of the divine choice as a result of the parenting and the seeking to be like the parents. I embrace this gesture, this gift that you all provide when you demonstrate your faith and your commitment to seeking me and finding me and as you witness, I respond to your request. I respond to your petition to be with you and join you, to come and spread the good word that all is well in the family of man and getting better with each one that becomes aware of the overall picture and circumstance of their being. Blessed are those who have had the vision granted of more divine patterns and ways for they are the workers in the fields of the Lord who would spread the good news and the glad tidings that they are connected, they are found, they are a part of the whole and a valued part of the complete picture.

All the individual pieces crave to become aware of their significance, of their place in relationship to everything else, to all the other fragments. This experience provided even now may bring some comfort to those who are still uncertain about such truths and realities. With your faith you may expand the awareness potential of those who have ears to hear which certainly does not include everyone. It becomes significant to attempt to ascertain the spiritual awareness of one who you seek to help to expand their consciousness and raise their awareness. It must be on terms that they can embrace with a framework that they can approach and relate to.

This is the challenge you face when sharing your spiritual experience. The presentation is subject to misinterpretation if words fall short of the expression and are limited. The spirit context will always be present behind the vision stated, behind the truth, beauty, or goodness that is portrayed. There is always a spiritual energy signature, just as there is with each individual life entity, also a matter of energy. All things are energy in different forms. You are currently manifesting one of the slowest forms of energy - the material form. When you become aware that all things are energy, that you are energy, and that all circumstance has energy potential, you then learn to master the flow of energy around you by conditioning it and tweaking the wavelength of frequency by subjecting it to your own intention.

These are the keys to creation, the keys to co-creation when you are in league with your Divine Parents. All energy conforms to pattern from the Creator. This is how you condition environments for positive results, this is how you change direction in approach because there is a flood of new valid energy. This energy is what you are homing onto each time you return to this well, this well of grace that may provide you with your insights and the answers to your prayers. Your willingness to return and your petition to continue to be involved provide you with the opportunity, set the stage for you to succeed with your efforts to connect, to form connections, create them, build them.

And all of this represents the progress of your spirit, the evolution of your soul as it moves forward. Your willingness to embrace these truths enables you to form an alliance, a willingness to work with the process, work with the growth cycle to make the most of opportunities and circumstance and with such an approach, certainly you may benefit from enhanced life experiences. As a result of the energy you have put in, you most certainly will reap the rewards and will receive the energy back out. There is no mystery to such an equation. What appears as mystery in all such cases is the motivation behind the approach, the method, the task, the circumstance, the method behind such a process is constantly up for the choosing.

Each time the opportunity arises you are granted the chance to choose again, to make a new and different choice and to see where the choice made in this moment, in this time, in this place will end up. What will become of these choices? That is what determines your progress forward. Your choices and subsequent consequences are there designed to provide you with all you have need of in terms of making choices and of observing the consequences and making new choices or perhaps the same ones based upon the previous success. Choice is what you have as an individual. It is a gift on a grand scale given to you by your Creator who endows you with creativity and trusts that you will choose the divine way, the way of light and therefore this Creator is so greatly pleased to witness these acts of faith and devotion you offer even now which serve to state your commitment to the universe at large, not just to me who gladly receives these commitments but to all the other key members as well. We are indeed all working on a common project, the reinstatement of this beautiful planet, this magnificent world of Urantia with so much potential. It simply needs to be elevated in spiritual frequency so that the values will align with more divine principles and the patterns may be traded for more divine examples .


I sense we have provided much to ponder and it is indeed my pleasure to be able to come among you as a voice among yours to bring you a fellowship of my love and the joy of our family membership. It is indeed my joy and I receive from you that it is yours as well. So be it, in gratitude I withdraw my presence but never my awareness, never my perception of your energy signature, your individual spark. I look forward to communing again as you will so allow and I stand in gratitude for your recognition of my service on our world which was in fact on your behalf as well as all the others. I accept your gratitude and your love and your offer to be of service. Let us be about this idea together. Let it be so. My love I leave with you, my peace as well. Drink of these cups, feel this love. Peace be with you, even now. Farewell.