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Topic: The Meaning of Morontia

Group: Lightline TeaM


Teacher: Nebadonia




Dear Mother Spirit and Michael: Welcome, dear spiritual parents. Here in Northern California it is a beautiful Spring evening. Outside my patio doors is a big sprawling tree all decked out in the purest white. It calls to mind a poem by E. E. Cummings - "Oh sweet Spontaneous Earth.” Let me tease everyone to look it up. It is a beautiful poem.

Michael, in your lesson last month, you gave us the most wonderfully detailed lesson on what our great Urantia Book has said about all the hundreds of ever-more-spiritual phases we go through after we have died. As we too--in a way--go to sleep like the earth goes into Winter and is re-born in Spring, we too go to sleep and are reborn on consecutively more spiritual worlds. It seems we could make up our own poem about ”Oh Sweet Spontaneous Universe” because our own Local Universe promises us an unending series of personal resurrections, each ever more spiritual.

Another further parallel is coming this Sunday--Easter Sunday. Michael, in your resurrection after crucifixion--as Jesus--you assured us that there is a similar resurrection promised for all of us. This great possibility is a wealth for all of us. So, Thank You. Thank You so much. We look forward to meeting you face-to-face someday. 


Nebadonia: Good evening. This is your Mother Spirit, Nebadonia. Michael and I are delighted to be with you as you realize the parallels that exist between both you and us as God’s children. Together we can more fully appreciate God’s handywork, not only on your own world where Michael--your Creator Son--had his

human life, but also on all the worlds of our Local Universe. They’ve been created and set up—and peopled--to support you in your coming life. This is your coming Morontia transformation from material to spiritual life, which your quasi-spiritual human souls have already begun. You have already begun the wonderful spiritualization of the material realms for yourself.

(The meaning of “Morontia”) Onward, the Morontia worlds will be your steppingstones to being a more purely spiritual person, even, someday, leaving our Local Universe and heading out into the galaxy. Let us pause for a moment and appreciate the glory of these worlds. Use your imagination to realize that, as you are sitting here listening to me tonight, these physical worlds exist out there. This is true, even though your wonderful, new, space-born telescope—revealing hundreds of millions of galaxies--can’t pick out these Mansion/Morontia transition worlds of our Local Universe. They are neither radiant nor luminous.

It takes your creative imagination to realize even somewhat that these worlds are real. They are right now waiting for you, while of course they’ve been busy for a long time housing and training human pilgrims who were headed for Paradise in the initial phases in their Morontia life.

(The Local Universe Morontia worlds) Just imagine them for a while, my children--these hundreds of uniquely constituted and populated worlds where one of their main purposes is to be a steppingstone for your spiritual transformation. Yet too, they also exist for their own populations. Think of the hundreds of thousands of Local Universes with these permanent real worlds with all their inhabitants--all their regular spiritual folks, you might say.

They form a great glory of God’s creation within all the Local Universes--these worlds sustaining and celebrating the whole Morontia spectrum, all the way up from the material which is the world you live on now. Each has its own increasing spiritual degree of plants and animals by the millions.

We tease you to think of your own thousands of species of spiders, on just one evolutionary planet. The Local Universe Transition Worlds have every single phase from the most material to the purely spiritual as a permanent, ongoing reality. This is one enormous wealth of a Local Universe, times the hundreds of thousands of other Local Universes within the seven Super Universes.

We celebrate your human ingenuity that gave you your new Webb telescope with its ever broader, deeper, and more profound grasp of the Grand Universe. It adds to your worship of our mutual Father’s works and the kind of mind that God must have to have conceived of these things, brought them into existence, and then so profusely peopled them. Add these millions of transition worlds to your appreciation.

(The cosmic hierarchy of spiritual beings) As for their vast spiritual communities, your wonderful Urantia Book talks about the hierarchy of cosmic spiritual beings, starting with the different grades of your own soul growth plus your own “mystery monitors”—the presence of God right within you. They will carry you clear across the universe, all the way to Paradise and the Trinity.

