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The University of the South www.sewanee.edu is a private, coeducational liberal arts college located in Sewanee, Tennessee. It is owned by twenty-eight southern dioceses of the Episcopal Church and its School of Theology is an official seminary of the church. The university's School of Letters offers graduate degrees in literature and creative writing. Often known simply as Sewanee, the school has a strong academic reputation and recently ranked 40th in the annual US News & World Report list of liberal arts colleges.US News & World Report summary of Sewanee Sewanee has produced 25 Rhodes Scholars, garnering the distinction of the most Rhodes Scholars per capita of any school in the country.Cite error: Closing </ref> missing for <ref> tag

When this naming system was proposed in 2004, it was misinterpreted by some alumni to reflect a change in the official name of the University. A minor scandal ensued, due in large part to insinuations that the change was intended to "distance" the University from its historic association with Southern culture. The controversy has generally subsided, though some students and alumni still mistakenly refer to the incident as a "name change".

Literary associations

The school has long been known for its literary associations. The Sewanee Review, founded in 1892, is thought to be the longest-running literary magazine in the country and has published and been praised by many distinguished authors. Its success has helped launch the well-regarded Sewanee Writers' Conference, held each summer.

In 1983, playwright and Pulitzer Prize winner Tennessee Williams, left his literary rights to the University of the South. Royalties have helped build the Tennessee Williams Center, a performance venue and teaching facility, and to create the Tennessee Williams teaching fellowships, which bring well-known figures in the arts to the campus.

"Ecce quam bonum et quam iucundum habitare fratres in unum," the University's motto, is taken from the opening of Psalm 133: "Behold how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity."[1]

Institutional traditions

The school is rich in distinctive traditions, many of which are tied to Southern culture. For example, male students wore coats and ties to classes -- this tradition has generally been continued, though the coat and tie are often combined with casual pants or shorts. Also, faculty and student members of the honor society wear academic gowns to teach or attend class -- perhaps the last vestige of this historically English practice in North America.[2] Similarly, the Highlanders and Wellingtons "drinking societies" continue to thrive after many decades, each displaying their own distinctive ceremonial garb at major events.

Modern traditions include the Festival of Lessons and Carols in early December, an imitation of the traditional Christmas service in Cambridge. Also, local mythology regarding angels is abundant; residents of the Domain tap the roofs of their cars as they pass through the stone gates in order to "get their angel" for protection in their travels. Numerous other traditions continue to flourish on the Mountain, many adapted to fit modern practices.

In recent years, some alumni and students have perceived that the school was trying downplay the university's traditions, particularly its historical and cultural ties with Southern culture.In Desire to Grow, Colleges in South Battle With Roots, The New York Times. Colleges suffer identity crisis, The Atlanta Journal Constitution.As a result, some traditions have come under special scrutiny.

One particular concern was the disappearance of a ceremonial baton, called a "mace," dedicated to Nathan Bedford Forrest and decorated with Confederate-themed marks and images. The mace, donated to the University in 1965, was displayed in official processions until 1997, after which it broke and was deemed unusable. A new mace, dedicated to the four founders of the University but bearing no Confederate imagery, was commissioned and continues to be used in University processions.

University hymn and alma mater

The University Hymn, written by Bishop Thomas Frank Gailor (1856-1935), is sung to the tune of Gott erhalte Franz den Kaiser (The Emperor's Hymn, known in English language hymnals as "Austria"), by Joseph Haydn.[1] The tune was previously used for the Austrian national anthem and a variation is used for Germany's national anthem.

God of Light, Whose face beholding,

Israel's Leader learned Thy Will,
Fire and storm the Rock enfolding,
Where the Voice was calm and still,
Give Thy Children on this Mountain
Grace and power Thy Truth to know;
Open here a living fountain,
Whence Thy Praise shall ever flow.

On the world now grows the Vision
Love of Country—Freedom's call;
Gage of Battle, Life's decision,
Faith will see the Christ through all.
Clearer, surer, rings the story,
"Christ our Brother—God Most High!
Through earth's vapors sweeps the glory,
Wrong, injustice, sin must die."

For the warfare train us, Father,
God of battles, God of might,
That no mists of Hell may gather,
Darken or obscure the right.
Gird our souls with Thy compassion,
Purge our minds with fire divine;
Light of Light, the Truth incarnate,

Make our lives and thoughts like Thine.

Alma Mater, written by Newton Middleton (Class of 1909)

Alma Mater, Sewanee
My Glorious Mother ever be.
I will give my All to Thee
God Bless Thee to Eternity.

Thou canst make me worth the while
O Guide and Shelter me.
And all my life, through Storm and Strife,
My Star Thou'lt be.

The School of Theology

The School of Theology at the University of the South was founded in 1878. Originally it was known as "St. Luke's" because it was housed in St. Luke's Hall, which was given by Charlotte Morris Manigault to the University specifically for a School of Theology. Following the merger of the Sewanee Military Academy with the nearby St. Andrew's School in 1981, the School of Theology moved to the former SMA campus. Because this new location was a mile away from St. Luke's Chapel (west of the UTS campus proper), seminarians worshipped in a converted classroom until a new chapel was constructed adjacent to the school in 2000. [2]

The School of Theology is one of the eleven seminaries officially connected with the Episcopal Church.

See also

External links

  1. Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named motto
  2. Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named Finder