This is my lesson for tonight--the enormity of God’s creation and how so much of it is for your kind of personal being, with your personality right from him. So much is devoted to you and your spiritual growth. Think of God creating his enormous physical universe not only for his own experience, but for all the personal beings within it. They extend from the Trinity and the Master Spirits of Paradise, down through to the heads of the Super Universes, the Major and Minor Sectors, down to the 700,000 Local Universes. This is an enormous hierarchy of personal beings with their different abilities, spanning all the way up from you and your present lives.

(Your own personal expansion) Let me tease you to imagine your own expansion as you will come to grow your personal abilities and perceptions, not only of the greater-dimension physical universe coming into view, but of all the spirit friends you will meet and share your lives with. Their friendship will continue along with the friends you have already made, taking this journey with you. You may separate for a while, but then curiously meet again, and again--forever.

This is our promise, my dear ones. It is a joy to contemplate and meditate on. Think about these worlds specifically designed for your kind of personal being and how the universe is peopled with different orders of spiritual beings for you to meet and enjoy as you expand to encompass their greater reality.

My dears, this is also a big tease--in a way--for you to keep going within your earthly human lives. We know it is not always easy for you when you wake up in the morning and sometimes need to sit on the edge of the bed for a while to gather yourself together.

But you do get up, even if those first few steps may be rather shaky and you need to hold on to nearby furniture for a time.

(Have faith it’s God’s adventure set before you)  No matter the difficulty, know and have faith that this journey you have already started is just a beginning step. Even as your health and strength come and go for so many personal reasons in your life--but universally finally go in death--you too will know a reincarnation like the one you celebrate this coming Easter Sunday. That was the physical human life your Creator Son of God was so privileged, and thankful, and worshipful to his Father to have. What a glory that rebirth was for him--and for you, as you study his life and appreciate your own to come.

His life is wonderfully detailed for you in your Urantia Book, especially these parallels I have been talking about tonight, about going to sleep and then re-awakening. This will be a great step further on, like you already do when you get up in the morning and take those first few steps. It does help to realize this is all part of God’s plan. 

There are no limitations on him and his creation that you are part of, including all your trials, and aches, and pains. Everything of spiritual value adds to your wonderful soul. You can appreciate this glory you earn by living, resurrected every day and then given your blissful sleep again and again. You reconstitute yourselves to gather your strength and your determination to carry on.

(The advanced beings you will meet and acquire their reality)

There is laid out before you an eternal path. Your Urantia Book talks about meeting beings beyond your present comprehension. You can be truly, wonderfully humble enough to feel your own current limitations, imagining what it must be for a human being to traverse the spiritually peopled physical universe your new telescope gives you. Beyond are the billion worlds of the Central Universe, on your way to Paradise. Eventually you may become a Mighty Messenger, a kind of fulfilled one-time-human-being with all the power his or her clear-across-creation experiences give. It’s the Never-Ending Adventure--always something and someone more to meet, to encompass and make your own. These are your eternal possessions my dears, already a God-held part of your souls. So this Easter, my dears, accept the glory of the kind of beings you were created to be, with this potential. Join Michael and I in praising our Father.

Now if you have any questions or comments from your own dear human hearts, we’ll be giving some time for them.


Student: I would have the comment. Wow!--Happy Easter. (A kind of ultimate glory) Nebadonia: My dear, if you do feel a bit overwhelmed, that was definitely my purpose this Easter season. Think of all that is bound up in resurrection--that coming back to life again one more time, as it will be yours forever. It’s a kind of ultimate glory laid out before you. God does have an ultimate dimension, does he not--that he would love to share with you? 


Student #1: Well, thank you! And as I said, Happy Easter to us all.

Student #2: To us all. I love the resurrection story. Thank you. I never tire of it. Nebadonia: One of God’s great ideas. Laughter—all. Nebadonia: Good night, dear ones. Michael certainly bids you to be in his peace. Be in my love. Good night.


[O sweet spontaneous earth] BY E. E. CUMMINGS

O sweet spontaneous
earth how often have
fingers of
prurient philosophers pinched
,has the naughty thumb
of science prodded
thy beauty     
often have religions taken
thee upon their scraggy knees
squeezing and
buffeting thee that thou mightest conceive
to the incomparable
couch of death thy


thou answerest
them only with